


聚合,聚在一起:~之。~数。~体。~结。汇~。概括全部,主要的:~纲。~则。为首的,最高的:~司令。~裁。~经理。~统。束系,束头发:~角(jiǎo )。经常,一直:~是这样。一定,无论如何:~归。“万紫千红~是春”。……


事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……



汉语拼音:zǒng jī






总机 [zǒng jī]
  1. 电信局或较大机关、团体所设,负责转接电话线路的单位。 




  1. We would like you to provide us with a switchboard operator from now until the end of the year.


  2. We are now able to call anybody in any country from our home without the help of an operator .


  3. I have previously worked a year in XX Hotel at the front desk and the switchboard.


  4. Our office microcomputers interface with the mainframe computer in London.


  5. Then really without thinking what I was doing, I dialed my hometown operator and said, "Information Please. "


  6. Just a moment. (after a moment ) Sorry to have kept you waiting . If you phone 732 -4060 , you will get his office's switchboard.


  7. Hold on for a moment and I'll reconnect you with the switchboard operator.


  8. If you'd like, I can get the meter reading for the call from the operator so you can check it, so you can have a look at it.


  9. Please leave messages at the Reception Desk or to the Operator . We will send it to the guest's room as soon as possible .


  1. 总机存储匣

    office storage group.

  2. 请接总机。

    Please connect me with the operator.

  3. 喂,总机吗?

    Hello, operator?Get me 5732, please.

  4. 总机编码设备

    office coding equipment

  5. 虚拟总机系统

    Virtual Switchboard system

  6. 调度遥控总机

    Remote controlling telephone exchange of CTC

  7. 负责管理总机。

    Responsible for the overall PBX department.

  8. 我是总机接线员

    I am a Switchboard Operator

  9. 多语言总机服务

    multilingual switchboard services

  10. 多语言服务总机

    Multilingual Interpretation Switchboard

  11. 总机说,先别慌。

    The operator says, Just take it easy.

  12. 总机, 需要我帮忙吗?

    Operator. can I help you?

  13. 总机,需要我帮忙吗?

    Operator. can I help you?

  14. 他拨了总机的号码。

    He dialled the operator.

  15. 总机!有个串线了。

    Central! Someone else is talking over the wire.

  16. 总机!有个串线了。

    Central! Someone else is talking over the wire.

  17. 交换总机看起来比较过瘾。

    A switchboard looks more interesting.

  18. 前厅部总机免打扰服务

    Do Not Disturb Call Service

  19. 总机,你给我接错号码了。

    Operator, you gave me a wrong number.

  20. 总机, 有什么我能帮忙的吗?

    Switchboard can I help you

  21. 智能总机的概念及技术实现

    The Conception and Technology Realization of Intellect Telephone Exchange.

  22. 喂, 我是总机。你要什么分机?

    Hello, switchboard. What extension do you want ?

  23. 对不起。您能把我转回总机?

    CALLER Im sorry. Could you put me back to the switchboard.

  24. 接待总机早安, 斯旺森医师办公室。

    Receptionist Good morning, Dr.Swansons office.

  25. 向主管汇报总机设备出现的问题。

    Advises defects on switchboard equipment to Supervis.

  26. 总机不能使用应答机器设备服务?

    Switchboard shall not be equipped with answering machine

  27. 你可以去总机那里申请办公文具。

    You can apply for office supplies at the receptionists desk.

  28. 您可拨打5向总机登记叫早服务。

    You may dial five to place a morning call with the operator.

  29. 记者招待会后,总机就被打爆了。

    The switchboard's been jammed ever since the press conference.

  30. 我上班的时候也要当总机接线员的。

    On my job I had to work as a switchboard operator.


  1. 问:总机拼音怎么拼?总机的读音是什么?总机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总机的读音是zǒngjī,总机翻译成英文是 central exchange; switchboard; telephone exch...

  2. 问:总机构拼音怎么拼?总机构的读音是什么?总机构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总机构的读音是zǒng jī gòu,总机构翻译成英文是 head office

  3. 问:总机械师拼音怎么拼?总机械师的读音是什么?总机械师翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总机械师的读音是zǒng jī xiè shī,总机械师翻译成英文是 chief mechanic

  4. 问:总机构中间养护需求率拼音怎么拼?总机构中间养护需求率的读音是什么?总机构中间养护需求率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:总机构中间养护需求率的读音是zǒng jī gòu zhōng jiān yǎng hù xū qiú lǜ,总机构中间养护需求率翻译成英文是 Total Organizational Intermediate Maintenan...



概述 [call center]在通讯生活中总机相当于CallCenter(呼叫中心),它已经逐步表示成一种服务,电话咨询或者转接服务。一些114电话号码,或者114为结尾的号码都是基本都可以通称总机。例如:深圳大学的电话科简称 深大总机 电话总机 网站总机