


封建时代君主受朝问政的地方:朝(cháo )~。宫~。~杖。~试(科举时代皇帝的殿试)。~对(a.在朝廷中当众对答;b.科举时代皇帝的殿试)。……





汉语拼音:tíng duì



1.在朝廷上回答皇帝的咨询。《后汉书·邳彤传》:“彤 廷对曰:‘议者之言皆非也。’”清 陈康祺《郎潜纪闻》卷三:“陶文毅公 丰裁峻整,好议论人物,惟恐不尽,虽廷对亦然。”


3.即廷试。宋 陆游《老学庵笔记》卷七:“庠 果为南省第一,不及廷对而死。”《明史·忠义传四·李中正》:“万历 末,举会试,以 天啟 二年赴廷对,授 承天府 推官,迁兵部主事。”王闿运《李仁元传》:“以进士廷对,第高同列。”



  1. 在朝廷上回答皇帝的咨询。

    《后汉书·邳彤传》:“ 彤 廷对曰:‘议者之言皆非也。’” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷三:“ 陶文毅公 丰裁峻整,好议论人物,惟恐不尽,虽廷对亦然。”

  2. 指皇帝在朝廷上召问臣下,使奏对政事。


  3. 即廷试。

    宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷七:“ 庠 果为南省第一,不及廷对而死。”《明史·忠义传四·李中正》:“ 万历 末,举会试,以 天啟 二年赴廷对,授 承天府 推官,迁兵部主事。” 王闿运 《李仁元传》:“以进士廷对,第高同列。”



  1. A passionate record of a lost generation, it made Brittain one of the best-loved writers of her time.


  2. Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Organa regrouped, having witnessed Palpatine's terribly expedient extermination of the Jedi and their allies.


  1. 下周,荷兰将对战阿根廷。

    Holland will be taking on Argentina next week.

  2. 我对阿根廷的梅西的看法?

    What do I think of the Argentinian Messi?

  3. 等等,这里是亨廷顿墓地,对吗?

    Wait, that's Huntington graveyard, right?

  4. 等等,这里是亨廷顿墓地,对吗?

    Wait, that's Huntington graveyard, right?

  5. 皇帝对瓦仑廷斯的所作所为大为光火。

    The emperor was furious at what Valentinus did.

  6. 一对表演者在表演阿根廷探戈舞。

    A pair of performers is performing Argentine tango.

  7. 今晚是巴西队对阿根廷队吗

    Is Brazil going to play against Argentina tonight

  8. 我们有几个对阿根廷博厄斯。

    We have several pairs of argentine boas.

  9. 第二章是对阿根廷危机得回顾。

    In the second chapter, I retrospect the Argentina's crisis.

  10. 第二章是对阿根廷危机的回顾。

    In the second chapter, I retrospect the Argentina's crisis.

  11. 你看了阿根廷对荷兰的比赛吗?

    Did you watch the football match between Argentina and holland?

  12. 对怀廷而言,内向必然意味着额外的准备。

    For Mr Whiting, being an introvert inevitably means extra preparation.

  13. 阿根廷对华贸易差额在2008年转为逆差。

    Argentina s trade balance with China swung into a deficit in 2008.

  14. 如果我认为帕尔帕廷才是对的, 那又怎样?

    What if I think Palpatine's way is the right way?

  15. 由于对阿根廷干旱天气的担心, 玉米期价上涨。

    Corn futures posted gains, supported by concerns of dryness in Argentina.

  16. 拉斯普廷对沙皇及皇后施以强大的催眠力。

    Rasputin exercised some strong hypnotic power over the Tsar and his wife.

  17. 英国和阿根廷都声称对福克兰群岛有所有权。

    Both Britain and Argentina lay claim to the Falkland Islands.

  18. 如果阿根廷志愿帮助秘书处, 他们也对此表示欢迎。

    If Argentina was volunteering to help the Secretariat, it would also welcome that.

  19. 如果克里斯廷有感冒,用芥末面粉对她的感冒有好处。

    If Christine has flu, a footbath with mustard flour would do her good.

  20. 也就是说, 清廷对林则徐的奏折尚未作出反应。

    Is also say, Manchu Court to wood then slowly of the memorial haven't made a reaction.

  21. 最后,清廷对蒙地人口封禁政策与其弛禁政策相矛盾。

    Last, the ban policy of population contradicted the policy of lifting the ban of population.

  22. 本文对阿根廷鱿鱼主要生化成分进行分析和比较。

    This paper focuse on analyzing and studying the Biochemical composition of Sep ia iuex argentinus.

  23. 这项措施对阿根廷货币制度的影响主要有三方面。

    The measure had three main implications for the monetary system in argentina.

  24. 阿根廷人事后曾说,这次袭击对他们是出其不意的。

    The Argentines have said subsequently that they were taken unawares by the attack.

  25. 阿根廷人事后曾说,这次袭击对他们是出其不意得。

    The Argentines have said subsequently that they were taken unawares by the attack.

  26. 阿根廷政府承诺对福克兰群岛地名的使用进行审查。

    The Argentine Government are committed to review their use of Falklands place names.

  27. 廷斯利博士在棋盘上还有5枚棋子,对手钦诺克还有4枚。

    Dr Tinsley had five pieces on the board against Chinooks four.

  28. 对我们来说重要的事是再次为阿根廷赢的一些东西。

    The important thing is to win something for the country again.

  29. 在任用宦官的同时,皇帝也利用外廷官员对其加以防范。

    While appointing the eunuch, the emperor guarded them through the officials.

  30. 阿根廷毫无根据地继续坚持自己对福克兰群岛的主权。

    Argentina continued without any justification to insist on its sovereignty over the Falkland Islands.



tíng duì ㄊㄧㄥˊ ㄉㄨㄟˋ 廷对(廷对) (1).在朝廷上回答皇帝的咨询。《后汉书·邳彤传》:“ 彤 廷对曰:‘议者之言皆非也。’” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷三:“ 陶文毅公 丰裁峻整,好议论人物,惟恐不尽,虽廷对亦然。” (2).指皇帝在朝廷上召问臣下,使奏对政事。《续资治通鉴·宋仁宗嘉祐六年》:“伏望陛下念根本之重,为宗庙之计……廷对大臣,审择宫邸。” (3).即廷试。

宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷七:“ 庠 果为南省第一,不及廷对而死。”《明史·忠义传四·李中正》:“ 万历 末,举会试,以 天启 二年赴廷对,授 承天府 推官,迁兵部主事。” 王闿运 《李仁元传》:“以进士廷对,第高同列。”