




职务,分(fèn )内应做的事:~业。~务。~守。~权。天~。尽~。职位,执行事务所处的一定地位:~工。~位。~员。~称。以身殉~。旧时公文用语,下属对上司的自称:卑~。~当奉命。掌管:~掌。由于:~此而已。……



汉语拼音:dào zhí







  1. 上任。

    唐 柳宗元 《故银青光禄大夫右散骑常侍轻车都尉宜城县开国伯柳公行状》:“﹝ 柳公 ﹞到职,如 永丰 之政,而仁厚加焉。”《人民日报》1984.12.6:“到职前,省委领导同志向他们介绍当地的历史和现实情况。”



  1. Repeatedly, the new recruits either not showed up on the first day or quitted after a few days on board.


  2. When I arrived in 1948 , it was a vibrant place , with a big floor of offices on Park Avenue near Grand Central Station .


  3. During this transition from college to the workplace, graduates must accept being treated like new kids on the block.


  4. He attributes such behavior to an inability to switch from a school to workplace mindset quickly enough.


  5. Tuesday at 11: 45am seems to be the time in the day when the real workload for the week hits employees and as a result stress levels rise.


  6. And because each couple generally has only one child, this also allows working moms to focus more on work.


  7. The decline in breastfeeding has become a major concern to health workers.


  8. And when it comes to the workplace, it's looks, not merit, that all too often rule.


  9. VI . Party A shall pay all the expenses of going through all the formalities, such as residence paper, foreign expert certificate.


  1. 自从他去年秋天到职以来就一直很拼命地工作。

    He's been working his butt off since he started last fall.

  2. 邮件中请注明期望的月薪酬和最早到职日期。

    State your desire salary and the earliest date job commencement.

  3. 邮件中请注明期望得月薪酬和最早到职日期。

    State your desire salary and the earliest date job commencement.

  4. 应该的。自从他去年秋天到职以来就一直很拼命地工作。

    He deserves it. Hes been working his butt off since he started last fall.

  5. 他被进升到了经理之职。

    He was elevated to the managerial position.

  6. 再回到职场上面,这里你有多的完成不了的工作。

    Now back to your workplace, where you have too much work to do.

  7. 她迅速辞了职, 加入到反对派攻击总统的行列中来。

    She quickly resigned her post and joined the opposition attack on the president.

  8. 如果你有两下子,你就可以爬到公司经理的位职。

    If you have what it takes, you can work up to the presidency of the company.

  9. 到目前为止,总统一职在很大程度上只是礼仪性的。

    Up to now the post of president has been largely ceremonial.

  10. 我升职了, 要到销售部去。

    Oh, That's wonderful. Tell me about it.

  11. 秘书的职却已经请到人了。

    The position of secretary has already been filled.

  12. 你能读到他讲大祭司一职,他甚至讲到了建筑。

    You might be reading like when he talks about the high priesthood he even talks about the building.

  13. 离开广告业到出版界觅职。

    Leave advertising for a job in publishing.

  14. 他渐渐谋取到了一个国务院的要职。

    He wormed his way into a position of trust in the state department.

  15. 对待安全工作, 做到责任明确, 有职有权。

    Handle safe work, accomplish responsibility to make clear, duty has right.

  16. 接下来,你到了一家大公司,开始担任要职。

    Then you moved to an important role at a big enterprise.

  17. 公司出了差错,职呐喊没有按时领到工资。

    The company slipped up and the workers did not get their salary on time.

  18. 尼赫鲁的女儿,从1966年到1977年出任印度总理一职。

    Daughter of Nehru served as Prime Minister of India from 1966 to 1977.

  19. 从1950年到1960年我兄弟一直在那公司里担会要职。

    From 1950 to 1960 my brother held an important office in the firm.

  20. 神的国度讲到执行神的话和圣礼的职事。

    The kingdom of the Right hand describes the ministry of Word and sacrament.

  21. 史蒂夫提及我提前一年拿到终身教职。

    I got tenure a year early as Steve mentioned.

  22. 她还希望能够澄清所提到的工作职类。

    She would also appreciate a clarification of the job categories mentioned.

  23. 亨特回到芝加哥,担任住宅委员会主席一职。

    Hunter returned to Chicago and served as chairman of the City Homes Association.

  24. 亨特回到芝加哥,担任住宅委员会主席一职。

    Hunter returned to Chicago and served as chairman of the City Homes Association.

  25. 到1566年为止,塞克斯伯爵一直担任着爱尔兰总督之职。

    Sussex remained Lieutenant of Ireland till 1566.

  26. 这位教士被请到该大教堂担任有俸圣职。

    The clergyman has been beneficed in that cathedral.

  27. 卸去院长一职后, 这位教授又回到了教学岗位。

    The professor returned to his teaching position after serving as Dean.

  28. 她觉得,职场中的裙带关系已经悄悄地潜入到校园之中。

    In her opinion, nepotism in the workplace has crept onto campus.

  29. 八年前,我听到一段最糟糕的职场建言。

    So eight years ago, I got the worst career advice of my life.

  30. 拿到北京户口,接着跳槽,这是北京职场上很常见的现象。

    Beijing to get an account and then quit, this is Beijing at the workplace are common.


  1. 问:到职拼音怎么拼?到职的读音是什么?到职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:到职的读音是dàozhí,到职翻译成英文是 take office




拼音:dàozhí英文:take office