


1. 咔 [kǎ]咔 [kǎ]〔~叽〕一种较厚的斜纹棉织品。亦称“卡其”。……


1. 嚓 [cā]2. 嚓 [chā]嚓 [cā]象声词:~~的脚步声。嚓 [chā]〔喀~〕见“喀”。……



汉语拼音:kā chā







  1. 象声词。

    杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第三章:“他觉着大便桥在微微摇晃,生怕它咔嚓一声垮下去。” 闻捷 《海燕》:“﹝我﹞抱着那个哨兵用腿一绊,咔嚓一声,哨兵倒了,却原来是个草扎的假人。”



  1. He flicked it open, held it up in the air, and clicked it. The nearest street lamp went out with a little pop.

  2. "What's that funny clicking noise? " called Fred as they hurtled around the corner.

  3. The two men were all holding cigarette in their mouths, then came the fifth sound of "snap" .

  4. It's the only time on the album where the drum clicks, static bursts, and piano splashes become the essential motion.

  5. if i had to pick between footbinding and castration. . . yeah, bind my feet, please.

  6. Whistles are thought to be identification sounds, like names, while clicks are used to navigate and to find prey with echolocation.

  7. Give the user some feedback to let them know when the seat is properly secured (a healthy click or snapping sound should do it).

  8. In a crisis, chances are that CEO humour will get lost on the way to the front page.

  9. Whereas now, in some cultures, the female's genitals are mutilated as a way of protecting the honor of the male.


  1. 咔咔嚓,咔嚓,咔嚓,咔嚓

    Aah, clicketyclick, click, click.

  2. 剪刀咔嚓咔嚓地剪着。

    Snip, snip, went the scissors.

  3. 咔嚓一声, 树枝断了。

    The branch snipped.

  4. 照相机咔嚓咔嚓地不停拍照。

    The cameras clicked away.

  5. 空中雷声咔嚓作响。

    Thunder cracked in the sky.

  6. 太迟了,臆想快照,咔嚓

    Mmm, too late. Mental snapshot. Click.

  7. 汽车咔嚓咔嚓地穿过街道。

    The engine chugged down the street.

  8. 汽车咔嚓咔嚓地穿过街道。

    The engine chugged down the street.

  9. 外面有皮靴咔嚓声。

    There was a sound of marching boots outside.

  10. 相机发出嗡嗡声和咔嚓声。

    The camera whirred and clicked.

  11. 不久大门咔嚓响了一下。

    Presently the door clicked.

  12. 急促反复地发出咔嚓声。

    To click quickly and repeatedly.

  13. 雪把树枝压得咔嚓断了。

    The branch snapped off under the weight of the snow.

  14. 咔嚓一声, 你看著我扣动扳机

    click clack now watch me pull this trigger just for fun

  15. 大门咔嚓一响,威勃德太太走了。

    The gate squeaked, Mrs.Wyburd had gone.

  16. 门外的卫兵咔嚓一声举枪敬礼。

    The sentries outside presented arms with a clash.

  17. 门外得卫兵咔嚓一声举枪敬礼。

    The sentries outside presented arms with a clash.

  18. 咔嚓一下, 就引起了轰然大火, 车燃烧起来了。

    One click, a boom and the car burst into flames.

  19. 拜托小心搬运,否则我老妈肯定会咔嚓了我!

    Please handle with CARE or my mum will KILL me!

  20. 截图时软件会发出相机咔嚓的声音通知你。

    After the application makes a screenshot you hear camera click sound to notify you.

  21. 他挪了一下身体的重心,一根树枝咔嚓一声断了。

    He shifted his weight and a twig snapped.

  22. 他做了一个漂亮的军人转身动作,咔嚓一声立正。

    He made a smart military turn, clicking his heels.

  23. 截图时软件会发出相机咔嚓得声音通知你。

    After the application makes a screenshot you hear camera click sound to notify you.

  24. 这里围了不少人, 咔嚓咔嚓得拍摄声撕破了早晨得宁静。

    Here is surrounded by many people, click click sound shooting tear the morning tranquility.

  25. 坐在椅子上的她翻倒了,咔嚓一下摔在了角落里。

    She tipped over the chair and collapsed into the corner with a splintering crash.

  26. 这里围了不少人, 咔嚓咔嚓的拍摄声撕破了早晨的宁静。

    Here is surrounded by many people, click click sound shooting tear the morning tranquility.

  27. 每次醒来想扭动脖子时,唯恐咔嚓一声落了枕。

    Every time up and turned my neck, I was worried about stiffness.

  28. 我的父母坐在观众席上, 听到了咔嚓咔嚓两声骨裂。

    My parents, who sat in the stands, heard two pops.

  29. 汽车撞到一棵树上, 发出令人毛骨悚然的一声咔嚓。

    The car crashed with a sickening crunch into a tree.

  30. 就听咔嚓一声,闪光灯一亮,这美景便定格在了照相机里。

    With a snap and a flash from the flash, this beautiful scene was freeze-framed by the camera.


  1. 问:咔嚓拼音怎么拼?咔嚓的读音是什么?咔嚓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咔嚓的读音是kāchā,咔嚓翻译成英文是 Imitated sound of a sudden crack.



“咔嚓”是个多义词,它可以指咔嚓(尹奎友、蔡晓滨著图书), 咔嚓(咔嚓-阅后即焚私密自拍聊天交友)。