


1. 应 [yīng]2. 应 [yìng]应 [yīng]该,当,又引申料想理该如此:~当。~该。~分(fèn )。~有尽有。回答:答~。喊他不~。~承。随,即:“桓督诸将周旋赴讨,~皆平定”。姓。应 [yìng]回答或随声相和:~答。呼……


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……



汉语拼音:yīng fèn








  1. 应当分享。

    宋 翁卷 《送薛子舒赴华亭船官》诗:“君到 云间 日,应分二 陆 名。”

  2. 分内所应当。

    郭沫若 《断断集·旋乾转坤论》:“女子的性能是受到了束缚,没有得到应分的发展。” 张天翼 《春风》:“ 邱老师 指指点点地教他认字,谈着里面的故事……他认为这是他应分做的事,并且也很有趣味。”



  1. It is a condition of this credit that the documents should be forwarded to us by two consecutive airmails.


  2. 10So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty. '


  3. Under the equity method, in the invested entity issuing cash dividends declared press should share part write-downs investment book value.


  4. The content of document retrieval should be divided into different stages and permea. . .


  5. Rates should be reduced in two steps.


  6. Because the two meaning has different feature, the aesthetic synonym should be compared in the two layers.


  7. Toilets should be separated by genders.


  8. Meat should be separated from other food in fridge.


  9. According to the terms in the contract, shipping the goods is to be made in three equal monthly installments.


  1. 工作应分轻重缓急。

    Work should be done in order of importance and urgency.

  2. 卫生间应分男女厕。

    Toilets should be separated by genders.

  3. 利率应分两步下调。

    Rates should be reduced in two steps.

  4. 报告应分发给甚么人

    To whom should I distribute the report.

  5. 帮助群众是干部应分的事。

    It's part of the duty as cadres to help the masses.

  6. 社会得总收入之饼应分得更平均一点。

    The pie of society's total income should be cut into more equal pieces.

  7. 社会的总收入之饼应分得更平均一点。

    The pie of society's total income should be cut into more equal pieces.

  8. 委员会应分两个阶段考虑基本建设总计划。

    The Committee should consider the capital master plan in two stages.

  9. 因此应分层次建立孕震系统的力学模型。

    Therefore, mechanic model in the seismogenic system should be established according to layers.

  10. 朋友之间应不分彼此。

    Before friends all is common.

  11. 雇主用人应不分男女。

    Employers should hire men and women without distinction.

  12. 孔将穿透时应十分小心,不可用力过猛。

    Be careful and not overexert while drilling through the hole.

  13. 男主角和女主角是谁?雇主用人应不分男女。

    Employers should hire men and women without distinction.

  14. 扩孔时应十分小心, 以避免扩孔过头而穿透对侧皮质。

    Care must be taken when drilling so as not to drill too far, thus penetrating the far cortex.

  15. 每个人都应公平地分到一份。

    Everyone should have a fair slice of the cake.

  16. 你的收入用于房租不应超过四分之一。

    Not more than a quarter of your income should go in rent.

  17. 丈夫对妻子当尽应尽之分,妻子对丈夫也要如此。

    Let the husband render to his wife that which is due, and likewise also the wife to the husband.

  18. 人类的苦难没有国界,人类的团结也应同样不分国界。

    Human misery knows no frontiers and nor should human solidarity.

  19. 投标方还应提供各分包商得此类资料。

    Bidders should also offer relevant document of the branch supplier.

  20. 对怂恿,领导或指挥非法结社者,刑法应增加四分之一。

    The penalty shall be increased by one fourth for those who instigate, lead or direct the unlawful association.

  21. 修改应在其三分之一缔约国交存批准书一个月后生效。

    Such amendment shall come into force one month after deposit of the instruments of ratification by one third of the States Party thereto.

  22. 并具体说明了管理信息分系统应包括的子系统。

    Then the management information subsystem function is discussed in detail.

  23. 社会主义法也应有公私法之分

    Socialist Law should Have the Difference between Public and Private Law as well

  24. 一个人不应做出有失本分的事。

    One ought not to swerve from the path of duty.

  25. 严格地说, 每项违例事项应分开考虑。

    Strictly speaking, each offence should be considered separately.

  26. 你俩应分开,在一起不会有什么好处的。

    You two people ought to part,youll do no earthly good together.

  27. 这一段应分为两个部分, 其中每一句各为一个部分。

    This paragraph should be separated into two, one for each of the two sentences.

  28. 颈深筋膜深层也应分为翼筋膜,椎前筋膜,但翼筋膜非常薄弱

    The deep layer of the deep cervical fasciae is subdivided into alar fasciae and prevertebral fasciae, and the alar fasciae was very thin.

  29. 联合国内的权力不应分为几等, 代替主权平等的原则。

    Strata of power should not be created at the United Nations that would replace the principle of sovereign equality.

  30. 代替父母认为男女大学生一般应分开居住在不同的楼中。

    In loco parentis meant that and female students usually had to live in separate buildings.


  1. 问:应分拼音怎么拼?应分的读音是什么?应分翻译成英文是什么?

    答:应分的读音是yīngfèn,应分翻译成英文是 one's own responsibility




拼音: yīngfèn 基本解释 [be part of one’s job] 分内应该做的 帮助顾客选购商品是我们售货员应分的事 详细解释 1. 应当分享。 宋 翁卷 《送薛子舒赴华亭船官》诗:“君到 云间 日,应分二 陆 名。” 2. 分内所应当。 郭沫若 《断断集·旋乾转坤论》:“女子的性能是受到了束缚,没有得到应分的发展。” 张天翼 《春风》:“ 邱老师 指指点点地教他认字,谈着里面的故事……他认为这是他应分做的事,并且也很有趣味。”