







汉语拼音:chù shǒu






  1. 犹污手。某些民族的一种习惯,以左手进食;右手则接触秽物,称为“触手”。

    宋 岳珂 《桯史·番禺海獠》:“ 番禺 有海獠杂居……旦輒会食,不置匕箸,用金银为巨槽,合鮭炙、粱米为一,洒以蔷露,散以冰脑。坐者皆寘右手于褥下不用,曰此为触手,惟以溷而已,羣以左手攫取,饱而涤之。”按,此指居住在当地的信仰伊斯兰教的 波斯 人或 阿拉伯 人。

  2. 水螅等低等动物的感觉器官。多生在口旁,状如丝或手指,藉以感触外物,亦可用来捕食。

    徐珂 《清稗类钞·动物·鹦鹉螺》:“鸚鵡螺为软体动物,有四鳃,口之周围多丝状触手。”



  1. Alico will give it a presence in 64 countries, up from 17 now, taking its non-American revenue from 15% of the total to 40%.


  2. He could also direct heat into his tentacles, and was able to detach all five from his body and control them remotely.


  3. Grandparents are similar to a piece of string - handy to have around and easily wrapped around the fingers of grandchildren.


  4. As always, I was electrically aware of Edward sitting close enough to touch, as distant as if he were merely an invention of my imagination.


  5. Qureshi said the forces of the tentacles of terrorism have been all over the world, conflicts should not be aligned outside a country.


  6. I've been walking for hours, yet it still looks as if I could reach out and touch it.


  7. Restaurant worker Baek Mun-soo said he likes the fresh taste of live octopus tentacles. "Live means fresh, " he said.


  8. Clear the bottom of the sea, soft sand, the sky can be reached , and the sweet village.


  9. The distance between two points is just thoughts, there is no other, as if at your fingertips, but out of reach.


  1. 创作, 触手的细节

    Creating a piece, tentacle details

  2. 他越是触手可及。

    The more available he gets.

  3. 真实可信 触手可及

    It's believable, it's tactile.

  4. 章鱼有八个长触手。

    An octopus has eight long tentacles.

  5. 属于、关于或象触手一样。

    Of or relating to or resembling tentacles.

  6. 什么使奥运会触手可及?

    What brings the Modern Olympic Games within reach?

  7. 爱却在内心深处触手可及。

    But I will always feel her deep inside.

  8. 墨鱼把虾牢牢的握在触手。

    And the cuttlefish has the shrimp firmly in its tentacles.

  9. 季末 寂寞, 与我触手可及。

    Endofthe quarter, loneliness, and Curcuma at your fingertips.

  10. 一个中学文凭触手可及了。

    A high school diploma remains just out of reach.

  11. 虫的触手,看起来像是金色的草。

    The tentacles of the bugs looked like golden grass.

  12. 经营理念成为高校创造品牌的触手。

    operation moral being the tentacle of school creating brand.

  13. 躲藏在海葵的有毒触手中。

    The toxic tentacles of its host sea anemone in Tahiti.

  14. 他们有8只带着小吸口的小触手。

    They have 8 tiny arms adorned with suckers.

  15. 感觉或触觉器官, 例如触角, 触手或触须。

    Zoology A sensory or tactile organ, such as an antenna, a tentacle, or a barbel.

  16. 触角,触须感觉或触觉器官,例如触角,触手或触须。

    A sensory or tactile organ,such as an antenna,a tentacle,or a barbel.

  17. 而且他们产生不了触手可及的结果。

    And they dont produce tangible results.

  18. 它有刺的触手也为蟹提供保护。

    And give the crab in return a certain protection with their stinging tentacles.

  19. 我们所有得希望和梦想都触手可及。

    And all our hope and dreams are within reach.

  20. 我们所有的希望和梦想都触手可及。

    And all our hope and dreams are within reach.

  21. 玻璃窗里得高调, 触手碰不到得温度。

    Glazing of highprofile, tentacle didnt touch the temperature.

  22. 玻璃窗里的高调,触手碰不到的温度。

    Glazing of highprofile, tentacle didnt touch the temperature.

  23. 图中每一个触手大约两毫米长。

    Each tentacle is about two millimeters long.

  24. 金融界将触手伸到相关得学术领域。

    Finance tentacles around relevant parts of the academic world.

  25. 金融界将触手伸到相关的学术领域。

    Finance tentacles around relevant parts of the academic world.

