


1. 休 [xiū]2. 休 [xǔ]休 [xiū]歇息:~整。~假。~闲。离~。停止:~业。完结(多指失败或死亡)。旧指丈夫把妻子赶回母家,断绝夫妻关系:~妻。不要:~想。~提。吉庆,美善,福禄:~咎(吉凶)。助词,用于语末,与“罢”、“……





汉语拼音:xiū xué








  1. 学生因故不能继续学习,经学校同意,暂停学习,仍保留学籍,叫做休学。

    柳青 《创业史》第一部第十九章:“她想索性休学。代表主任劝她不要盲动,防备考不进工厂。”



  1. On Sunday night, Hsing seemed to agree. "Maybe I can take a year off and play the professional tour, " she said.


  2. But before starting her course at university in Edinburgh, Scotland, she took a year out and enrolled in an Art Foundation course.


  3. But after graduating from Wadleigh High School in Harlem, he decided to take a year off rather than go directly to college.


  4. Harvard said that the length of a student's withdrawal period is usually from two to four terms.


  5. He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday. As a result he had to be away from school for two or three months.


  6. She took a year out after she won the title, is to complete her A-level studies.


  7. He said "somewhat more than half" of the cases involved students who had to withdraw from the college for a period of time.


  8. This means that they take a year off, to do something else, before they start their studies.


  9. Other students from the class in question, including non-athletes who made up the majority in the class, have taken leaves as well.


  1. 暂时休学了。

    I'm taking some time off from school.

  2. 她担心汤姆会休学。

    She fears Tom will drop out of school.

  3. 他因病一度休学。

    He stopped going to school for a time because of illness.

  4. 他休学整整一年了。

    He has remained off school for a whole year.

  5. 我这学期休学过来的。

    I'm getting my Master's.I told you that.

  6. 汤姆因行为不端被休学。

    Tom was suspended from school for bad conduct.

  7. 我正在考虑休学一学期。

    I’m thinking about taking this semester off.

  8. 他被勒令休学一个月。

    He was suspended from school for a month.

  9. 先休学,下学期再重新开始。

    Drop out, and start over again next semester.

  10. 她突然休学干起了接线员。

    She's dropping out of school to become an operator.

  11. 这个逃学的孩子被勒令休学。

    The truant child was suspended from school.

  12. 这个逃学的孩子被勒令休学。

    The truant child was suspended from school.

  13. 学院勒令这些学生休学一年。

    The College sent the students down for one year.

  14. 终止学业退学暂时停学或休学

    Termination Withdrawal from Deferment Suspension of Studies

  15. 因为生病, 杰克不得不休学了。

    Jack has to stop off school for his illness.

  16. 休学期限为一学期或一学年。

    The time allowed for the leave is one semester or one academic year.

  17. 我现在休学,因为我想出去长长见识

    I'm taking some time off to explore my horizons.

  18. 我计划休学一年,去加拿大学习。

    I plan to take next year off to go study abroad in Canada.

  19. 这是为什么你么读到被休学吗?

    Is this why you all studied your asses off for?

  20. 因为这个,学校让她休学了三年。

    For that, the university suspended her for three years.

  21. 休学一年,出门在外的花销是昂贵的。

    A year off, away from home, can be costly.

  22. 我今天已递交了暂时休学的申请书。

    I'm submitting my temporary absence form today.

  23. 因为你的健康太差,你最好暂时休学。

    You had better leave school for the time being because your health is too poor.

  24. 他对学校不再感兴趣了,因此他决定休学。

    He's no longer interested in school and decides to call it quits.

  25. 我从研究生学院休学一年,来照顾她

    I took a year off of grad school to take care of her.

  26. 我哥哥念完初中二年级就休学了。

    My brother dropped out at the end of the second year of his junior middle school.

  27. 既然休学没有用,我们可能得让她退学。

    Since the suspensions didn't work, we might have to expel her.

  28. 休学是暂时的,可以恢复学习停学是终止学习。

    Suspend one's schooling is temporary, can restoring to learn stop doing business is to end study.

  29. 举例来说,委员会可能让学生休学或开除。

    For example, the committee might suspend or expel a student.

  30. 如, 委员可能让学生休学或者开除学生的学籍

    For example, the committee might suspend or expell expel a student.


  1. 问:休学拼音怎么拼?休学的读音是什么?休学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:休学的读音是xiūxué,休学翻译成英文是 to suspend schooling


