







汉语拼音:wàng wàng




1.瞻望貌;依恋貌。《礼记·问丧》:“其往送也,望望然,汲汲然,如有追而弗及也。”郑玄 注:“望望,瞻顾之貌也。”南朝 齐 谢朓《怀古人》诗:“望望忽超远,何由见所思?”唐 董思恭《感怀》诗:“望望情何极,浪浪泪空泫。”宋 王安石《舟还江南阻风有怀伯兄》诗:“平皋望望欲何嚮,薄宦嗟嗟空此行。”

2.失望貌;扫兴貌。《孟子·公孙丑上》:“推恶恶之心,思与乡人立,其冠不正,望望然去之,若将浼焉。”朱熹 集注:“望望,去而不顾之貌。”唐 唐彦谦《感物》诗之一:“岂无鱼鳖交,望望为所憎。”明 刘若愚《酌中志·见闻琐事杂记》:“﹝公﹞以其爱画之心,而为爱才之举,则天下必不致有遗才,如此图中望望而去也。”茅盾《在公园里》:“到池边去张一眼,‘呀,没有鱼的!’终于踏遍了园里的每一条路,就望望然走了的,是我们的真正老牌国货的小市民。”

3.急切盼望貌。唐 杜甫《洗兵马》诗:“田家望望惜雨乾,布穀处处催春种。”宋 梅尧臣《寄李献甫》诗:“望望当速来,止琴视孤鸿。”清 陆以湉《冷庐杂识·赵屏山》:“望望吟幐逐去蓬,归程千里雪初融。”

4.犹看看。明 汤显祖《紫箫记·就婚》:“俺从不到这楼上,李十郎 一时未来,且同郡主楼上望望。”杨沫《青春之歌》第一部第三章:“于是她抬起头来,望望寂静的树林,望望双门紧闭的古庙,慢慢地站起身来。”

5.指探望。《儒林外史》第二二回:“閒着无事,去望望 郭铁笔。”



  1. 瞻望貌;依恋貌。

    《礼记·问丧》:“其往送也,望望然,汲汲然,如有追而弗及也。” 郑玄 注:“望望,瞻顾之貌也。” 南朝 齐 谢朓 《怀古人》诗:“望望忽超远,何由见所思?” 唐 董思恭 《感怀》诗:“望望情何极,浪浪泪空泫。” 宋 王安石 《舟还江南阻风有怀伯兄》诗:“平皋望望欲何嚮,薄宦嗟嗟空此行。”

  2. 失望貌;扫兴貌。

    《孟子·公孙丑上》:“推恶恶之心,思与乡人立,其冠不正,望望然去之,若将浼焉。” 朱熹 集注:“望望,去而不顾之貌。” 唐 唐彦谦 《感物》诗之一:“岂无鱼鳖交,望望为所憎。” 明 刘若愚 《酌中志·见闻琐事杂记》:“﹝公﹞以其爱画之心,而为爱才之举,则天下必不致有遗才,如此图中望望而去也。” 茅盾 《在公园里》:“到池边去张一眼,‘呀,没有鱼的!’终于踏遍了园里的每一条路,就望望然走了的,是我们的真正老牌国货的小市民。”

  3. 急切盼望貌。

    唐 杜甫 《洗兵马》诗:“田家望望惜雨乾,布穀处处催春种。” 宋 梅尧臣 《寄李献甫》诗:“望望当速来,止琴视孤鸿。” 清 陆以湉 《冷庐杂识·赵屏山》:“望望吟幐逐去蓬,归程千里雪初融。”

  4. 犹看看。

    明 汤显祖 《紫箫记·就婚》:“俺从不到这楼上, 李十郎 一时未来,且同郡主楼上望望。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第三章:“于是她抬起头来,望望寂静的树林,望望双门紧闭的古庙,慢慢地站起身来。”

  5. 指探望。

    《儒林外史》第二二回:“閒着无事,去望望 郭铁笔 。”



  1. I looked around uneasily, half expecting to see Ginette coming after me with a tomahawk.


  2. the steersman, glad to be relieved, looked at the captain, and te latter by a sign indicated that he might abandon it to his new comrade.


  3. The old man, happening in course of time to look that way, at length chanced to see him to his unbounded astonishment.


