









汉语拼音:yī yào fèi






医药费 [yī yào fèi]
  1. 医疗和药品所需的费用。




  1. A highest tendon of middle finger and forefinger ruptures , how much should medical expenses want?


  2. I paid medical expenses for the girls, did not expect was waiting for him to wake up and really thought I hit him.


  3. The Turkish state, he says, offered neither medical care nor compensation, leaving him to hobble on a wooden foot that he made for himself.


  4. She may think of him and treat him that way, buying his food, paying his health bills and his taxes, but in fact Allan is a dog.


  5. I said I do not want you to pay my medical bills, I did not want you to repay me later!


  6. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it and then wrote something on the side.


  7. A charity was set up to help pay for his medical bills and major work was carried out at the farmhouse to give him the facilities he needed.


  8. The only problem is that I work in a factory all day, everyday, just to pay for the medications Adam needs to get by.


  9. TB patients unable to pay medical expenses due to the interruption of treatment, are not uncommon in clinical practice.


  1. 巨额医药费保险

    major medical insurance policy

  2. 医药费也应先垫付。

    Medical expenses should also be the first advance.

  3. 医药费我也要出一点。

    We still need to pay part of her medical fees.

  4. 还是需要我赔给你医药费?

    Or need I pay for your medical fee?

  5. 在医药费上她是否需要帮助

    if she needs some help with her medical bills.

  6. 她正在索赔医药费和其他花费。

    She is demanding reimbursement for medical and other expenses.

  7. 老年人其实最操心的是医药费的问题。

    We know the elderly are most worried about medical bills.

  8. 如果他们哪受伤了 我来付医药费。

    If they got hurt at all, I'll pay for the doctor bills.

  9. 痛就要告诉我,我会帮你付医药费的。

    Tell me if it hurts. I'll pay for the hospital bill.

  10. 医药费已付一杯牛奶。华德凯利医生。

    Paid in full with a glass of milk. Dr. Howard Kelly.

  11. 夫妇二人在利率低时货款来付医药费。

    The couple refinanced at a low interest rate to free up money for medical bills.

  12. 等等。要是辛迪一直在给你付医药费的话

    But wait a minute. If Cindi was paying your hospital bills this whole time

  13. 他可爱的儿子能付得起医药费,玛兰达

    That beautiful boy has health coverage. Miranda.

  14. 凯利医生要求把医药费通知单送到他那里。

    Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval.

  15. 等等。要是辛迪一直在给你付医药费得话

    But wait a minute. If Cindi was paying your hospital bills this whole time.

  16. 他们用他上大学的基金付了膀胱开刀的医药费。

    They for the bladder operation with his college fund.

  17. 她病了两年了, 所有的医药费都得我们自己出。

    She has been sick for two years now. We have to pay all our medical bills ourselves.

  18. 乔有那么多医药费要付, 因此他在经济上很困难。

    Having had so many medical bills to pay, Joe is now up a tree financially.

  19. 她希望来港工作支付母亲的医药费和子女的教育开支。

    She wants to go to HK to for her mother's medicine and for her children's education.

  20. 几乎她所需要的一切,如医药费等,都是我自己出钱。

    I have to pay for almost everything she needs, such as medicine, myself, she said.

  21. 看来, 怀拉兹克一直往堪萨斯寄钱, 帮助他父亲付医药费。

    Wyrazik, it appears, was sending money to Kansas to help pay medical expenses for his father.

  22. 中指和食指的最高的一节肌腱断裂,医药费应该要多少啊?

    A highest tendon of middle finger and forefinger ruptures, how much should medical expenses want?

  23. 甚至连医药费都没钱支付 所以,我每天只能吃两餐饭。

    I mean, for me to even pay for my medicines I've had to cut down to two meals a day.

  24. 假若您不幸患上严重疾病,你的医药费可高达数十万元。

    Should you succumb to a critical illness, medical bills may amount to thousands of dollars.


  1. 问:医药费拼音怎么拼?医药费的读音是什么?医药费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:医药费的读音是yīyàofèi,医药费翻译成英文是 medical expenses