


1. 亚 [yà]亚 [yà]较差:他的体力不~于你。次一等:~军。~圣。原子价较低的,酸根或化合物中少含一个氢原子或氧原子的:硫酸~铁。指“亚细亚洲”(位于东半球的东北部,简称“亚洲”):东~。……





汉语拼音:yà děng






  1. 谓声誉、地位并列,同等。

    元 关汉卿 《裴度还带》第二折:“那其间青霄独步上天梯,看姓名亚等呼先辈。”



  1. Kostya waited for a few moments to see if he would say anything else.


  2. Vice Foreign Minister Wang Guangya was also present at the meeting.


  3. Vice Foreign Minister Wang Guangya and other officials attended the meeting.


  4. In modern times, in Manila, Bangkok, Batavia, etc, are Chinese defense for the base of Chinatown.


  5. State-owned companies are bargain-hunting for copper and iron ore in more stable places like Zambia and Liberia.


  6. Countries such as Nigeria and Kenya are even further ahead. South Africa is out of sight.


  7. Mike: Aloha, Malia. Oh wait a minute, what are you doing?


  8. "Sub Equal Strength" Combination Structure of Wear-resistant Materials of Milling and Planing Tools


  1. 沙棘籽油,核桃油,石榴籽油,亚麻籽油等。

    Seabuckthorn seed oil, walnut oil, pomegranate seed oil, flaxseed oil.

  2. 然而, 在五天后的蒙得维的亚, 科威尔等诸将却摔了跟头。

    Five days later in Montevideo, however, Harry Kewell and co came a cropper.

  3. 英语在新加坡,尼日利亚等国就是第二语言。

    English is as a second language in countries such as Singapore and Nigeria.

  4. 我们中的一些人也读莎士比亚等大作家的作品。

    Some of us read authors like Shakespeare.

  5. 象尼日利亚等国的高温将巧克力变成粘糊的块块。

    High temperatures in countries like Nigeria reduce chocolate into a sticky, gooey mess.

  6. 美国青年诗人, 曾在各国任教, 游踪遍及欧亚等国。

    An American poet. He has taught and traveled in Asia and Europe.

  7. 克斯特亚等了一会儿,看看他还会说些什么别的。

    Kostya waited for a few moments to see if he would say anything else.

  8. 拥有建新,捷豹,兴亚等有实力的汽配生产企业。

    Have manufacturings enterprise of automobile fitting with strength of building new, victory leopard, revitalize inferiorly etc.

  9. 但在欧亚等国外销售渠道上, 我们又不免心存担忧。

    However, in Europe Asia, and other sales channels abroad, we can not help but feel worried.

  10. 乌拉圭副总统兼国会主席,参议长诺沃亚等会见时在座。

    Uruguays Vice President, National Congress President and Senate President Rodolfo Gustavo Nin Novoa and other officials attended the meeting.

  11. 尼日利亚,安哥拉,赤道几内亚等石油国家做得非常之差。

    The oil states of Nigeria, Angola and Equatorial Guinea did very badly.

  12. 所以他是在伊朗,孟加拉,阿尔及利亚等国成长起来的。

    So as a child was brought up in Iran, Bangladesh, Algeria etc.

  13. 在旧金山的推销会议上, 西莉亚等掌声平静下去, 继续发言。

    At the San Francisco sales meeting after waiting for applause to subside, Celia continued her address.

  14. 刚果民主共和国和利比里亚等国多年饱经冲突之患。

    Countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Liberia have endured years of conflict.

  15. 我在等亚历克斯主动?

    So I'm prepared all the time.What about grooming?

  16. 罗马尼亚求购电缆等

    Buy Natural Rubber And Steel Cable

  17. 维多利亚三等勋章

    Commander of the Royal Victorian Order

  18. 一个是大卫等次的弥赛亚

    Messiah in the order of David

  19. 我相信亚历克斯会在门口等我。

    I believe Alex will wait for me at the gate.

  20. 等一下,我没说过我要做任何事情亚。

    Whoa, I didn't say I was going to do anything.

  21. 阿尔巴尼亚的贫困和不平等现象

    Poverty and inequality in Albania

  22. 流光放电等离子体液相氧化亚硫酸铵

    Oxidation of Ammonium Sulfite in Aqueous Solutions with Streamer Plasmas

  23. 译著有莎士比亚悲剧四种, 英国诗选等。

    His translations include Four Tragedies of Shakespeare and Selections of English Verse.

  24. 或去阿尔巴尼亚好玩么?等类似的问题。

    or How was your trip to Albania? or something like that.

  25. 等下,我不明白为什么她会和利亚姆交往

    Wait, I don't understand how could she be dating Liam?

  26. 一等兵圣地亚哥开会时迟过到吗

    Was Private Santiago ever late for platoon meetings.

  27. 果然不错,又是汤姆?索亚在那儿等我哩。

    Sure enough, there was Tom sawyer waiting for me.

  28. 保加利亚求购制作高级领带的原料、填料等。

    High necktie production of raw materials, fillers, etc.

  29. 国家等不同的罗马尼亚和奥地利将包括在内。

    Countries as diverse as Romania and Austria will be included.

  30. 尼日利亚求购防弹服、防弹车等安保器材

    Bulletproof garment, bulletproof car and safe protect equipment


  1. 问:亚等极的拼音怎么拼?亚等极的的读音是什么?亚等极的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亚等极的的读音是yà děng jí de,亚等极的翻译成英文是 paraisopolar, subisopolar