




以酒饭款待宾客:~客。~饮。~席。聚会在一起吃酒饭:~会。~集。酒席:设~。国~。盛(shèng)~。乐(lè),安闲:~娱。~嬉。~乐(yuè )。~居。……



汉语拼音:guó yàn







  1. 国家元首或政府首脑为招待国宾、其他贵宾或在重要节日而举行的隆重宴会。



  1. Lang Lang said he chose 'My Motherland' for a White House dinner because of its beauty.


  2. Maotai liquor mellow, with luxury and high-grade package, is a fine wine for a state banquet.


  3. Prime ministers of Japan and the Czech Republic have had an unusual dinner companion as they met for a state dinner in Prague.


  4. Jill Biden continued: "I said, Joe, if you're secretary of state, you'll be away. See you at a state dinner once in a while. "


  5. The White House decided early on not to call Mr. Hu's trip a state visit, and denied him perquisites like a state dinner.


  6. State Office of the White House a second hall, with its beautiful decoration and elegant tableware is known.


  7. He would sometimes show up hours late for a state banquet honoring an African head of state, then sit in a far corner before bolting away.


  8. "Fotiaoqiang" has been used to entertain leaders of different nations for many times as the main course of state banquet.


  9. Party crashers were allowed into a White House State Dinner without being on the guest list is an embarrassment to the Homeland Security.


  1. 机器人出席捷克国宴

    Robot attends Czech state dinner

  2. 国宴是由总理主持的。

    The sate banquet was presided over by the premier.

  3. 为来访总统举办的国宴

    a state banquet in honour of the visiting President

  4. 被邀请赴国宴,甚是荣幸。

    It's a great honor for me to be invited to the state banquet.

  5. 要参加国宴,必须穿晚礼服。

    To attend the state dinner, black tie is required.

  6. 那天晚上举行了一个国宴。

    That night there was a state banquet.

  7. 昨天设国宴款待来访的总统。

    Yesterday a state dinner was given in honor of the visiting president.

  8. 可能参加我们的下一次国宴。

    Who may be attending our next state dinner.

  9. 那天,我荣幸地参加了国宴。

    I had the honour of attending the state banquet the other day.

  10. 他来华访问,他们设国宴款待他。

    They gave a state banquet to honour his visit to china.

  11. 总理兼外长出席了这次国宴。

    The premier and foreign minister was present at this state banquet.

  12. 今晚能好起来参加我们的国宴。

    Is feeling well enough to attend tonight's state dinner.

  13. 这些美味佳肴是专供国宴用得。

    These exquisite dishes are served only in the state banquet.

  14. 我对受邀出席国宴感到荣幸之至。

    I feel highly honored to be invited to the state banquet.

  15. 昨晚他出席了在白金汉宫举行的国宴。

    Last night he attended a state banquet at Buckingham Palace.

  16. 这些美味佳肴是专供国宴用的。

    These exquisite dishes are served only in the state banquet.

  17. 解放初期,白马奶葡萄被定为国宴佳品。

    Liberation, white horse milk was set at a state banquet grape quality goods.

  18. 被誉为国宴家席中凸显高贵得首选用瓷。

    Be praised for the noble convex state banquet family seat head selects and uses a china.

  19. 胡主席在白宫与奥巴马和第一夫人参加国宴。

    Chinese President Hu Jintao had dinner at the White House with President Obama and first lady Michelle.

  20. 巴基斯坦的国宴上没有敬酒,因为酒精饮料是被禁止的。

    There are no toasts at state dinners in Pakistan, because there is no alcohol.

  21. 他们被邀请参加国宴,这对于他们来说是莫大的荣幸。

    They were invited to the state banquet, whelloch was a great honor to them.

  22. 大致国宴,小至私人宴请,都必须遵循一定的礼仪准则。

    From the state banquet, to personal invites, all must follow certain etiquette criterion.

  23. 星期二辛格先生将是奥巴马总统首次国宴的嘉宾。

    Singh will be the guest of honor on Tuesday at President Obama's first state dinner.

  24. 星期二辛格先生将是奥巴马总统首次国宴得嘉宾。

    Singh will be the guest of honor on Tuesday at President Obama's first state dinner.

  25. 被邀请赴国宴,甚是荣幸。她穿得很漂亮地去赴会。

    It's a great honor for me to be invited to the state banquet. She is all dressed up for the party.

  26. 不久前,他偷偷溜进白宫参加国宴,居然没人认出他来。

    Not long ago, he snuck into a White House state dinner. Nobody recognized him.

  27. 奥巴马还在国宴上向默克尔颁发了总统自由勋章。

    Merkel Obama also awarded to the state banquet Presidential Medal of Freedom.

  28. 混入白宫噌国宴很明显是保全系统崩溃及某种胆量所致。

    Crashing a state dinner at the White House apparently takes a security breakdown as well as some kind of nerve.


  1. 问:国宴拼音怎么拼?国宴的读音是什么?国宴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:国宴的读音是guóyàn,国宴翻译成英文是 state banquet



国宴是国家元首或政府为招待国宾、其它贵宾或在重要节日为招待各界人士而举行的正式宴会。国宴菜是国家主席或国务院总理等国家领导人为招待外宾,以及政府的名义外国援华人员,以及为国家做出突出贡献人士的菜肴,每年国庆时,国务院总理举行的招待会,都称国宴。 中国国宴菜通常以淮扬菜为基准,汇集了各地方菜系,整理、改良而成。以咸味为主要口味,川菜减少了刺激性调料如辣椒、花椒的使用,淮扬菜减少了糖的食用,特点是清淡可口,软烂嫩滑,能够满足国内外大多来宾的要求。国宴一般在人民大会堂或钓鱼台国宾馆举办,但人民大会堂共设宴5000人,故近年国宴菜也进行了改革,以减少开支,菜单不超过三菜一汤,不上白酒。其中狮子头、佛跳墙及三宝鸭等为国宴菜的代表菜。 国宴菜博采国内各菜系之众长,按“以味为核心,以养为目的”的要求,上及宫廷肴馔谱录,下采民间风味小吃,外涉世界各国名菜,内及国内八大菜系,广采博取,撷英集精,形成独具特色的系列菜系,突出体现了现代饮食“三低一高”(低盐、低糖、低脂肪、高蛋白)的要求。口味中西结合,科学合理配膳,注重保健养生之功效。 人民大会堂国宴菜被称为“堂菜”,是国宴菜的一个重要代表,其特点是:用料珍贵,选料精细;以味为本,鲜咸为主;刀工严谨,调味细腻;质地软嫩,色泽素淡;点缀得体,造型典雅。“堂菜”具有“清淡鲜嫩,形美色绝”的独特风格,是中华饮食文化的一枝奇葩。