




1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……



汉语拼音:xué zhǎng








  1. 主持学习的人。

    宋 吴曾 《能改斋漫录·记事二》:“乃命 张耆 为学长, 张景宗 观察为副学长, 杨崇勋 、 夏守贇 为学察, 安守中 团练而下为学生。” 老舍 《老张的哲学》第四:“好!你今年十九, 李应 也十九;他可以作大学长,你为何不可以?”

  2. 对同学或前届同学的尊称。

    吴玉章 《从甲午战争前后到辛亥革命前后的回忆》一:“在‘尊经书院’的时候,学长们还不断地给我讲述前辈同学们的斗争故事。”

  3. 主持学校事务的人。

    宋 江千里 《句容县五瑞图题记》:“是岁五月既望,免解进士充县学学长 江千里 谨书。” 张舜徽 《清人文集别录·许庼学林》:“ 光绪 中, 江苏 布政使 彭绍年 ,创设 学古堂 ,聘 雷浚 为学长。”

  4. 旧时大学亦称分科或预科的主任为学长。

    蔡元培 《我在北京大学的经历》:“是年,政府任 严幼陵 君为北京大学校长……改任 何锡侯 君,不久又辞,乃以工科学长 胡次珊 君代理。”



  1. Actually, I would like to thank here YinBin seniors, he let me know, still can use this way to think, still can use such a way of life.


  2. In addition, if you know some of those school's former school mates sister, you will be able to get the most intuitive feelings.


  3. They told him he'd had a chance, they had seen what he could do, and it was time to give someone else a try, he said.


  4. But it quickly became clear he should stop, he said, and he appreciated the way the older students broke it to him.


  5. The hole household school leader, the kind court attendant school leader rests today too sinks, calls not to awake, how manages?


  6. The students from the upper classes gave Fang a warm welcome and helped her to carry her luggage.


  7. Peach City: Fuji fellow students, you do not like the dry vegetable juice do?


  8. We are not gatITed ITe heeasystays to send off first of we upperclassman, Mr. Smith, which get be appointed to his new post in London.


  9. Students learn from her mouth to have a preliminary understanding of society.


  1. 难忘的学长学习的典范

    Cherish the Memory of Prof. Wei Yanzhang

  2. 他是我大学的学长。

    He was my senior at college.

  3. 悼周卜颐老学长

    Memory of Senior Schoolmate Zhou Buyi

  4. 来自成都,女儿要学长笛。

    From Chengdu, her daughter wants to learn flute.

  5. 我避开不喜欢的学长。

    I try to avoid a senior I do not like.

  6. 为什么我必须为学长斟酒?

    Why do I have to pour drinks for the older student ?

  7. 擅长手风琴, 正准备学长笛。

    To be good at accordion, want to learn flute.

  8. 我崇拜社团的一位学长。

    I adore a senior in our club.

  9. 他己不学钢琴改学长笛了。

    He has given up the piano and gone over to the flute.

  10. 我突然发现,我们将要成为学长!

    I suddenly found that we are going to be seniors!

  11. 我不行吗?因为我比学长小吗?

    I can't be your girlfriend? Because I'm your junior?

  12. 他是我的学长,这方面是专家。

    He's my senior, he's an expert in this.

  13. 我已经学长笛有两年多了!

    I have learned flute more than two years!

  14. 向学长和你的辅导员寻求建议。

    Seek advice from older students and of course your advisor.

  15. 作为你的学长、曾经的乐队队长、朋友。

    As your elder schoolmate, ever band leader and friend.

  16. 来自临沂, 爱好竹笛演奏。想学长笛。

    From Linyi, like to play bamboo flute and want to learn flute.

  17. 你们是学长啊, 为什么要结伙欺负我们?

    You're seniors, so why are you ganging up on us ?

  18. 大气湍流光学长曝光像的数值计算

    Numerical Simulation of Long Exposure Optical Imaging through Atmospheric Turbulence

  19. 来自广州, 现是竹笛, 最想学长笛!

    From guangzhou, like to play bamboo flute, but want to learn flute very much.

  20. 所有的学长都认识我。我觉得自己很特别。

    All my seniors knew me. I felt really special.

  21. 真有意思,这位学长后来成了她老公。

    It is so interesting that later on this senior student became her husband.

  22. 真有意思,这位学长后来成了她老公。

    It is so interesting that later on this senior student became her husband.

  23. 在这里,我想感谢俱乐部的学长学姐们。

    Here, I would like to thank the club for their sister school students.

  24. 在棒球社的那些学长非常霸道, 是不是?

    The older guys in the baseball club are so bossy, are not they?

  25. 你看那位李学长真是大出风头。

    Did you see the senior student Li cut a dash?

  26. 但是我留级流了2年了,当我是你学长巴。

    I ve flunked 2 years so its been 5 years in high school for me.

  27. 嗨,我从学长们那里拿到所有的资料了。

    Hey, I got all the information from the upperclassmen.

  28. 陈教授对学长培导计划的价值予以肯定。

    Prof.Chan affirmed the value of alumni mentoring.

  29. 陈教授对学长培导计划得价值予以肯定。

    Prof. Chan affirmed the value of alumni mentoring.

  30. 西医学长于分析、长于局部,短于整体和综合。

    West medicine is adept at analysis, microcosmic, and fail in macrocosm and synthesis.


  1. 问:学长拼音怎么拼?学长的读音是什么?学长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:学长的读音是xuézhǎng,学长翻译成英文是 A term of respect for one's schoolmate who is olde...



“学长”是个多义词,它可以指学长(职务名称), 学长(汉语词汇), 学长(聚会游戏), 学长(原创高笑相声剧)。