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1. 祭 [jì]2. 祭 [zhài]祭 [jì]对死者表示追悼、敬意的仪式:~奠。~礼。~灵。~典。~扫。供奉鬼神或祖先:~祖。~天。~祀。~灶。使用(法宝):~起一件法宝。祭 [zhài]姓。……
向死者供献祭品致敬:祭~。~酒。稳固地安置:~都(dū ㄉㄨ)。~基。~定(使稳固安定,如“~~基础”)。……
汉语拼音:jì diàn
晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·省烦》:“朝饗宾主之仪,祭奠殯葬之变,郊祀禘祫之法,社稷山川之礼,皆可减省,务令俭约。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·祝盟》:“祭奠之楷,宜恭且哀。”《红楼梦》第一○九回:“我也时常祭奠。” 老舍 《茶馆》第三幕:“ 四爷 ,让咱们祭奠祭奠自己,把纸钱撒起来,算咱们三个老头子的吧!”
He would not be surprised that the 150th anniversary of his birth is now being widely celebrated in his native country.
汉姆生应该不会惊异,如今他的150周年生日正为他的祖国同胞们广为祭奠吧。These activities are religious deities, worshiping ancestors, Ying Fuk Jubilee then, pray for a good harvest for the main content.
这些活动均以祭祀神佛、祭奠祖先、迎禧接福、祈求丰年为主要内容。So people got the tribute ready to offer sacrifice to him on that night, which is called the worship of the moon.
人们在这天晚上要准备丰盛的供品,祭奠岩尖,称为“拜月”。You already are impossible to join in this game which has no concern, offer a sacrifice to my dead love?
你已经不可能在参加这场毫无悬念的游戏,祭奠我死去的爱情?哈?At least, in this sorrowful day, they could burn papers to hold memorial ceremony for departed family.
毕竟,在这个悲哀的日子,他们可以为故去的亲人燃纸祭奠。For they were arrogant against one another and refused to worship the gods or offer them sacrifice.
因为他们妄自尊大,拒绝膜拜众神,还不给他们祭奠贡品。Humble heart I used to write with a sincere heart to pay homage. My high school, I have no regrets youth.
我用卑微的心来书写,用至诚的心来祭奠。我的高中,我无悔的青春。From a recht perspective, the current law has not stipulated the so-called sacrifice right as a concrete legal right.
从法权的视角来看,现行法律没有明文规定祭奠权为一种具体的法定权利。They see the rice for his own maintenance end of god, and every year to the memorial.