







汉语拼音:zhǐ rèn






指认 [zhǐ rèn]
  1. 指出确认。




  1. Luckily, we're out in the boat most of the time, with Kyla pointing out rock striations and eagles and tiny wild sheep on the high crags.


  2. Troy's picture was in a photo array that the victim tentatively had some draw toward, but said he looked too old.


  3. No, she said, her daughter had pointed him out when they were driving down the street a few days before.


  4. The framers were no doubt extraordinary, but I would be the first to admit that they made big mistakes.


  5. Among those arrested in Pakistan was the man said by a surviving Mumbai terrorist, now in Indian custody, to be the mastermind of the plot.


  6. had to let me off though . . . mayor ' s wife refused to make an identification.


  7. Maddie joined the neighbors as they ran to the creek, then helped point out where her mother was trapped.


  8. Starting point on paper. The next step would be a photo lineup of similar-looking people.


  9. "It was that chap there with the apron, " pointing to the butler.


  1. 你愿意指认囚犯吗?

    Will you identify the prisoner?

  2. 你不是指认他了吗?

    You pointed him out,didn't you?

  3. 你不是指认他了吗?

    You pointed him out, didn't you?

  4. 如果你不指认她。

    If you don't identify her.

  5. 我们何时可以指认他们?

    When can we identify them?

  6. 你已经被指认出来。

    You have been positively identified.

  7. 目击证人甚至无法指认他!

    The witness can't even connect him to it!

  8. 目击证人甚至无法指认他!

    The witness can't even connect him to it!

  9. 没法指认绑架他的人。

    One of the people who kidnapped him.

  10. 你之所以不敢指认比莉。

    So you being all afraid to pick Billie.

  11. 你指认了你儿子的遗体吗?

    Did you identify your son's body?

  12. 证人指认出了嫌犯。

    The witness indicated the suspect.

  13. 你真勇敢,能指认那个女人。

    That was a really brave thing you did, identifying that woman.

  14. 我们指认出字母歹徒了。

    That we have identified the alphabet bandit.

  15. 指认你对她所做的一切。

    Identifying you as the man who did it does.

  16. 我是唯一可以指认凶手的认。

    I'm the only one who can identify the killer.

  17. 他所需要的就是你指认他的身份。

    All he needs is for you to I. D. him.

  18. 房东指认他是访客还是租客?

    Did the landlord say he was a visitor or renter?

  19. 警方寻求协助指认神秘流浪汉。

    Police seek help in identifying mystery vagrant.

  20. 证人指认被告为她孩子的父亲。

    The witness fathered her child on the defendant.

  21. 受害者指认该嫌疑犯正是凶手之一。

    The suspect as one of the killers.

  22. 在指认了他妻子之后不久就自杀了。

    Who killed himself minutes after identifying his wife.

  23. 它指认美国和世界各地的战略趋势。

    It identifies strategic trends in the United States and around the world.

  24. 我们希望你能指认出可能的嫌疑犯。

    And hopefully you'll be able to identify a potential suspect.

  25. 在司法委员会,需要争辨的主要问题是指认问题。

    Before the Judicial Committee, the main issue to be argued was identification.

  26. 被指认诈骗得麦道夫今日将开庭受审。

    Alleged swindler Bernie Madoff is expected in court today.

  27. 次日, 再次出现同样得场面, 约翰又再次指认祂得身份。

    Next day, almost the same scene and the same identification occurred.

  28. 次日,再次出现同样的场面,约翰又再次指认祂的身份。

    Next day, almost the same scene and the same identification occurred.

  29. 昨天下午, 嫌疑人刘某到案发现场等地指认了现场。

    Yesterday afternoon, suspect Liu to places such as happening scene has indicated and confirmed the scene.

  30. 事实上,我们和当局配合,指认了上传照片的嫌疑人。

    In fact, we worked with authorities to convict the man who posted the photograph.


  1. 问:指认拼音怎么拼?指认的读音是什么?指认翻译成英文是什么?

    答:指认的读音是zhǐrèn,指认翻译成英文是 identify; point out



zhǐrèn [identify] 辩认并指出 eg:由于叛徒指认,他被敌人逮捕了