







汉语拼音:guān dǐ








  1. 供高级官员住宿的房舍。

    《后汉书·南匈奴传》:“﹝ 元和 元年﹞北单于乃遣大且渠 伊莫訾王 等,驱牛马万餘头与 汉 贾客交易。诸王大人或前至,所在郡县,为设官邸,赏赐待遇之。”《宋史·宋琪传》:“会詔 广宫城 ,宣徽使 柴禹锡 有别第在表识内,上言愿易官邸,上览奏不悦。” 元 戴良 《抵胶州》诗:“依稀见州郭,仓皇问官邸。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第十一章一:“‘最高’兼任着团长, 陈诚 任副团长,较大的几座教员宿舍便成了他们的官邸。”



  1. Last night, after finally resigning, Mr Berlusconi slipped out of a side door of the president's palace to dodge a raucous mob.


  2. Another time, a small, wiry man in combat boots and shorts was apprehended trying to break down the front door.


  3. The kremlin itself is enormously imposing. But Moscow has no official residence to match the White House.


  4. Mr Abbas , sitting in the West Bank, did not declare a state of emergency until Hamas militants were ransacking his Gaza home.


  5. Carolyn had been our assistant at the Governor's Mansion and had come to Washington to help us with our personal papers and correspondence.


  6. For over a year, Noam and Aviva Shalit slept in a tent around the corner from the prime minister's official residence in Jerusalem.


  7. On a chilly October evening in her austere chancellery, Angela Merkel placed a confidential call to Rome to help save the euro.


  8. Windsor Castle, the largest and oldest castle in the world, is one of the official residences of Her Majesty The Queen of Britain.


  9. Subordinate commanders who might have once used the compound also must have long since established alternate command sites.


  1. 官邸, 公家宿舍

    an official residence

  2. 爱尔兰总统的官邸

    the Irish President's official residence

  3. 近代天津的官邸建筑

    Modern times Official Residence building in Tianjin

  4. 我们一行来到总统官邸。

    We trooped over to the Mansion.

  5. 我刚刚离开了总统官邸。

    I just left the retreat.

  6. 总统官邸的名称是什麽?

    What is the name of the President's official home?

  7. 你该回官邸换身礼服。

    You should be heading back to the residence to change.

  8. 官邸兴建于元洲仔顶端

    Island House was built on the top of an island

  9. 那是州长骆家辉的官邸

    Its the Governor Gary Lockes residence.

  10. 白宫是美国总统的官邸、办公室。

    White House is U.S.President's official residence and office.

  11. 唐宁街10号是英国首相的官邸。

    Downing Street is the British Prime Minister s official residence.

  12. 白金汉宫是英国君主在伦敦的官邸。

    Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the British monarch.

  13. 红色官邸的梦, 这个也纯属字面意思。

    The Dream of Red Mansion.

  14. 红色官邸得梦, 这个也纯属字面意思。

    The Dream of Red Mansion.

  15. 仅官邸一处就有约80人被杀。

    Around80 persons were killed at the Governors house alone.

  16. 唐宁街10号首相官邸在你的左侧。

    Number 10 down street, where the prime minister lives, is on your leave.

  17. 这座宫殿现在成为袁大总统的官邸。

    This palace was now the home of President yuan.

  18. 我们明天都要参加州长官邸的宴会。

    We're both going to that dinner tomorrow night at the governor's mansion.

  19. 总统官邸又一次遭到炮火的集中袭击。

    The presidential palace has been hit again by concentrated artillery fire.

  20. 如今, 俄罗斯联邦总统的官邸就设于此。

    It functions as the official residence of the president of the Russian Federation.

  21. 接踵而来的告急信使令将军的官邸一片惊慌。

    Urgent messengers beat up the general's quarters.

  22. 接踵而来得告急信使令将军得官邸一片惊慌。

    Urgent messengers beat up the general's quarters.

  23. 我对首相的官邸和政府大厦非常好奇。

    I'm curious to see the house where the prime minister lives and the various government building.

  24. 当晚我们在总督的官邸和他共进晚餐。

    We had dinner that evening with the Governor at his palace.

  25. 总统府是新加坡总统的正式官邸和办公场所。

    The Istana is the official residence and office of the President of Singapore.

  26. 问题是,谁将居住在唐宁街10号首相官邸?

    Question is, who is going to live at10 Downing Street

  27. 宅邸高官显贵的正式官邸, 如主教或大主教

    The official residence of a high dignitary, such as a bishop or an archbishop.

  28. 几周后, 戈塔尔搬进了粮食部长的官邸。

    A few weeks later Goebbels moved into the official residence of the Minister of Nutrition.

  29. 在他们涌进官邸大门的时候进行了疯狂的庆祝。

    There were wild celebrations as they streamed in through the gates.

  30. 当时几万犹太人在敖德萨英国领事官邸外游行。

    Tens of thousands of Jews marched before the house of the British Consul at Odessa at the time.


  1. 问:官邸拼音怎么拼?官邸的读音是什么?官邸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:官邸的读音是guāndǐ,官邸翻译成英文是 official residence



官邸 guān dǐ (1) [official residence;official mansion]∶权贵的住所 (2) [chancellery]∶高级官员办事处所在的房舍 古时做官的府邸称官邸,由公家提供的高级官员的住所。