


1. 种 [zhǒng]2. 种 [zhòng]3. 种 [chóng]种 [zhǒng]生物在生态和形态上具有不同特点的分类的基本单位:物~。~差(chā),植物果实中能长成新植物的部分,又泛指生物传代繁殖的物质:~子。~禽。~畜。撒~。……


撒种:~种(zhóng )。~种(zhòng )(用撒布种子的方式种植)。~撒。夏~。春~。传扬,传布:广~。传~。~音。~发。~弄。~扬(a.宣扬,传扬;b.发动)。~放。~映。……



汉语拼音:zhǒng bō






  1. 耕种,播种。

    宋 黄庭坚 《演雅》诗:“络纬何尝省机织,布穀未应勤种播。”



  1. In this thesis, The mechanically sowing technology on rape cultivation was studied, and variable-drop sower was creatively designed.


  1. 莫因鸟儿啄故置种不播

    Forbear not sowing because of birds.

  2. 播了种才会有收获。

    We must sow before we reap.

  3. 他们已经在油菜地里播了种。

    They seeded in the field of rape.

  4. 春夏两种播期甜高粱主要生物学性状比较分析

    Comparison of Main Biological Characters of Spring Sowing and Summer Sowing Sweet Sorghum.

  5. 施肥播种镐是涉及施肥播种镐结构得改进。

    The utility model relates an improved structure of a fertilizing and seeding pickax.

  6. 施肥播种镐是涉及施肥播种镐结构的改进。

    The utility model relates an improved structure of a fertilizing and seeding pickax.

  7. 如春天播种子, 这种子种下去, 等秋天才可收成。

    If we plant seeds in the spring, we need to wait until autumn for the harvests.

  8. 播种得季节又到了, 这次他可不播萝卜, 而是种上了小麦。

    When planting time came the peasant did not plant turnips again, but wheat.

  9. 播种的季节又到了,这次他可不播萝卜,而是种上了小麦。

    When planting time came the peasant did not plant turnips again, but wheat.

  10. 六月播下南瓜种,

    Plant pumpkin seeds in June

  11. 六月播下南瓜种,。

    Plant pumpkin seeds in June.

  12. 在一块地里播草种

    sow a plot of land with grass

  13. 他们在田地里播了麦种。

    They sowed the fields with wheat.

  14. 猫儿到处播下风流种。

    Cats really get to sow their wild oats.

  15. 晚播冬小麦新品种比较试验

    The Comparative Experiment in Late Sowing New Winter Wheat Varieties

  16. 你播完种只能期待明年会丰收。

    What you sow you can only hope to harvest a year later.

  17. 一种分层多播的带宽适应策略

    A Bandwidth Adaptation Policy for Layered Multicast.

  18. 奉献不是你欠的债,而是你播下的种。

    Giving is not a debt you owe, it's a seed you sow.

  19. 我上星期播下的豆种还未出土。

    The beans I sowed last week haven't come up yet.

  20. 杂交玉米夏播制种粗缩病的防治

    Preventing and Cure for Drarf in Hybrid Maize Production in Summer

  21. 一种多播拥塞控制中速率的调节机制

    An approach for regulating the transmission rate in multicast.

  22. 提出一种数字窄播系统的信息组播方案。

    An implementation scheme of digital narrowcast system was presented in this paper.

  23. 没想到这一比较给她播下了祸种。

    It was that comparison which was her undoing.

  24. 鲜食糯玉米杂交种不同播期鉴定的研究

    Study on The Identification of Fresh eatable Waxy Hybrid Corn Planted in Different Time

  25. 摘要提出一种数字窄播系统的信息组播方案。

    An implementation scheme of digital narrowcast system was presented in this paper.

  26. 三种混播组合不同刈割时期的营养动态研究

    Study on nutrient dynamics of three type mixed sowing combinations and different cutting time

  27. 您希望播放机以何种方式访问多播信息文件?

    How do you want players to access the multicast information file ?

  28. 定西旱地几种作物膜侧沟播高效栽培技术

    Cultivation Techniques with High Efficient of Furrow Seeding Several Crops Side Film in Dryland of Dingxi

  29. 水稻芽种拌干土粉处理对机播性能的影响

    Influence of Rice Bud Seed Mixed With Dry Soil Powder on Seeding Performance

  30. 一种基于分层应用层多播的数据可靠传输算法

    A Reliable Data Transmission Algorithm Based on Hierarchical Application Layer Multicast