




1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……







汉语拼音:bì jīng zhī lù








  • 【解释】:经:经过。一定要经过的道路。亦作“必由之路”。
  • 【出自】:老舍《无名高地有了名》十九:“二十五号才是敌人反扑必经之路,那里高,那里窄,我们不易仰攻,也无法多用人力。我们须在适当时间,放弃了它,坚守主峰和二十七号。”


  1. This converts the benefits of convenient gate is clear: content-rich will certainly make it a major search engine.


  2. It has been a necessary trip around the business world for us to investigate this example of corruption.


  3. Meanwhile, Mula quickly ran around the bend and placed the man's sack in the middle of the road where he would have to come upon it .


  4. Like the Great Plains , the vast Mountain and Desert region was a land which people hurried through on their way west.


  5. Property order reforms the only way which must be passed being that small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises comes back to life.


  6. Competing with the state-owned capital and foreign capital, the only way is to be bigger and stronger.


  7. It would also be a natural step for a family-owned firm of this size, bankers say.


  8. Never trying to improve yourself is a guaranteed path to living a completely average life.


  9. Each day, men from various parts of Asia make a stop in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) where they embark on their search for a perfect match.


  1. 这里是大臣们每天上朝的必经之路。

    Officials must pass this way to go to court every day.

  2. 这条公路是通往那座城市的必经之路。

    This road is the only way to go to that city.

  3. 我军已在敌人的必经之路预置了埋伏。

    Our troops have made an advance ambush on the way that the enemy must pass.

  4. 坎坷的人生之路

    the rocky road of life

  5. 人生之路并非一帆风顺。

    The path through life is not always smooth or easy.

  6. 两者都是生命中必经之途。

    Both are essential to life.

  7. 达到光辉顶点之路是陡峭的。

    Steep be the road by which glory scales the height .

  8. 中国的丝绸之路是汉武帝在位时开辟的。

    The Chinese Silk Road was constructed under the western Han Emperor Wudi.

  9. 这项比赛被比作是一条通往成功之路。

    This competition is compared to a journey to success.

  10. 那个职位只是他通往名誉和财富之路的跳板。

    The job was just a stepping stone on his way to fame and riches.

  11. 原来痛苦是人生必经之旅, 失去也可以作如是观。

    The original pain is life journey, lost can also form.

  12. 看过他总集的人,才会了解他的文学创作之路。

    Only those who have read his general collection can understand his literary path.

  13. 人类幸福之路就是坚定不移沿着做好事的大道前进;

    The road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast well-doing;

  14. 因此,民事诉讼标的概念是民事诉讼法学理论的必经之桥。

    Therefore, the concept of the object is the only way to the theory of civil procedure law.

  15. 丝绸之路为我国早期与欧洲地区的经济文化交流做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    The Silk Road made indelible contributions to the economic and cultural communication between Europe and our country in early years.

  16. 今年国际妇女节弘扬的主题是“平等接受教育、培训和利用科技的权利:妇女通往体面工作之路”。

    This year's International Women's Day is inspired by the theme of 'Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women.'

  17. 我们迫切需要巩固民主制度,不能关上通向自由之路。

    We call out for the need to strengthen democracy and to not close the path to liberty.

  18. 这座桥是通向庙宇的必经之道。

    The only access to the temple is across the bridge.

  19. 这座桥是通向庙宇得必经之道。

    The only access to the temple is across the bridge.

  20. 湾仔是大陆来往横琴得必经之地。

    Hengqin to and from the mainland Wan Chai, is an essential place.

  21. 湾仔是大陆来往横琴的必经之地。

    Hengqin to and from the mainland Wan Chai, is an essential place.

  22. 住在飓风必经之地的人需要在飓风到来前撤离。

    People living in the track of the hurricane had to leave their homes before it arrived.

  23. 明码实价是广告业走向规范服务的必经之途

    Clearly Pricing is the Inevitable Way to Standardization of Ad Services

  24. 地理位置十分重要,为历代兵家必争,商旅必经之地。

    Location is very important, in order to compete for military history, business pass through.

  25. 要走向人类生活世界的必经之途是让技术合理化。

    The rationalization of technology is the indispensable way to going towards life world.

  26. 这条狭窄的水域是来往欧洲和远东商船的必经之地。

    The narrow waterway is vital to ships carrying goods between Europe and the Far East.

  27. 山脚之九思村, 为进山必经之地, 游人常在此驻足憩息。

    Jiusi the foot the village passthethe tourists often stop at this rest.

  28. 然而,由于该公司的授权生产协议禁止收购者绝对控制其产品系列,一些有意收购该公司的竞标者──其中包括路易威登和古驰──只好避而远之。

    Potential suitors - LVMH and Gucci among them - have shied away from Klein's privately held company because its licensing agreements would deny a buyer dominant control of its product lines.