


中央有孔的圆形佩玉:~佩。圈形的东西:~形。连~。铁~。花~。耳~。围绕:~视。~顾。~拜。~海。~球。~行(xíng )。日~食。相互联系的许多事物中的一个:重要的一~。险象~生。量词,用于记录射击环靶的成绩:今天打了十~。姓。……




1. 化 [huà]2. 化 [huā]化 [huà]性质或形态改变:变~。分~。僵~。教(jiào )~。熔~。融~。潜移默~。~干弋为玉帛。。佛教、道教徒募集财物:~缘。~斋。用在名词或形容词后,表示转变成某种性质或状态:丑~。绿~。习……





汉语拼音:huán jìng huà xué






  1. pesticide toxicology and environmental chemistry information for the general public - fully searchable and selectively retrievable .


  2. The research of dioxins in the atmosphere is one of the hot spots to environmental chemists.


  3. This course provides participants with a review of fundamental chemistry and environmental chemistry concepts.


  4. Arsenic among chemical elements pollution is one of the most serious pollutants.


  5. In recent years, scientists have been concerned for disrupting effects of environmental chemicals on reproductive and endocrine system.


  6. Complete with worked examples, the book is aimed at advanced undergraduate and graduate chemistry students studying environmental chemistry.


  7. Therefore iron reduction has important signification on soil environmental chemistry and bioremediation of contaminated soil.


  8. All such matters involve environmental chemistry for understanding of the problems and for arriving at solutions to them.


  9. This project has theoretical values and realistic meaning to analytical chemistry and environmental chemistry.


  1. 环境化学分析

    environmental chemistry analysis.

  2. 水环境化学

    Aqueous Environmental Chemistry.

  3. 环境化学物

    environmental chemical pollutants

  4. 土壤环境化学

    soil environmental chemistry

  5. 环境化学工程

    Environmental Chemical Engineering.

  6. 地理环境化学演化

    chemical evolution of geographical environment

  7. 环境化学与工业经验

    Environmental Chemistry with Industrial Experience

  8. 论化学污染与环境化学教育

    Chemical Pollution and Environmental Chemistry Education

  9. 环境化学致癌物快速筛检

    rapid screening test for environmental chemical carcinogens

  10. 统计分析在环境化学中的应用

    Application of Statistical Analysis to Environmental Chemistry

  11. 溢油海水环境化学行为的研究

    Study on Marine Environmental Chemical Behaviors of Spilled Oil

  12. 环境化学物的生殖毒性研究进展

    Review of Reproductive Toxicity of Environmental Chemical Pollutants

  13. 柱撑粘土材料的环境化学行为

    Environmental Chemistry Behaviors of the Pillared Clay Mineral Materials

  14. 仪器分析与环境化学的环境实验室作业

    Environmental Laboratory Exercises for Instrumental Analysis and Environmental Chemistry

  15. 案例教学法在环境化学课程中的应用

    Application of Case Teaching Method in the Course of Environmental Chemistry

  16. 环境化学与普通化学相结合教学的探讨

    An Exploration on Combination of Environmental Chemistry and General Chemistry in Teaching

  17. 环境化学实验教学体系的改革与创新

    Reformation and Innovation of the Experimental Teaching System of Environmental Chemistry

  18. 河内国立大学环境化学中心实施了调查。

    The Centre of Environmental Chemistry, Hanoi National University, conducted the research.

  19. 构建一个开放的环境化学实验教学体系

    Research on an opening experimental teaching system of environmental chemistry

  20. 环境化学采用计算机辅助教学的研究与实践

    The Study and Practice of using CAI in Environmental Chemistry

  21. 本文讨论环境化学学科的范畴、组成及特色。

    The category, contents and features of environmental chemistry are discussed.

  22. 环境化学从化学的角度来研究污染中的化学规律。

    The environmental chemistry studies the chemical principle in environmental pollution from the chemical perspective.

  23. 显像管玻壳铅尘环境化学行为的研究

    Environmentally Chemical Behavior of Lead Dust from a Kinescope Glass Shell in Soil

  24. 提供杀虫剂毒性与环境化学方面的资讯查询。

    pesticide toxicology and environmental chemistry information for the general public fully searchable and selectively retrievable.

  25. 三峡水库成库初期丰水期水环境化学特征

    Characteristics of Water Environmental Chemistry in Flood Season in Incipient Three Gorges Reservoir.

  26. 植物和动物体对环境化学成分的变化非常敏感。

    Plant and animal life is sensitive to changes in the chemistry of the environment.

  27. 腐植酸在广西红壤类土中的环境化学特征

    Environmental Chemical Features of Humic Acid in Red Soils in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

  28. 青海海北化工厂铬渣堆积场土壤中铬的环境化学行为研究

    Environmental Behavior of Chrome in Soils Around Residue Piling Yard in Qinghai Haibei Chemical Plant.

  29. 环境化学污染物对线粒体呼吸链系统作用机制的研究进展

    Advances in Study on Effecting Mechanism of Environmental Chemical Pollutants to Mitochondria

  30. 原生地球化学环境

    natural geochemical environment


  1. 问:环境化学拼音怎么拼?环境化学的读音是什么?环境化学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:环境化学的读音是huán jìng huà xué,环境化学翻译成英文是 environmental chemistry

  2. 问:环境化学演化拼音怎么拼?环境化学演化的读音是什么?环境化学演化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:环境化学演化的读音是huán jìng huà xué yǎn huà,环境化学演化翻译成英文是 chemical evolution of environment

  3. 问:环境化学致癌物拼音怎么拼?环境化学致癌物的读音是什么?环境化学致癌物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:环境化学致癌物的读音是huán jìng huà xué zhì ái wù,环境化学致癌物翻译成英文是 environmental chemical carcinogen