







汉语拼音:cái qì








  1. 才能、气魄。

    《史记·李将军列传》:“ 李广 才气,天下无双。”《三国志·吴志·诸葛恪等传论》:“ 诸葛恪 才气干略,邦人所称。” 宋 苏轼 《霍光论》:“至於 霍光 ,先无尺寸之功,而才气数术,又非有以大过於羣臣。而 武帝 擢之於稠人之中,付以天下后世之事。”

  2. 指才能;才干。

    明 方孝孺 《赠卢信道序》:“负才气者以豪放为通尚;富侈者以骄佚自纵。” 蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记》:“这个在业务上很有才气的女工程师,她本来可以成为国家很缺少的机电设备专家。”



  1. Last week I ran into Derek's mother and told her that her son was brilliant and that she must be proud of him.


  2. Some of the most brilliant engineers I know are the ones who have that sort of artistic quality about them.


  3. The woman really has a talent. She can knock off a new book at least once a year and we can count on it to be a best-seller.


  4. A brilliant friend of mine said, "Evolution is a scientific fact, " and he said it with the dogmatic implication that the case is closed.


  5. By quoting from a well-known art critic, he tried to add a bit of self-confidence to hellos talents.


  6. Jiang Lang was full of talent when he was young, but in his latter years, he failed to produce any writing of value.


  7. but during the eighteenth century, critics began to respond to Shakespeare on his own terms and acclaim what they termed his natural genius.


  8. Guide the comprehensive quality of the primary guarantee that all this is only rising talented, guide to a career.


  9. If she had as much talent as she has temper, she would be famous now.


  1. 他才气横溢。

    His wit sparkles.

  2. 只有爱才气唤醒爱!

    Love alone could waken love !

  3. 只有爱才气唤醒爱!

    Love alone could waken love !

  4. 有才气不如有运气。

    An ounce of luck is better than a proud of wisdom.

  5. 只有爱才气叫醒爱!

    Love alone waken love!

  6. 有才气的青年男子

    a yong man of literary talent

  7. 你应该也是很有才气的。

    You are supposedto be brilliant.

  8. 约翰才气逼人却百无一能。

    John's highly intelligent but totally impractical.

  9. 才气和执着将确保他成功。

    His talent and dedication will insure his success.

  10. 一个才气焕发而放荡不羁的作家

    a brilliant and dissolute writer

  11. 几位选手的才气不时闪现出来。

    There were flashes of brilliance from several of the players.

  12. 这些皆和才气血脉相连, 心心相通。

    And talent of these are related by blood, the same hearts.

  13. 他的才气和执着将确保他成功。

    His talent and dedication will insure his success.

  14. 一位美丽而又有才气的女演员。

    A beautiful and talented actress.

  15. 但我也是个才气横溢的爱发愁的人。

    I am a talented worrier, too.

  16. 她是全国最有才气的人之一。

    She has one of the most brilliant minds in the country.

  17. 世界上没有天生的才气,才气必须经过磨炼。

    There is no born talent in the world, talent must go through with hardships.

  18. 你们的妈妈曾是个很有才气的音乐家。

    Your mother was a very talented musician.

  19. 一群迷人的,有才气的,显赫的人或物。

    An assembly of glamorous, brilliant or distinguished persons or things.

  20. 爱因斯坦有一个才气纵横的头脑。

    Einstein had a brilliant brain.

  21. 他虽然相貌平平,但却很有才气。

    Though unprepossessing to look at, he is highly intelligent.

  22. 李白是唐代一位才气横溢的诗人。

    Li Bai was a Tang poet of superb talent.

  23. 李白是唐代一位才气横溢得诗人。

    Li Bai was a Tang poet of superb talent.

  24. 她的一些诗中透着一股真正的才气。

    Some of her poems are touched with real genius.

  25. 她写的一些诗确实透着股才气。

    Some of her poems are touched with real genius.

  26. 即使他不是很有才气, 至少他能干而且勤奋。

    Granted that he is not brilliant, he is at least competent and works hard.

  27. 我怎么才气把口香糖从耳朵里面取出来呢?

    How do I get the gum out from my ears

  28. 她可能没有多大才气, 但确实颇有魅力。

    She may not be very gifted intellectually, but she certainly has what it takes.

  29. 她的工作没给她提供发挥能量和才气的机会。

    Her work provided no outlet for her energies and talents.

  30. 这首歌的钢琴前奏写得很有才气。

    This song has a brilliant piano intro.


  1. 问:才气拼音怎么拼?才气的读音是什么?才气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:才气的读音是cáiqì,才气翻译成英文是 talent

  2. 问:才气横溢拼音怎么拼?才气横溢的读音是什么?才气横溢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:才气横溢的读音是cáiqìhéngyì,才气横溢翻译成英文是 brim with talent; be overflown with animation...

  3. 问:才气焕发拼音怎么拼?才气焕发的读音是什么?才气焕发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:才气焕发的读音是,才气焕发翻译成英文是 firework

  4. 问:才气纵横的拼音怎么拼?才气纵横的的读音是什么?才气纵横的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:才气纵横的的读音是,才气纵横的翻译成英文是 witty


