




1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:mǎi jiā






  1. 买主。

    樊增祥 《批复盛合禀词》:“以后抽收行用炭斤,只准向卖家抽取,不得取之买家。”



  1. also begun to use intermediaries have branches all over the advantages and began to introduce foreign buyers Mission Canton.


  2. And you are no true junk shopper if you march purposefully round the shop as if you knew exactly what you wanted.


  3. With economic strength and quality of life of both raised, yearning for Villa life in a growing number of buyers in the beginning to show.


  4. The U. S. would have to offer higher rates on its bonds to attract other buyers, which would drive up the cost of servicing U. S. debt.


  5. He said Juniper Networks Inc, another network equipment maker, could also be a potential buyer.


  6. Analysts said the buyer would have control of the entire supply in Europe, forcing the price yet higher.


  7. Tom Cruise supposedly owns this bed. There's a little plaque on the end that, you know, each buyer gets their name engraved on it.


  8. Chinese buyers used to be able to re-export their treasures for up to two years after they had bought them.


  9. Unable to find buyers in western Massachusetts, he took the copies to New York City, where he was arrested for peddling without a license.


  1. 他不是什么买家。

    He's not one of the buyers.

  2. 他不是什么买家。

    He's not one of the buyers.

  3. 他不是什么买家。

    He's not one of the buyers.

  4. 我想买家用汽车。

    I’m looking for a family car.

  5. 全球买家招募中。

    The global buyer enlist medium.

  6. 买家就会退出

    then the buyers are gonna back out.

  7. 萨维奇是买家之一。

    Savage'll be one of the buyers.

  8. 我们进门,装作是买家

    And we went in, pretending to be buyers.

  9. 其三,让买家欲罢不能。

    Thirdly, let buy the home cannot help doing sth.

  10. 买家云集打造有效平台

    Gathered Buyers Assures the Platform Effective

  11. 赛尔夫继续联系买家。

    Self plans to sell Scylla.

  12. 我们将会与买家核实。

    We will check with the buyer.

  13. 买家可以另外付款买配件。

    Fittings were available at an extra cost to the buyer.

  14. 买家可以另外付款买配件。

    Fittings were available at an extra cost to the buyer.

  15. 买家希望买的越低越好。

    Buyers want to buy as cheaply as possible.

  16. 如何回覆买家的问题?

    How to answer questions from buyers?

  17. 买家不仅仅是俄罗斯人。

    It is not just Russians who are buying.

  18. 通知买家货物应付金。

    To inform the buyer of the amount payable for goods to be shipped.

  19. 向买家贴送新的留言

    Post new message to buyer

  20. 我们可能刚刚找到了买家。

    We may have just found our buyer.

  21. 我们可能刚刚找到了买家。

    We may have just found our buyer.

  22. 你应当尽快向买家报价。

    You must quote the cargo to the buyers as soon as possible.

  23. 从前, 有一个买家和一个卖家。

    Once upon a time there were a buyer and a seller.

  24. 如买家们莫视这交易守则?

    If the buyers not regard this transaction rules ?

  25. 新西兰买家求购混凝土泵配件。

    New Zealand Buyer, looking for concrete pump parts.

  26. 在拍卖会上, 买家支付运费。

    At an auction, the buyer pays the freight.

  27. 由于你买家在等着做买卖。

    The buyers are waiting for this deal to happen because of you.

  28. 欢迎贵公司携同买家出席。

    You are welcome to bring along your buyers to attend the reception.

  29. 卡荷尔说买家有点急躁

    And Cahill says the buyers are getting twitchy.

  30. 我是一个有吸引力的买家?

    Am I an appealing buyer?