








1. 休 [xiū]2. 休 [xǔ]休 [xiū]歇息:~整。~假。~闲。离~。停止:~业。完结(多指失败或死亡)。旧指丈夫把妻子赶回母家,断绝夫妻关系:~妻。不要:~想。~提。吉庆,美善,福禄:~咎(吉凶)。助词,用于语末,与“罢”、“……



汉语拼音:wú zhǐ wú xiū



  1. The thought that her best time, that might have been spent in loving him, was being wasted like this for no object, continually fretted her.


  2. Access to funding has assumed tremendous importance in this era of almost nonstop election campaigns and huge advertising expenses.


  3. They talked endlessly of life, tuberculosis, books.


  4. The shame and fault finds no excuse nor end.


  1. 记着我,当你不能再无止无休。

    Remember me when no more day by day.

  2. 她害怕混乱、纠纷和无止无休的解释,便克制了自己。

    The dread of fuss and bother, and of endless explanation, restrained her.

  3. 伯莎只觉得无止无休地活下去叫人寒心。

    To Bertha the idea of living for ever and ever was merely ghastly.

  4. 讨论好像无尽无休。

    The discussion seemed endless.

  5. 我们全年无休。

    We are open every day of the week, all year.

  6. 他们无止无休地谈论人生,肺结核,书籍。

    They talked endlessly of life, tuberculosis, books.

  7. 接连的无尽无休的聚会

    An endless whirl of parties

  8. 因果的链条无休无止。

    There is the endless chain of cause and effect.

  9. 无尽无休的、单调乏味的家务

    The endless drudgery of housework

  10. 多么无休无止, 沉闷的讲话!

    What an endless and tedious talk!

  11. 无尽无休地谈论政府的过失。

    Descant endlessly on the government's failings.

  12. 关于外援的争论无休无止。

    The argument over foreign aid goes on and on.

  13. 你有可能赢数百万。无尽无休!

    You could win millions!The sky's the limit!

  14. 等候了很多小时, 似乎无尽无休。

    The hours of waiting seemed endless.

  15. 但是这种供应不会无休无止。

    But the supply is not inexhaustible.

  16. 我并不赞成议会无尽无休的辩论。

    I am not arguing for the goose gabble of parliamentarians.

  17. 病毒也能组合再重组,无休无止。

    The virus can combine and recombine again and again.

  18. 双重标准, 虚伪和谎言似乎无休无止。

    The double standards, the hypocrisy and the lies seem to be limitless.

  19. 我年终无休,没有周末,也没有公休假期。

    I do not get weekends or public holidays off.

  20. 小王只要一打起游戏来就无尽无休!

    Xiao Wang can never stop when he plays computer games.

  21. 小王只要一打起游戏来就无尽无休!

    Xiao Wang can never stop when he plays computer games.

  22. 听他无休无止地抱怨真使人心烦。

    It is irksome to listen to his constant complaints.

  23. 我是说,如果没有全天无休的护理

    I mean, if she doesn't have 245 nursing.

  24. 这只是无休无止的争辩中的几个问题。

    These are just a few of the questions that provoke endless debate.

  25. 关于价值的讨论无休无止, 但仅此而已。

    That is what the interminable discussion of values is all about.

  26. 在这场赌博中他可能赢数百万!无尽无休!

    During the gambling he could win millions! The sky's the limit!

  27. 亲爱的,我将无休无眠,直到回到你的身边。

    Darling I will never rest till I am by your side.

  28. 这些无休无止的争吵的战场, 就叫做形而上学。

    a matron outcast and forsaken, she mourns like Hecuba Modo maxima rerum, tot generis natisque potens nunc trahor exul, inops.

  29. 我们看到的是无休无止的冲突,甚至是种族灭绝。

    We see unending conflicts, even genocide.

  30. 此后的一个星期,生活就如同无休无止的梦境。

    For a week after this, life was like a restless dream.

