


劝酒:~酢。用财物报答:~劳。~谢。~金。报~。交际往来:应(yìng )~。~对。~和(hè)(用诗词应答)。~唱(用诗词互相赠答)。实现愿望:壮志未~。……


1. 谢 [xiè]谢 [xiè]对别人的帮助或赠与表示感激:~~。~仪。~忱(谢意)。~恩。~意。面~。致~。感~。认错,道歉:~过。~罪。推辞:~绝。闭门~客。凋落,衰退:~顶。~世(去世)。凋~。新陈代~。告诉,询问:“使人称~:‘皇……



汉语拼音:chóu xiè








  1. 亦作“酧谢”。赠送礼物以表示谢意;报谢。

    《宋书·范晔传》:“尝有病,因 法静 尼就 熙先 乞治,为合汤一剂, 耀 疾即损。 耀 自往酬谢,因成周旋。” 明 朱有燉 《风月牡丹仙》第三折:“今宵共约在芳亭内,酧谢你《风俗记》太新奇。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第二五章:“在寨主的客房里聚着本寨的几位管事人和几家肉票的当家人,商量如何酬谢 田见秀 。”



  1. I presented him with a Chinese painting in consideration of his assistance.

  2. He might be easy and young, but he wasn't mean, and she would reward him, too, she now decided.

  3. in Juren was even more grateful to the doctor and rewarded him with a great gift.

  4. God, I am grateful to be in heaven with You as a reward for the pious, obedient life I led.

  5. I invited him for a dinner in return for his help.

  6. He never helped others with the hope of gaining recognition or seeking attention.

  7. I offered to pay him for his help but he refused (payment).

  8. So I have recomposed this holy image with seals to repay His kindness and for my better visualisation. I would like to share it with You.

  9. But it is such an invaluable service that both sides are glad to pay him liberally for it.


  1. 酬谢顾客大减价

    Customer Appreciation Sale

  2. 他们酬谢他的辛劳。

    They recompensed him for his trouble.

  3. 我回来时会酬谢你。

    You'll be paid on my return.

  4. 对于他的帮助我会酬谢他的。

    I shall reward him for his services.

  5. 你的善良将得到酬谢。

    Your kindness will be rewarded.

  6. 老太太酬谢帮助她的小孩。

    The old lady rewarded the child for helping her.

  7. 这是酬谢所提供服务得奖金。

    His rudeness rendered me speechless.

  8. 这是酬谢所提供服务的奖金。

    His rudeness rendered me speechless.

  9. 老太太酬谢那个小孩五元钱。

    The old lady rewarded the child with five dollars.

  10. 他们决不酬谢已经到手的礼物。

    They did not pay for gifts they had already pocketed.

  11. 我请他喝酒以酬谢他的帮助。

    I buy him a drink in return for his help.

  12. 我为你所给予的帮助而酬谢你。

    I rewarded you for your help.

  13. 你的忠心的赞助会得到充分的酬谢。

    You will be amply recomposed for your loyal support.

  14. 公司发给她奖金以酬谢她工作努力。

    The firm repaid her hard work with a bonus.

  15. 安然脱险, 上了岸, 酬谢保佑他的,

    As if a shipwrecked Pagan, safe in port

  16. 客人酬谢了服务员热情周到的接待。

    The guest compensated a waiter for his cheerful willing service.

  17. 对于我们的帮助,他大加酬谢。

    He rewarded us handsomely for helping him.

  18. 公司发给她奖金以酬谢她的辛勤工作。

    The firm repaid her hard work with a bonus.

  19. 他酬谢了医生,并付了买药的钱。

    He paid the doctor and paid for his medicine, too.

  20. 中文公司发给她奖金以酬谢她工作努力。

    The firm repaid her hard work with bonus.

  21. 她因那男孩帮助而酬谢他十美元。

    for his help.

  22. 我希望我能做点什么事来酬谢他。

    I wish I could do something in return for the kindness I have received from him.

  23. 作为酬谢, 我将满足你任何一个要求。

    As thanks, I will grant any request you make.

  24. 请接受这张酬谢你服务的支票。

    Please accept this cheque in recognition of your services.

  25. 如果你帮我做这件工作, 我就会酬谢你。

    If you help me with this job, I'll make it worth your while.

  26. 他们奖给他一笔钱以酬谢他鼎立相助。

    They rewarded him for his great help with a gift of money.

  27. 公司赠送他一张支票,酬谢他为公司服务40年。

    He was presented with a check in recognition of his forty years services to the company.

  28. 他给拾得他的宠物狗的人酬谢1000元。

    He offered a reward of1000 yuan for the finder of his pet dog.

  29. 她酬谢了邻居在暑期中为她照看爱畜。

    She compensated her neighbor for taking care of the pets during the summer.

  30. 当荣获为最佳女演员时, 她酬谢她的导演。

    When awarded as best actress she rewarded her director.


  1. 问:酬谢拼音怎么拼?酬谢的读音是什么?酬谢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酬谢的读音是chóuxiè,酬谢翻译成英文是 repay



词目酬谢 拼音chóu xiè 词性动词 词义以赠送财物表示谢意 词组重重酬谢|婉拒酬谢。