




价钱高,与“贱”相对:~贱(a.价格的高低;b.指人的地位高低;c.方言,无论如何)。春雨~如油。指地位高:~族。~戚。~望(尊贵的门第和声望)。敬辞,称与对方有关的事物:~国。~庚(请问别人年龄)。~姓。~干(gàn )(问人要做什么)。……



汉语拼音:jiāo gui









  1. 得宠而荣贵。

    唐 崔颢 《邯郸宫人怨》诗:“岁岁年年奉欢宴,娇贵荣华谁不羡?” 明 杨基 《球场曲》:“一生娇贵厌朝天,不信人间有倒悬。”

  2. 谓看得贵重,过分爱护。

    《红楼梦》第七回:“ 王夫人 道:‘这也有的常情,跟姑娘的丫头原比别的娇贵些。’” 孔厥 袁静 《新儿女英雄传》第十九回:“这点雨还怕,身子骨就太娇贵啦!”

  3. 指物品容易损坏。如:这玩意可真够娇贵的,动不动就坏。



  1. Defect: Compare enervated , do not easily, treat water or insolate wait to be out of shape possibly.

  2. Odds are some of your clothes are going to be too delicate for a machine (like, say, your New Years Eve outfit).

  3. Letterpress kit is not dainty, and Ms Durrie has built custom cabinetry to hold and balance a few tonnes of type and presses.

  4. I just wanna tell you that you can't think yourself to be a coddle.

  5. Musicians flying to and from Britain are being forced to put delicate and valuable instruments into aircraft holds, and one U.

  6. Only the noble princess could be so delicate and sensitive.

  7. Moreover, my wife believes that children can bring their own, and do not engage in too pampered.

  8. Breaking Jiaogui children will never become the princess, breaking the child will live forever in their own world.

  9. need to be used to wash this clothes because of the delicate material of it.


  1. 她可娇贵了。

    Oh, she's precious.

  2. 狗是娇贵的动物。

    A dog is a delicate creature.

  3. 狗是娇贵得动物。

    A dog is a delicate creature.

  4. 我喜欢玫瑰的娇贵。

    I like the delicacy of roses.

  5. 仪表娇贵, 要小心轻放。

    The apparatus is fragile and should be handled with care.

  6. 这冒犯了你娇贵的意识了吗?

    Does this offend your delicate sensibilities?

  7. 眼睛是人体最娇贵的器官之一。

    The eye is one of the most delicate organs of the body.

  8. 那两个娇贵的小东西怎么样了?

    How are those two little precious ones?

  9. 那两个娇贵的小东西怎么样了?

    How are those two little precious ones?

  10. 那两个娇贵的小东西怎么样了?

    How are those two little precious ones?

  11. 这个花瓶很娇贵,搬的时候要小心。

    This vase is fragile – be careful when you move it.

  12. 刚走一小段路就受不了,怎么这么娇贵?

    Walking just a short distance is too much for you – how come you are so fragile?

  13. 过多人使用果岭会破坏其娇贵的草坪。

    Too much use would ruin the delicate grass.

  14. 我这样悦,只是告诉你,不可有娇贵的想法。

    I just wanna tell you that you can't think yourself to be a coddle.

  15. 这种花很娇贵, 适应性极弱, 种植有些难度。

    This flower is very fragile and not adaptable, so it's a bit difficult to grow it.

  16. 这种花很娇贵,适应性极弱,种植有些难度。

    This flower is very fragile and not adaptable, so it's a bit difficult to grow it.

  17. 非常娇贵的花香夹杂糖水柠檬和矿石的香气。

    A very delicate floral nose, with candied lemon and mineral nuances.

  18. 除了真正的公主, 其他人不会有这么娇贵的感觉。

    None but a real Princess could have had such a delicate sense of feeling.

  19. 钢琴烤漆比较娇贵,轻易造成刮痕,影响橱柜美观。

    Piano bakes lacquer to compare enervated, cause scratch easily, influence ambry is beautiful.

  20. 你什么都不关心,除了你自己和你那张娇贵的脸。

    You don't care about anything but yourself and your precious face.

  21. 玫瑰因其娇贵纤弱而不能适应极冷或极热的气候。

    The delicacy of roses makes them unfit for an extreme climate.

  22. 玫瑰因其娇贵纤弱而不能适应极冷或极热得气候。

    The delicacy of roses makes them unfit for an extreme climate.

  23. 缺点比较娇贵,不轻易打理,遇水或暴晒等都可能变形。

    Defect Compare enervated , do not easily, treat water or insolate wait to be out of shape possibly.

  24. 全是亮片?你的一些衣服可能太娇贵了, 不适合机洗。

    Odds are some of your clothes are going to be too delicate for a machine.

  25. 这花娇贵得很,只在晚上开一会儿,第二天就谢了。

    This flower is very fragile, only blooming briefly at night, and then wilts on the very next day.

  26. 而且, 我老婆认为, 孩子自己带就可以了, 不必搞的太娇贵。

    Moreover, my wife believes that children can bring their own, and do not engage in too pampered.

  27. 没问题的,你不需要每次获胜后都去奉承这些娇贵的宝贝。

    Its okay. You dont always have to shake hands and kiss the babies as you dole out the defeats to other teams.


  1. 问:娇贵拼音怎么拼?娇贵的读音是什么?娇贵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:娇贵的读音是jiāogui,娇贵翻译成英文是 fragile




注音: jiāo gui 指人或物贵重而过度爱护