







汉语拼音:xià hǎi











  1. 谓出海。

    元 张之翰 《再到上海》诗:“下海人迴蕃货贱,巡盐军集哨船多。”

  2. 旧时戏曲界称非职业演员(票友)转为职业演员为“下海”。

    老舍 《四世同堂》二四:“论唱,论做,论扮相,她都有下海的资格。可是,她宁愿意作拿黑杵的票友,而不敢去搭班儿。”

  3. 指充当娼妓。

    老舍 《四世同堂》四三:“每逢有新下海的暗门子,我先把她带到这里来,由科长给施行洗礼,怎样?”

  4. 指妓女第一次接客伴宿。

    欧阳予倩 《桃花扇》第一幕:“下海就是梳拢,梳拢就是上头。你别装糊涂了。”



  1. It pounced Quduo like crazy, not thought of that fishermen a jump into the sea, running from the Hai Lituo the bottom.


  2. And then we went with her to the sea - for the first time in her life!


  3. The ocean may be a little colder than usual, but I think you might still be able to hop in.


  4. I would not like the waves impact of the strong to return to the island, I would think : If I go by the big waves blowing, the how do?


  5. He went into business, eventually becoming the legal representative of an auction company, which he declined to name.


  6. He was first into the sea, and at once swam out with the bravado of justifying his self-given reputation.


  7. when the officers were corruption, the commerce were afraid of illegal deprivation and did not dare to overseas, and the trade suffered.


  8. A 1, 000-pound racehorse swims off the coast of Malta after being taken into the sea for exercise in preparation for the next race.


  9. Here and there children ventured into the water, despite official warnings to stay out of the ocean.


  1. 下海绿石砂

    lower greensand.

  2. 骑马下海人

    Riders to the Sea

  3. 害怕高空迅速下海

    For fear of falling swiftly overboard

  4. 初次下海,难免晕船。

    You will likely feel seasick on your first trip at sea.

  5. 他们开始下海捕鱼。

    They took to sea fishing.

  6. 醉汉下海险送命

    Drunkard nearly drowned in the sea

  7. 欲擒龙王, 就得下海

    He who would catch fish mush not mind getting wet

  8. 刘浩决定亲自下海操刀。

    Liu decided to personally put out to sea Caodao.

  9. 于是有一天我下海了。

    So one day I did it.

  10. 阳光下海水波光闪烁。

    The sea was shimmering in the sunlight.

  11. 关于官员下海的道德争议

    Moral Controversies on Officials'Going to Business

  12. 很多科技人员辞职下海。

    Many scientists and technicians resigned and went into business.

  13. 此女子下海谋生实属无奈。

    This girl was reduced to becoming a prostitute to earn a living.

  14. 他办了病退手续就下海经商了。

    He retired early and started his own business.

  15. 他办了病退手续就下海经商了。

    He retired early and started his own business.

  16. 怎样处置他?抛他下海喂鱼好吗?

    How handles him? Throws him go to sea to feed fish?

  17. 我妈妈想下海做生意, 只是想尝试一下。

    My mother wanna go to business. Just to get her feet wet.

  18. 尽管风雨交加,一些人还是会下海游泳。

    The wild weather did not deter some people from swimming in the sea.

  19. 赶上改革开放的潮头,他下海经商了。

    Following the policy of reform and opening, he resigned from his position and became a businessman.

  20. 在这样的热天,我们无法抵御下海的欲望。

    On this hot day the sea was irresistible.

  21. 你也要指控我把那人推下海的?

    Are you going to accuse me of throwing that man overboard, too?

  22. 对这场比赛他已经夸下海口了。

    He talked big about the game.

  23. 由于贫穷, 最坏的天气我们也不得不下海。

    Even in the dirtiest weather, poverty drove us to go out to sea.

  24. 用以渡河过湖或下海捕鱼的独木舟。

    Canoes for crossing rivers and lakes, or fishing in the sea.

  25. 不同生态条件下海涂土壤的微形态特征

    Micromorphological features of coastal zonal soils under different ecological conditions

  26. 虽然领导百般挽留,她毅然决然地辞职下海。

    Although her leader used every method to urge her to stay, she is determined to resign and go into business.

  27. 虽然领导百般挽留,她毅然决然地辞职下海。

    Although her leader used every method to urge her to stay, she is determined to resign and go into business.

  28. 大气噪声条件下海上短波通信可通性研究

    Research on the Feasibility of Shortwave Communication at Sea under the Condition of Atmosphere Yawp

  29. 我得重下海去, 去那寂寥的大海和长天。

    I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky.

  30. 我得重下海去,生活像漂泊的吉卜赛人一样。

    I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life.


  1. 问:下海拼音怎么拼?下海的读音是什么?下海翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下海的读音是xiàhǎi,下海翻译成英文是 go out to sea; go into business

  2. 问:下海老名拼音怎么拼?下海老名的读音是什么?下海老名翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下海老名的读音是Xiàhǎilǎomíng,下海老名翻译成英文是 Shimoebina

  3. 问:下海姆巴赫拼音怎么拼?下海姆巴赫的读音是什么?下海姆巴赫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下海姆巴赫的读音是,下海姆巴赫翻译成英文是 Niederheimbach

  4. 问:下海繁殖的拼音怎么拼?下海繁殖的的读音是什么?下海繁殖的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下海繁殖的的读音是xià hǎi fán zhí de,下海繁殖的翻译成英文是 catadromous

  5. 问:下海产卵回游拼音怎么拼?下海产卵回游的读音是什么?下海产卵回游翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下海产卵回游的读音是xià hǎi chǎn luǎn huí yóu,下海产卵回游翻译成英文是 catadromous migration



“下海”是个多义词,它可以指下海(袁克平编剧、王晓明执导电视剧), 下海(汉语词汇)。