  26. 我们喜欢把触靶练习扩展成触手口令。

    We like to expand the targeting into a hand touch command.

  27. 章鱼口味冰激凌想要尝试触手的感觉么?

    Octopus Ice Cream Want to tantalize the taste buds with a tentacleIf so, Octopus Ice Cream is the go.

  28. 触手可及只是假象 咫尺天涯才是箴意。

    The tentacle may and be only a pseudomorph, unbearable admonishes Italy.

  29. 原来幸福其实一直在身边,我触手可及。

    Originally happy in fact always at nearby, my tentacle be within the reach of.

  30. 我将在你触手可及的地方,等你回来。

    I'll see you at your fingertips place, waiting for you to come back.


  1. 问:触手拼音怎么拼?触手的读音是什么?触手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手的读音是chùshǒu,触手翻译成英文是 tentacle; lophophore

  2. 问:触手冠拼音怎么拼?触手冠的读音是什么?触手冠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手冠的读音是chù shǒu guàn,触手冠翻译成英文是 lophophore

  3. 问:触手叶拼音怎么拼?触手叶的读音是什么?触手叶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手叶的读音是chù shǒu yè,触手叶翻译成英文是 lobus tentacularis

  4. 问:触手带拼音怎么拼?触手带的读音是什么?触手带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手带的读音是chù shǒu dài,触手带翻译成英文是 tentacle girdle

  5. 问:触手支拼音怎么拼?触手支的读音是什么?触手支翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手支的读音是chù shǒu zhī,触手支翻译成英文是 tentillum

  6. 问:触手根拼音怎么拼?触手根的读音是什么?触手根翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手根的读音是chù shǒu gēn,触手根翻译成英文是 tentacular root

  7. 问:触手毛拼音怎么拼?触手毛的读音是什么?触手毛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手毛的读音是chù shǒu máo,触手毛翻译成英文是 tentacular cirri

  8. 问:触手环拼音怎么拼?触手环的读音是什么?触手环翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手环的读音是chù shǒu huán,触手环翻译成英文是 tentacular circlet, tentacular crown

  9. 问:触手的拼音怎么拼?触手的的读音是什么?触手的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手的的读音是chù shǒu de,触手的翻译成英文是 tentacular

  10. 问:触手管拼音怎么拼?触手管的读音是什么?触手管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手管的读音是chù shǒu guǎn,触手管翻译成英文是 canalis tentacularis, tentacular canal

  11. 问:触手缘拼音怎么拼?触手缘的读音是什么?触手缘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手缘的读音是chù shǒu yuán,触手缘翻译成英文是 tentacular fringe

  12. 问:触手肌拼音怎么拼?触手肌的读音是什么?触手肌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手肌的读音是chù shǒu jī,触手肌翻译成英文是 tentacular muscle

  13. 问:触手襟拼音怎么拼?触手襟的读音是什么?触手襟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手襟的读音是chù shǒu jīn,触手襟翻译成英文是 collar

  14. 问:触手鞘拼音怎么拼?触手鞘的读音是什么?触手鞘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手鞘的读音是chù shǒu qiào,触手鞘翻译成英文是 tentacle sheath, tentacular sheath

  15. 问:触手鳞拼音怎么拼?触手鳞的读音是什么?触手鳞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手鳞的读音是chù shǒu lín,触手鳞翻译成英文是 tentacle scale

  16. 问:触手个员拼音怎么拼?触手个员的读音是什么?触手个员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手个员的读音是chù shǒu gè yuán,触手个员翻译成英文是 tentaculozoid

  17. 问:触手冠叶拼音怎么拼?触手冠叶的读音是什么?触手冠叶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手冠叶的读音是chù shǒu guàn yè,触手冠叶翻译成英文是 lophophoral lobe

  18. 问:触手冠腔拼音怎么拼?触手冠腔的读音是什么?触手冠腔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手冠腔的读音是chù shǒu guàn qiāng,触手冠腔翻译成英文是 lophophoral coelom, lophophoral lumen

  19. 问:触手冠腕拼音怎么拼?触手冠腕的读音是什么?触手冠腕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手冠腕的读音是chù shǒu guàn wàn,触手冠腕翻译成英文是 lophophoral arm

  20. 问:触手出界拼音怎么拼?触手出界的读音是什么?触手出界翻译成英文是什么?

    答:触手出界的读音是chù shǒu chū jiè,触手出界翻译成英文是 touch out


