


建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……









汉语拼音:mén wú zá bīn








  • 【解释】:家中没有闲杂的人来作客。形容交友谨慎。
  • 【出自】:晋·陶潜《晋故征西大将军长史孟府君传》:“门无杂宾,尝会神情独得,便超然命驾,径之龙山;顾景酣宴,造夕乃归。”
  • 【示例】:唐赵大夫崇,凝重清介,~。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作宾语、补语;形容交友谨慎


  1. na.
  2. never associate with bad companions;no persons of dubious character coming to the family;cautious in making friends

  1. 她求助无门。

    She has nobody she can turn to.

  2. 请帮助我, 我已求告无门。

    Please help me. I have no one to turn to now.

  3. 祸福无门, 唯人自招。

    every man brings them on himself.Fortunes or misfortunes are all created by man himself.

  4. 叫天天不应, 入地地无门

    nowhere to turn for help

  5. 祸福无门,唯人自招。

    every man brings them on himself.Fortunes or misfortunes are all created by man himself.

  6. 我们只是试图帮助求告无门的女性。

    We just try to help women who have no one else to turn to.

  7. 最后李女士投诉无门, 只能自认倒霉。

    Ms. Li is complained finally without the door, avowed and can hapless.

  8. 多少次,我们几度上诉无门,报警未理。

    How much times, we made several attempts to appeal, useless. Alarm, useless.

  9. 他们有话想说又时而感到欲说无门。

    They have something to say, yet often feel the channels are lacking.

  10. 他们未能做出决定,这使她进退无门。

    Their failure to come to a decision put her in an impossible position.

  11. 我很想成为漫画家, 但一直苦于无门。

    I had always wanted to be a cartoonist but never knew how to go about it.

  12. 无门曰, 胝并童子悟处, 不在指头上。

    The enlightenment of Gutei and of the boy does not depend on the finger.

  13. 无门曰、倶胝并童子悟处、不在指头上。

    The enlightenment of Gutei and of the boy does not depend on the finger.

  14. 很多虚拟财产权利被侵害后, 往往投诉无门。

    People did not know where to complain when a lot of virtual property rights were violated.

  15. 由于7个跌停板成交量寥寥,基金基本上处于出逃无门。

    Volume 7 limit due to a handful,such funds are nowhere to flee.

  16. 小龙与师兄走散, 流落街头, 寻佛无门, 只得卖武为生。

    The dragonet and the fellow apprentices disperse, wander about destitute the street corner, seeks Buddha not to have the gate, have to sells Wu Weisheng.

  17. 我敲了门, 但无人应答。

    I knocked at the door but no one answered.

  18. 我们敲了门, 但无人应。

    We rapped on the door, but there was no answer.

  19. 我敲了门, 但无人应声开门。

    I knocked at the door, but nobody answered.

  20. 无骨架门扇

    unframed door.

  21. 我敲了很长时间的门,可是无人回答。

    Ive been knocking away for ages, but nobody has answered the door.

  22. 我敲了很长时间得门,可是无人回答。

    Ive been knocking away for ages, but nobody has answered the door.

  23. 我在你面前给你一个敞开的门,是无人能关的。

    I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.

  24. 看啊, 我在你面前给你一个敞开的门, 是无人能关的。

    Look, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut.

  25. 看啊,我在你面前给你一个敞开得门,是无人能关得。

    Look,I have set before you an open door,which no one is able to shut.

  26. 厦门无居民海岛

    uninhabited island in Xiamen

  27. 万安船闸人字门无级变速改造与运行

    Retrofitting and Operation of Shiplock Heeringbone Door Stepless Change in Wanan Hydropower Station

  28. 卷闸门, 和谐门, 无框门, 铝合金。

    Gate, harmony doors, Wu Kuang doors, aluminum alloy.

  29. 当我将来呼援无门时。

    When there might be none to assist in my recovery.

  30. 当我将来呼援无门时,我会后悔自己没有听从他的忠告。

    I would have leisure hereafter to reflect upon having neglected his counsel when there might be none to assist in my recovery.


门无杂宾(mén wú zá bīn)——家里面一般没有乱七八糟的宾客。形容人交友慎重,不胡乱交朋友。