


1. 呱 [guā]2. 呱 [gū]3. 呱 [guǎ]呱 [guā]〔~~〕a.声音响亮;b.形容好,如“~~叫”,“顶~~”。呱 [gū]〔~~〕指小儿哭声,如“~~坠地”。呱 [guǎ]〔拉~儿(guǎr)〕方言,聊天,闲谈。……


1. 呱 [guā]2. 呱 [gū]3. 呱 [guǎ]呱 [guā]〔~~〕a.声音响亮;b.形容好,如“~~叫”,“顶~~”。呱 [gū]〔~~〕指小儿哭声,如“~~坠地”。呱 [guǎ]〔拉~儿(guǎr)〕方言,聊天,闲谈。……




1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……



汉语拼音:gū gū zhuì dì








  • 【解释】:形容婴儿出生或事物问世。
  • 【出自】:苏曼殊《断鸿零雁记》第三章:“尔呱呱坠地,无几月,即生父见背。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语;指出生


  1. Give to a pig when it grunts and a child when it cries, and you will have a fine pig and a bad child.

  2. Think about it from my born day, to my growth as an excellent primary and secondary school students, would like to thank too many things.

  3. First the birth of a nation and then the arrival of its first citizen.

  4. Born into, we have a pair of curious eyes searched the world, what would like to touch, what would like to try.

  5. Zeng Yongshen was born into a peasant's family in Shishang Township, Ningdu, Ganzhou City of Jiangxi Province.

  6. China is a country valuing the name culture very much. Giving a suitable name to a person when he is born is also a cardinal task.

  7. Once the first baby is born and it cries, he said last week, the world will embrace it.

  8. The same is likely to happen for the first "enhanced" human, assuming the gurgling is happy.

  9. It is not fate, nor chance, nor luck, nor coincidence that you are breathing at this very moment.


  1. 第二年春天,我就呱呱坠地了。

    In the following spring I came wriggling and crying into the world.

  2. 按理说十月怀胎, 瘦猴结婚半年, 一个小男孩就呱呱坠地了。

    Say October be pregnant normally, poor clever boy marries half an year, a little boy drops with respect to quack the ground.

  3. 叫发出乌鸦的叫声呱呱地叫。

    caw v.make this cry

  4. 眼镜坠地后依然完好无损。

    The glasses remained intact after being dropped.

  5. 一只牛蛙在远处呱呱地叫。

    A bullfrog was croaking in the distance.

  6. 他随着一连串的油桶跌落坠地。

    He crashed to the ground in a cascade of oil cans.

  7. 脚踏双凳必坠地。脚踏两头必落空。

    Between two stools you fall to the groun

  8. 一下雨青蛙就开始呱呱地叫起来。

    Frogs began to croak with the rainfall.

  9. 这架喷气式飞机突然着火,急速坠地。

    The jet burst into flames and plummeted to the ground.

  10. 那只玻璃杯坠地后依然完好无损。

    The glass remained intact after being dropped.

  11. 午餐时女孩们咭咭呱呱地谈个不停。

    The girls clattered away at their luncheon.

  12. 那架飞机机身翻转,接着就坠地了。

    The aero plane capsized and fell to the ground

  13. 那枝箭射中鹄的, 那只鸟坠地而死。

    The arrow reach its mark and the bird fall dead.

  14. 耶稣基督!汤默思一声惊呼,杯子坠地。

    Jesus christ! Cried Tomas and dropped the cup.

  15. 那枝箭射中鹄得,那只鸟坠地而死。

    The arrow reached its mark and the bird fell dead.

  16. 大约8000只斑鸠坠地死亡,喙部有蓝色斑点。

    Died about8000 fell to the ground doves, beak blue spots.

  17. 树叶一分开,就飘飘扬扬地纷纷坠地。

    The leaves came apart and fluttered down.

  18. 唯一的不同点在于, 电梯会坠地, 我会挂掉。

    The only difference is that the elevator will crash, will kill you.

  19. 我是自洛根坠地后第一个开口说话的人。

    I was the first one to have spoken since Logan hit the ground.

  20. 唧唧呱呱地在寂静的原野,显得格外的清醒悦耳。

    Chirp began in the quiet wilderness, seems especially clear wonderful.

  21. 很多警察正在坠地现场及高架桥上进行勘察。

    Many police are onto the scene and the viaduct on the investigation.

  22. 而在航天飞机上, 由于速度高, 永远不会坠地。

    In the case of the shuttle it never hits the earth because of its high speed.

  23. 当飞机坠地时, 一些在观看航空表演的观众不幸遇难。

    Several spectators at the air show were killed when a plane crashed.

  24. 这有点象比别人都先知道飞机将要坠地,对吗?

    It's a little bit like knowing the plane's going down before anyone else, isn't it?

  25. 因为他们只会叽叽呱呱地乱叫, 然后吐我们一身的油

    for they always squack and squeak and spit our oily goo

  26. 汤姆又在地上爬着,他往两侧乱跳,还乐得呱呱地叫起来。

    Tom, on hands and knees again, was giving sideways leaps and croaking happily.

  27. 当我坠地后,几秒钟之前我看到的那些人们,现在正也看着我。

    The people that I just saw a second ago now look at me.

  28. 这只乌鸦尽力大声地呱呱叫。

    The crow cawed as loudly as she could.

  29. 唐的腰间沉甸甸地坠着一圈赘肉。

    Don had a hefty roll of flab overhanging his waistband.

  30. 恩, 他是面部着地坠下的, 但看起来他的头部被动过。

    Well, he landed on his face, but it looks like his head got moved.


  1. 问:呱呱坠地拼音怎么拼?呱呱坠地的读音是什么?呱呱坠地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:呱呱坠地的读音是gūgūzhuìdì,呱呱坠地翻译成英文是 be born; come into the world with a cry— be prese...



呱呱坠地 (gū gū zhuì dì) 解释:形容刚出生的婴儿或事物问世。


出处:苏曼殊《断鸿零雁记》第三章:“尔呱呱坠地,无几月,即生父见背。” 示例:欢迎~之新中华。

★李大钊《之使命》 一丈青大娘一听见孙子呱呱落地的啼声,喜泪如雨,又烧香又上供,又拜佛又许愿。——刘绍棠《蒲柳人家》 用法:作谓语、定语;指出生 近义词:呱呱堕地