







汉语拼音:shí tài







  1. 世情,世俗。

    唐 杜荀鹤 《晚春寄同年张曙先辈》诗:“莫将时态破天真,祗合高歌醉过春。” 明 姚汝循 《郡斋咏怀》:“安能逐时态,坐取索餐尤。” 清 唐孙华 《早秋杂兴次江位初韵》之三:“蝇如时态犹争热,蛩异人情但逐凉。”

  2. 时人的意态。

    宋 黄庭坚 《一落索》词:“一番时态一番新,到得意,皆欢慕。” 明 谢榛 《四溟诗话》卷四:“今之作者,譬诸宫女,虽善学古粧,亦不免微有时态。”



  1. There are many disadvantages if you do not learn grammar. For instance, you will not know what tense to use for a particular situation.


  2. You smiled and talked to me of nothing and felt that this I had been waiting long for.


  3. If a language has no future tense, for instance, its speakers would simply not be able to grasp our notion of future time.


  4. English tense system has always been one of the main subjects for linguists and grammarians .


  5. Because their discovery took place in 1932 and is not ongoing, the correct verb tense is simple past, not present perfect.


  6. At the end of the volume, Mr. Jobs answers the question "What drove me? " by discussing himself in the past tense.


  7. Do not use the subject "I" , use tenses in the past. Except for your present job. Example: Graduated from Tsinghua University.


  8. when she got home , the children had gone to bed.


  9. John could speak Chinese fluently when he was four. John was able to speak fluent Chinese when he was four.


  1. 时态逻辑学

    tense logic.

  2. 将来时态数据

    aftertime temporal data

  3. 时态实用软件包

    temporal utility package

  4. 时态与语态

    The tense and The Voices.

  5. 用未完成时态

    in the imperfect

  6. 注意时态的呼应。

    Pay attention to the sequence of tense.

  7. 一, 时态和语态

    The Tense and The Voice

  8. 可以扩展时态逻辑。

    And temporal logic can be extended.

  9. 注意世界语中的时态

    Note the use of tense in Esperanto.

  10. 时态语态要贴切

    Good tenses and proper voices

  11. 尽多地操练时态。

    Practise tenses as much as possible.

  12. 动词词根的所有时态

    All tenses of a root verb

  13. 现在时态的动词形式

    A verb form in the present tense.

  14. 你把时态用错了。

    You used the wrong tense.

  15. 论词位及其共时态

    On Lexeme and Its Synchrony

  16. 你们学了几种时态?

    How many tenses have you learned?

  17. 你应避免错用时态。

    You should avoid using the wrong tense.

  18. 被动语态的一般时态

    Passive Voice in Simple Tense

  19. 被动语态的完成时态

    Passive Voice in Perfect Tense

  20. 被动语态的进行时态

    Passive Voice in Progressive Tense

  21. 尽可能多地操练时态。

    Practise tenses as much as possible.

  22. 法语的过去未完成时态。

    the imperfect tenses in French

  23. 汉语中也没有过去时态。

    Chinese also has no past tense.

  24. 法语得过去未完成时态。

    the imperfect tenses in French.

  25. 国外英语时态研究综览

    A Survey of English Tense Studies Abroad

  26. 动词必须用现在完成时态。

    The verb must be in the present perfect tense.

  27. 英汉完成时态的异同

    The Distinctions and Similarities Between the Perfect Tense of Chinese and That of English

  28. 掌握现在完成时态的用法。

    To grasp the usage of the present perfect tense.

  29. 病史采取时时态假设推理

    temporal hypothesis reasoning in patient history taking

  30. 我们已经学了五个时态。

    We have already learnt five tenses.


  1. 问:时态拼音怎么拼?时态的读音是什么?时态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:时态的读音是shítài,时态翻译成英文是 tense

  2. 问:时态区间拼音怎么拼?时态区间的读音是什么?时态区间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:时态区间的读音是shí tài qū jiān,时态区间翻译成英文是 temporal interval

  3. 问:时态序列拼音怎么拼?时态序列的读音是什么?时态序列翻译成英文是什么?

    答:时态序列的读音是shí tài xù liè,时态序列翻译成英文是 sequence of tenses

  4. 问:时态逆移拼音怎么拼?时态逆移的读音是什么?时态逆移翻译成英文是什么?

    答:时态逆移的读音是shí tài nì yí,时态逆移翻译成英文是 backshifting

  5. 问:时态逻辑拼音怎么拼?时态逻辑的读音是什么?时态逻辑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:时态逻辑的读音是shí tài luó jí,时态逻辑翻译成英文是 tense logic

  6. 问:时态句条件拼音怎么拼?时态句条件的读音是什么?时态句条件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:时态句条件的读音是shítàijù tiáojiàn,时态句条件翻译成英文是 tensed S condition

  7. 问:时态数据建模拼音怎么拼?时态数据建模的读音是什么?时态数据建模翻译成英文是什么?

    答:时态数据建模的读音是shí tài shù jù jiàn mó,时态数据建模翻译成英文是 tense data modeling

  8. 问:时态、语气和体拼音怎么拼?时态、语气和体的读音是什么?时态、语气和体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:时态、语气和体的读音是shítài、yǔqìhétǐ,时态、语气和体翻译成英文是 Tense , Mood , and Aspect



英语 语法中的时态(tense)是一种动词形式,不同的时态用以表示不同的时间与方式。 是表示行为、动作、状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式,在英语中有16种时态。