


粘,把一种东西粘在另一种东西上:~金。粘~。剪~。靠近,紧挨:~近。~切(密合、恰当、确切)。~心。添补,补助:补~。津~。倒(dào )~。~息(用期票调换现款时付出利息)。同“帖”。传统戏剧角色名:~旦(次要的旦角。简称“贴”)。……





汉语拼音:tiē shuǐ







  1. 贴着或贴近水面。

    唐 韦应物 《始夏南园思旧里》诗:“池荷初贴水,林花已扫园。” 金 元好问 《刘邓州家聚鸭图》诗:“若为化作江鸥去,拍拍随君贴水飞。” 清 王士禛 《吕城雪霁》诗之一:“鸟飞皆贴水,舟泛若乘空。”

  2. 调换票据或兑换货币时,因比价的不同,比价低的一方补足一定的差额给另一方。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五九回:“此时我要回 上海 ,这些烂板银,早在 广州 贴水换了光板银元。” 洪深 《贫民惨剧》第五幕:“﹝ 刘姑丈 :﹞一五,票子是新的;一十,真好看;十五,没有数差吧?二十,是不是四张?二十五,全是本地的,不用贴水。”



  1. Fixed rate bonds pay a pre-determined coupon and FRNs pay coupons at a premium above the bank's fixed deposit rate.


  2. By virtue of storage economics, that means that if there is surplus of Canadian heavy sours, it translates into a discount for WTI.


  3. By buying the home currency, a government reduces the forward discount, and the reduction so effected is likely to encourage importers.


  4. In some cases, a premium neighborhood was an area's most lucrative.


  5. However, a share discount to par value can be significant for preference shares, which pay fixed dividends based on par value.


  6. The risk premium on Argentina's bonds has fallen by more than three percentage points over the past month.


  7. And if the economy improves or a liquidity discount does prove to exist in some assets, estimates for losses will be far smaller.


  8. The risk premium on Argentina's bonds has fallen.


  9. The discount rate was cut from 6% to 1. 75% by the end of 1993.


  1. 交易所贴水

    premium on the price.

  2. 远期外汇贴水

    forward foreign exchange discount

  3. 未摊销贴水

    unamortized discount.

  4. 债券发行贴水的摊销

    discount amortization

  5. 如果该股票可购买, 叫贴水。

    If the share can be bought, it is said to be at a discount.

  6. 由于跌停板限制,贴水扩大到350元。

    As the daily limit restrictions on the expansion of premium to 350 yuan.

  7. 如果远期汇率低于即期汇率, 其差额叫做贴水。

    If the forward rate is on the same level as the spot rate, they are known as at par.

  8. 完全正确。外币的远期升水意味着本币的远期就是贴水。

    Exactly. A forward premium on foreign currency means a forward discount on domestic currency.

  9. 直接标出的汇率是按升水或贴水的点调整的即期汇率。

    The outright rate is the spot rate adjusted by the points of discount or premium.

  10. 直接标出得汇率是按升水或贴水得点调整得即期汇率。

    The outright rate is the spot rate adjusted by the points of discount or premium.

  11. 从理论上说,这种贴现率代表着社会对现在消费的贴水。

    Ideally, the discount rate represents the premium that the society puts on present consumption.

  12. 地面萝卜种子形成贴和与水混合删除黑头。

    Ground radish seeds formed into paste and mixed with water remove blackheads.

  13. 该机适用于口服液,针剂,试管,眼药水等瓶子贴标。

    This machine is suitable for processing the bottle label of cuvette, eyedrop etc.

  14. 比较安全的作法是多准备些蜡烛和水,并贴好窗户。

    You'll be a lot safer stocking up on candles and water and up your windows.

  15. 制备了以聚丙烯酸钠为基材的高分子水凝胶退热贴。

    Cooling paste based on polyacrylate hydrogel was fabricated via radical polymerization.

  16. 我澄干脸盆里的水, 将瓶子贴在盆边呼唤我的小蟹。

    Unfortunately I could take only one due to the weight of my luggage.

  17. 御泥坊的矿物水嫩面膜美即的补水保湿面膜贴都是不错的。

    Royal Square, mineral mud mask supple beauty posted that the water moisture mask is good.

  18. 玻璃熔窑池壁砖内贴水包冷却的开发研究

    The Study of Cooling Wall Brick in Glass Furnace with Water Pipe.

  19. 巫师并以法水, 贴符驱逐邪凡魅。

    Wizards and water law, who posted at the expulsion of evil magic.

  20. 外汇贴水率

    exchange discount rate.

  21. 新生儿脐部应贴好防水贴。

    Paste the waterproofing paste on navel especially for the newborn.

  22. 用少许胶水把它们贴上。

    Stick them on using a small amount of glue.

  23. 用橡胶胶水把画贴在墙上。

    Paste the picture on the wall with rubber cement.

  24. 贴一张照片只需要胶水和纸

    When you paste an image, it's just paper and glue.

  25. 贴在屋顶上防屋顶等漏水的金属盖片。

    Sheet metal shaped and attached to a roof for strength and weatherproofing.

  26. 我把信封口抹上胶水了,可还是贴不上。

    Although I moistened it, the flap does not stick to the envelope.

  27. 用胶水或浆糊粘贴上,或者好像用胶水或者浆糊粘贴上了。

    Affixed or as if affixed with glue or paste.

  28. 我涂了大量胶水,可那张海报就是贴不住。

    The poster wouldnt stick even though I drenched it with glue.

  29. 我厂主要生产玻璃,陶瓷水转印贴花系列产品。

    I plant mainly produces glass, ceramic water transfer decals products.

  30. 肺胸膜与胸腔胸膜借助于它们之间的水膜紧紧贴连。

    With the aid of a film of moisture between them, the lung pleura adheres tightly to the cavity pleura.


  1. 问:贴水拼音怎么拼?贴水的读音是什么?贴水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贴水的读音是tiēshuǐ,贴水翻译成英文是 premium, agio

  2. 问:贴水汇率拼音怎么拼?贴水汇率的读音是什么?贴水汇率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贴水汇率的读音是tiē shuǐ huì lǜ,贴水汇率翻译成英文是 premium rate of exchange


