


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……





汉语拼音:dǎ tàn








  1. 打听,探听。

    《京本通俗小说·碾玉观音》:“ 崔寧 密使人打探行在本府中事。”《金瓶梅词话》第二一回:“前日打了淫妇家,昨日 李铭 那忘八先来打探子儿。”《红楼梦》第五四回:“那几个婆子,虽吃酒鬭牌,却不住出来打探,见 宝玉 出来,也都跟上来。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》第二章:“他既不忍心让 秦大哥 冒着风险去为他的安全而打探,同时他又觉着 秦海城 的意见是有道理的。”



  1. So I asked nothing about him and went on to be a volunteer there through my eight-grade year.


  2. I got to ask total strangers the things I'd always wanted to know.


  3. A gentle summer rain after sleep calmly until the jujube opened his eyes, he gave the world around them.


  4. For a week, Mr. Yang each day left his house, a place with worn brick floors and portraits of Mao, and went to the mine seeking information.


  5. We're trying to find out when the organization will open it up for non-registered users and will update this post if we learn more.


  6. I spent at least 12 months earning their trust, trying not to ask a lot of prying questions.


  7. If I stirred in the least he was off like a flash, and would presently reenter for another inspection.


  8. Self threatens the man to find out where the Company hides the decoder box in its headquarters.


  9. Waiting was a strain; and it was decided that Hunter and I should go ashore with the jolly - boat , in quest of information.


  1. 打探消息的能力

    a nose for news

  2. 汤姆说它是在打探。

    For he was measuring, Tom said.

  3. 从某人处打探某事

    to press somebody about something

  4. 对不起,我并非有意打探。

    Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry.

  5. 他向飞机打探照灯。

    He played a searchlight upon the aeroplane.

  6. 有些则是来打探警方。

    And some came to learn exactly what the police knew.

  7. 他极力向秘书打探消息。

    He tried to pump the secretary for information.

  8. 我可以缩小,偷偷打探一番

    and I can miniaturize and do some tiny sneaking.

  9. 打探李东生得香港卧室

    Li Dongsheng's Bedroom in Hong Kong

  10. 打探李东生的香港卧室

    Li Dongsheng's Bedroom in Hong Kong.

  11. 他们已打探出一件丑闻。

    They have moused out a scandal.

  12. 我请他为我打探一些消息。

    I asked him to get me some information.

  13. 有的人打探的方法更为狡猾。

    Some people prod more slyly.

  14. 他在打探父亲死亡的原因。

    He went fishing for answers about the recent death of his father.

  15. 已被警察打探是真的吗?

    Is it already investigated by the crops?

  16. 我不会再假装了,我就是在打探

    I'm not pretending anymore. Just snooping.

  17. 我一直以她为荣,而且我没有打探。

    I am proud of her, and I don't pry.

  18. 我们终于从他那里打探出了名字

    we finally got the name out of him

  19. 进一步的打探消息以确定某件事。

    learn or discover with certainty.

  20. 打探别人的隐私是个不好的习惯。

    It is not a good habit to nose about for others grapevine news.

  21. 他才会用你来打探我的秘诀。

    Exactly why he'll wanna hire you. he'll want my secret.

  22. 让我们先打探一下, 看他会去哪?

    Let's bug it and see where he goes.

  23. 她不希望人们打探公司的内部情况。

    She doesn't want people poking round the company.

  24. 我讨厌你妈妈总是打探我们的婚姻。

    I'm sick of your mother poking nose into our marriage.

  25. 玛莎医生我也不想打探你的隐私。

    Dr. Marsha and I dont want to invade your privacy.

  26. 你如何打探到帕默尔的政治活动?

    What do you know about palmer's politics?

  27. 提醒我永远不要找你为我打探消息。

    Remind me to never have you spy for me.

  28. 你先去打探一下,看看老师来了没。

    Please go to see whether the teacher has arrived or not.

  29. 你先去打探一下,看看老师来了没。

    Please go to see whether the teacher has arrived or not.

  30. 许多人害怕去打探他们亲戚的下落。

    Many people are afraid to try to discover the whereabouts of their relatives.


  1. 问:打探拼音怎么拼?打探的读音是什么?打探翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打探的读音是dǎtàn,打探翻译成英文是 To gather information about.





【读音】dǎ tàn

【释义】打听,探问, 通过询问探听情况。


【示例】《东周列国志》第六回:“却说郑庄公见五国兵解,正欲遣人打探长葛消息。忽报公子冯自长葛逃回,在朝门外候见。庄公召而问之。”详细解释打听,探问, 通过询问探听情况。明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第四十二回:“卫成公疑歂犬之言,遣人密地打探,见元縠奉叔武入盟,名列载书,不暇致详,即时回报卫侯。”《红楼梦》第五四回:“那几个婆子,虽吃酒鬭牌,却不住出来打探,见宝玉出来,也都跟上来。”