


1. 义 [yì]义 [yì]公正合宜的道理或举动:正~。~不容辞。~无反顾。仗~直言。合乎正义或公益的:~举。~务。~愤。~演。见~勇为。情谊:~气。恩~。~重如山。意思,人对事物认识到的内容:意~。含~。释~。微言大~。指认为亲属的:~……


事情:事~。任~。公~。特~。不识时~(不认识时代潮流和当前形势)。从事,致力:~工。~实(从事或讨论具体的工作)。~虚。当~之急。追求:好(hào )高~远。必须,一定:~必。~须。除恶~尽。旧时收税的关卡(现多用于地名):曹家~(在中国……


1. 教 [jiào]2. 教 [jiāo]教 [jiào]指导,训诲:~习。~头。~正。~师。~导。管~。请~。~学相长。因材施~。使,令:风能~船走。指“宗教”:~士。~主。~皇。~堂。姓。教 [jiāo]传授:~课。你~给我做。……


1. 育 [yù]育 [yù]生养:~龄。节~。生儿~女。养活:~婴。哺~。培~。抚~。养~。按照一定的目的长期地教导和训练:德~。智~。体~。美~。教书~人。……



汉语拼音:yì wù jiào yù






  1. 国家法律规定一定年龄的儿童必须受到的一定年限和程度的普通教育。



  1. Up to now, new school students of compulsory education in 90 percent of the counties in the country began to use the new curriculum.


  2. The peasant workers children should enjoy free compulsory education, but actually they did not enjoy it up to now.


  3. A child's education was compulsory to the age of 21 in order for him to be eligible to attend citizenship school.


  4. At the current stage of China's compulsory education, English teaching and mother tongue teaching is almost in a state of fragmentation.


  5. Compulsory education is a public welfare enterprise, and publicity is one of the essential attributes of compulsory education.


  6. Implementation of the compulsory school education and a variety of activities, should be used throughout the country to promote Mandarin.


  7. Our government has spent a great deal of money on the national compulsory education.


  8. The harmonious development in compulsory education is one of another historic problems after realizing the popularization in it .


  9. In the phase of the compulsory education, the least content, as well as lowest standards are required for realization of reunification.


  1. 结束义务教育

    to leave school

  2. 义务教育体制

    compulsory educational system

  3. 义务教育思想

    the compulsory education thoughts

  4. 义务教育投入

    investment on compulsory education

  5. 义务教育质量

    the quality of compulsory education

  6. 义务教育资源

    the resources of compulsory education

  7. 义务教育经费

    funds earmarked for compulsory education

  8. 强迫教育, 义务教育

    enforced education

  9. 农村义务教育投入

    Input rural compulsory education

  10. 农村义务教育体制

    rural compulsory education system

  11. 义务教育投资体制

    compulsory educational investment system

  12. 民国江西义务教育

    Jiangxi compulsory education in Ming Guo period

  13. 义务教育至16岁为止。

    Compulsory schooling ends at sixteen.

  14. 在英国实行义务教育。

    Education is compulsory in Britain.

  15. 规定年限的义务教育

    compulsory education for the prescribed number of years

  16. 普及和巩固义务教育

    Universalization and consolidation of compulsory education

  17. 农村义务教育制度改革

    innovation of country compulsory education

  18. 农村义务教育谁买单?

    Who Will Pay for the Compulsory Education in Rural Areas?

  19. 义务教育经费保障机制

    guarantee mechanism of the compulsory education funds

  20. 农村义务教育管理体制

    the Management System of the Rural Compulsory Education

  21. 美国实行的是义务教育。

    Attending school is compulsory in America.

  22. 你们国家实行义务教育吗

    Is education compulsory in your country

  23. 义务教育与财政转移支付

    Duty Education and Financial Transfer Expense

  24. 农村义务教育经费保障机制

    mechanism for guaranteeing funding for rural compulsory education

  25. 农村义务教育与农村税费改革

    The Compulsory Education and the Reform of Tax and Due in the Rural Areas

  26. 高等教育已不再是义务教育了。

    Higher education is not compulsory education any more.

  27. 农民工子弟学校与义务教育

    The compulsory education and schools for the children of casual laborers

  28. 多数国家对儿童实施义务教育。

    Education is compulsory for children in most countries.

  29. 社会的罪在于不办义务教育。

    Society is culpable, in that it does not afford instruction gratis.

  30. 并保障其接受义务教育的权利。

    The employees thereof should be ensured the right of receiving compulsory education.


  1. 问:义务教育拼音怎么拼?义务教育的读音是什么?义务教育翻译成英文是什么?

    答:义务教育的读音是yìwùjiàoyù,义务教育翻译成英文是 compulsory education; the minimum number of ye...

  2. 问:义务教育法拼音怎么拼?义务教育法的读音是什么?义务教育法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:义务教育法的读音是yì wù jiào yù fǎ,义务教育法翻译成英文是 compulsory attendance law



义务教育,是根据法律规定,适龄儿童和青少年都必须接受,国家、社会、家庭必须予以保证的国民教育。其实质是国家依照法律的规定对适龄儿童和青少年实施的一定年限的强迫教育的制度。义务教育又称强迫教育和免费义务教育。义务教育具有强制性、免费性、普及性的特点。 我国义务教育法规定的义务教育年限为九年,这一规定符合我国的国情,是适当的。