如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 谷 [gǔ]谷 [gǔ]两山间的夹道或流水道,或指两山之间:山~。河~。喻困境:进退维~(进退两难)。庄稼和粮食的总称:五~。百~。粟的别称,亦指稻的子实:~物。~米。稻~。姓。……
汉语拼音:bù gǔ
Just a Eurostar -ride away in London , old- timers like Kate Moss spend their nights at the Cuckoo Club .
只是欧洲-出走伦敦,旧定时器像凯蒂。莫斯消磨晚上的布谷鸟俱乐部。Imagine the world's most complicated mechanical cuckoo bird - hidden not in a clock but in what appears to be a double-barreled pistol.
想像一下世界上最复杂的机械布谷鸟——它并未藏身钟表之中,而是躲藏在了一个看似双管手枪的装置里面。Who knew that the mild-mannered cuckoo clock could evolve into such a gruesome object?
谁能想到布谷钟也能演变成骇人的东西?A cuckoo in flight, clocking up thousands of miles to complete the long journey from England to Africa.
一只飞翔的布谷鸟,飞越数千英里,完成从英格兰到非洲的慢慢旅程。Cuckoo Cuckoo, Warble away. Bring the sweet flowers, sunshine and showers. Spring time, spring time, do not delay.
布谷布谷,布谷布谷,鸣唱而去,带来芳香的花,阳光和阵雨,播种的时间,播种的时间,可不要延误。She said that was good, and for some reason she said we needed a new cuckoo clock.
她说还不错,但是我们应该换一个新的布谷鸟钟。The cuckoo grows rapidly and then throws the little thrushes out of the nest!
布谷鸟迅速长大并且把小画眉鸟们扔出了窝!This could have been because the foolish cuckoo bird had such a silly monotonous song.
之所以会这样,大概是因为愚蠢的布谷鸟只会发出傻傻的、十分单调的鸣叫声吧。Cuckoo Cuckoo, Welcome thy sang. Winter is going, soft breezes blowing. Spring time, spring time, soon will be here.