  4. She looked at Ransie to see if he noted any flaw or partiality or self-partisanship in heR statement of their business.


  5. Then she looked at him; but he would neither open his mouth nor look again.


  6. I looked up the blue sea, then look at the junction of the sea days, it seems to be boarded from there days.


  7. Stay all night? No, ' she said, looking slowly round. 'Ellen, I'll burn that door down, but I'll get out. '


  8. Only when he came to the word tarnish, he looked upon his lace like one a little mortified.


  9. The stem of everyone eager, the sweat bedewed clothes, flow full ZHANG ZHANG's smiling face, hope the whose on the faces is all red all.


  1. 她东瞅瞅西望望。

    She let her gaze wander.

  2. 偶尔望望天上的云彩,

    Only once in a while, I look up at the clouds above

  3. 他斜着眼朝我望望。

    He looked at me sideways.

  4. 他又望望自己附近的目标。

    He then looked at the objects near him.

  5. 祖母茫然不解地朝四处望望。

    Grandmother looked about in perplexity.

  6. 我给你开缩短时候, 你望望风。

    Just keep an eye while I work on your cell.

  7. 她挽一挽头发, 近视地望望我。

    She tucked at her hair and looked at me nearsightedly.

  8. 我抬起头来望望天上的明月。

    Lifting my head I at the moon.

  9. 她一会儿望望吉英, 一会儿笑笑, 一会儿摇摇头。

    She looked at Jane, smiled shook by turns.

  10. 抬头望望天空可以缓解你的疲劳。

    Looking up at the sky can make you feel less tired.

  11. 大家你望望我, 我看看你, 急得火烧火燎。

    All you looked at me, I look at you, huohuo liao anxious.

  12. 母亲为难地望望父亲,叹了一口气。

    The mother hopes embarrassedly to visit father, sighed at a heat.

  13. 我到您窗子下面的近处来望望。

    I come to gaze upon your windows near at hand.

  14. 我隔着铁丝网望望奥军得阵地。

    I looked across the wire at the Austrian lines.

  15. 我隔着铁丝网望望奥军的阵地。

    I looked across the wire at the Austrian lines.

  16. 我望望白宫的廊柱,望望草地,望望自己的鞋子。

    I looked at the Colonnade. I looked at the grass, my shoes.

  17. 他有一阵非要往里边望望清楚不可。

    For a time he tried doggedly to see into the place.

  18. 他拉开窗帘,望望窗外阴沉沉的天空。

    He drew the curtains and looked out at the sullen sky.

  19. 她望望周围, 别的人都听得津津有味

    She glanced about her and saw the others gazing at him with rapt attention

  20. 她用那恳求的惶恐不安的目光望望他。

    With frightened, imploring eyes she looked at him.

  21. 格洛弗小姐望望她,不了解她这话得意思。

    Miss Glover looked at her with some want of intelligence.

  22. 格洛弗小姐望望她,不了解她这话的意思。

    Miss Glover looked at her with some want of intelligence.

  23. 这人向四处望望之后才决定怎么走。

    The man looked in all directions before deciding which way to go.

  24. 然后她望望他, 但他既不开口, 也不再望她。

    Then she looked at him but he would neither open his mouth nor look again.

  25. 常常有人伸出头来, 望望后面的队伍。

    There was much jerking of heads, and looking down the line.

  26. 他望望两排农民,朝地上啐了一口唾沫。

    He looked at the double line of peasants and he spat on the ground.

  27. 她沉默了一会儿, 向下望望, 又拾起头来。

    She paused a moment, looked down, looked up again.

  28. 拉姆齐医生困惑不解地朝她俩逐一望望。

    Dr.Ramsay looked from one to the other with perplexity.

  29. 老人时常对鱼望望, 好确定真有这么回事。

    The old man looked at the fish constantly to make sure it was true.

  30. 柯林先生悠闲自在地朝四下望望,瞻仰瞻仰一切。

    Mr. Collins was at leisure to look around him and edmire.


望望,基本解释:1.瞻望貌;依恋貌。 2.失望貌;扫兴貌。 3.急切盼望貌。 4.犹看看。 5.指探望。 6.金华电台经济台主持人。