


1. 蹊 [xī]蹊 [xī]小路:“谚曰:桃李不言,下自成~。”~径(途径,如“独辟~~”)。践踏:“牵牛以~人之田而夺之牛”。……


1. 径 [jìng]径 [jìng]小路;亦指道路,方法:~道。山~。捷~。途~。大相~庭(相差太远)。直,直捷了当:~直。~流。~情(任性)。~自。数学上指连接圆心和圆周的直线:直~。……



汉语拼音:xī jìng








  1. 亦作“ 蹊逕 ”。指小路。

    《吕氏春秋·孟冬》:“备边境,完要塞,谨关梁,塞蹊径。” 汉 王粲 《从军》诗之五:“城郭生榛棘,蹊径无所由。” 晋 张载 《七哀》诗之一:“蒙蘢荆棘生,蹊逕登童竖。” 南朝 齐 谢朓 《和徐都曹》:“桃李成蹊逕,桑榆荫道周。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻四》:“牛至半途不循蹊径,负女渡岭驀涧,直入乱山。” 赵光荣 《里湖纪游》诗:“蜿蜒入杳渺,蹊径从何寻?”

  2. 门径;路子。

    《荀子·劝学》:“将原先王,本仁义,则礼正其经纬蹊径也。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·知音》:“独有此律,不谬蹊径。” 明 唐顺之 《卓小仙草书歌》:“虽然奔放不可覊,笔墨蹊径未尽遣。” 明 王世贞 《艺苑卮言》卷五:“又人学书……情景妙合,风格自上,不为古役,不堕蹊逕者,最也。” 清 王韬 《瓮牖馀谈·西儒实学》:“大闢畴人之蹊逕。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》十四:“对于这样另辟蹊径的教育宗旨与方法,自己确有坚强的信念。”



  1. A year ago, set-makers saw it as a nifty way of boosting flagging sales for a few dollars of additional electronics.


  2. There is another way to select the perfect gift but it involves changing our perception of what gift giving is all about.


  3. As Harris explains: 'She imagined life as a narrow pavement over an abyss. She had to walk along it without falling in. '


  4. Over the past few years our collaboration has developed a promising alternative to this much traveled superhighway of theoretical physics.


  5. On the techniques can be cited for the Fine Brushwork freehand brushwork and two paintings, each Xijing, each other characteristics.


  6. Just as many roads lead to success in the workplace, many different personalities attract followers.


  7. Therefore, to explore the prevention and treatment of malignant tumors with traditional Chinese medicine becomes another treating way.


  8. Now that his firm has blazed a trail, he says, others should find it easier to follow.


  9. To break this logic I have to dream up an answer, not find one that's already there.


  1. 有时可以另辟蹊径

    Sometimes there's a better way.

  2. 请走最短蹊径。

    Take the shortest way, please.

  3. 改革运动需要另辟蹊径。

    The reform movement needed a new outlet.

  4. 我们就另辟蹊径去赚钱

    We find ways to earn extra cash.

  5. 我们就另辟蹊径去赚钱。

    We find ways to earn extra cash.

  6. 如今,他们决定要另辟蹊径。

    At the moment they seem to be doing something else.

  7. 瑞奇。马丁决心另辟蹊径。

    Ricky Martin decided to try something different.

  8. 油价另辟蹊径来降低费用。

    Gas prices bring on new ways to cut corners.

  9. 但是,另辟蹊径是不可避免的。

    But the choice remains stark.

  10. 另辟蹊径解决这个问题的方法

    an unconventional approach to the problem

  11. 他俩漫步在林间蹊径上。

    They rambled on the footpath in the woods.

  12. 或者你希望自己曾经能够另辟蹊径?

    Or do you wish you had done differently?

  13. 我们得另辟蹊径去拿到最后得项目。

    We needed to get the final project out of the way.

  14. 我们可能需要另辟蹊径来获此信息。

    And we may need to find other ways of asking that information.

  15. 我们得另辟蹊径去拿到最后的项目。

    We needed to get the final project out of the way.

  16. 我们得另辟蹊径去拿到最后的项目。

    We needed to get the final project out of the way.

  17. 我们感谢主, 祢以爱所辟出的蹊径

    We thank Thee for the hidden paths Thy love hath made

  18. 由于是最后一个项目,我们想另辟蹊径。

    For a final project, we wanted to take a different tact.

  19. 对某问题别辟蹊径的处理方法

    A new and refreshing approach to a problem

  20. 人们能够另辟蹊径, 接触到各种不同的工作。

    People will move sideways to do different jobs.

  21. 然而, 减少二氧化碳的排放量则需另辟蹊径。

    Reducing emissions of carbon dioxide, however, is another matter.

  22. 这种方法要是行不通, 我们就只有另辟蹊径了。

    If this way won't work, we have to blaze a new trail.

  23. 这种方法要是行不通,我们就只有另辟蹊径了。

    If this way won't work, we have to blaze a new trail.

  24. 我们另辟蹊径, 我们的片子会更贴近生活, 更真实。

    We were trying to do something different, more intimate, maybe a little more realistic.

  25. 组织工程方法为治疗关节软骨缺损另辟蹊径。

    Tissue engineering approach provides alternative route to repair cartilage defect.

  26. 办法是不可行的, 我们只能别开蹊径。

    We have to find another way, because this one does not work.

  27. 只要哈马斯一天不消失,就必须另辟蹊径。

    Since Hamas is not going to disappear, some way must be found to change its mind.

  28. 他对这个问题找到一个另辟蹊径的处理方法。

    He found a new and refreshing approach to the problem.

  29. 看来这个办法是不可行的,我们只能别开蹊径。

    We have to find another way, because this one does not work.

  30. 约翰逊和阿乌伊塔各辟蹊径, 跻身田径比赛榜首。

    Johnson and Aouita blazed their way to the top of track and field.


  1. 问:蹊径拼音怎么拼?蹊径的读音是什么?蹊径翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蹊径的读音是xījìng,蹊径翻译成英文是 path




【拼音】xī jìng