






1. 车 [chē]2. 车 [jū]车 [chē]陆地上有轮子的交通工具:火~。~驾(帝王的马车)。~裂(中国古代一种残酷的死刑,俗称“五马分尸”)。前~之鉴。用轮轴来转动的器具:纺~。水~。用水车打水:~水。指旋床或其他机器:~床。用旋……



汉语拼音:chǎng péng chē






  1. 没有篷子的车。



  1. I loved to see him pull up to the theater in his convertible to pick me up after a matinee, his smile flashing.


  2. Woman: If Dan were a brand, he might be a classic convertible Mercedes Benz.


  3. It was the Bronco thatallowed him to become the only kid at his high school who drives his ownconvertible Porsche to class.


  4. Among the show's highlights was the appearance of Ransom Eli Olds' prototype for a new model known as the "runabout. "


  5. Sure enough, a pickup with an extended cab was stuck, its front wheels caught as if in a ditch.


  6. Ahmadinejad found the shoe on the other foot as he waved to the crowd from an open-top car on his way to give a speech at a local stadium.


  7. The president and his wife were seated in the back of an open-topped car as his motorcade drove through the city.


  8. Driving a convertible with the top down could expose you to dangerous noise levels on a par with a building site, claims a new study.


  9. It looked striking and was better cheaper than a Golf Cabriolet but not up to Volkswagen standards in terms of quality or ability.


  1. 红色敞篷车

    The Red Convertible.

  2. 开敞篷车的那个

    With the convertible.

  3. 有流体线条的敞篷车

    a streamlined convertible.

  4. 敞篷车悠悠驶过街道。

    The convertible tooled down the street.

  5. 敞篷车用帆布蓬。安全要求。

    Caravan awnings Safety requirements.

  6. 是一辆两用四驱敞篷车

    It's an amphibious fourwheel drive convertible.

  7. 你这辆敞篷车有什么问题?

    What's wrong with your convertible?

  8. 我的一个朋友有一辆敞篷车。

    A friend of mine owns a convertible.

  9. 装满了煤炭的敞篷车箱

    A wagon full of coal

  10. 我在开一辆全新敞篷车兜风?

    I was driving around in a new coupe?

  11. 对了,和开敞篷车的金发女郎。

    Oh, right. the blonde woman with the convertible.

  12. 对了,和开敞篷车的金发女郎。

    Oh, right. the blonde woman with the convertible.

  13. 发动机功率多少做了敞篷车的需求?

    How much engine power does a cabriolet need?

  14. 法官你那辆是大众牌敞篷车是吗?

    Judge This is a VW rag top convertible isnt it.

  15. 她肯定和那个敞篷车的家伙跑了。

    She sure took off with that convertible fella.

  16. 一辆美洲豹敞篷车停在了她身边。

    A late model jaguar convertible pulls up beside her.

  17. 我们驾驶着我新买的敞篷车漫游在乡村。

    We tooled around in the countryside with my new convertible.

  18. 我会强烈推荐先坐敞篷车上山, 然后步行下山。

    I would strongly recommend taking the gondola up and walking down.

  19. 尼克的父亲买了一部敞篷车给他,他非常高兴。

    Nick was delighted when his father bought him a roadster.

  20. 波洛克驾驶的是一辆奥兹莫比尔敞篷车。

    The car was an Oldsmobile convertible driven by Pollock.

  21. 他故意告诉我,他为他老婆的敞篷车花了多少钱。

    He let me know how much he paid for his wife's convertible.

  22. 能不能借点儿钱给我买新房子和野马敞篷车?

    Can I borrow some money so we can move into an apartment and buy a new Mustang convertible?

  23. 今天我进城去邮局,把敞篷车停在了5分钟停车场。

    Today, I parked my convertible in the5 minute bay at the post office in the city.

  24. 当一辆敞篷车从海军部出来时, 人们让出一条道。

    The people gave way as an open car pushed its way out of the Admiralty.

  25. 保罗把敞篷车停在雨中, 车顶没关就离开了。

    Paul left his convertible parked in the rain with the roof open.

  26. 于是我就开始四处寻找一辆淡蓝色敞篷车雪佛兰。

    So I began walking around looking for a baby blue Chevy convertible.

  27. 有流体线条的敞篷车流体的流速与流线的间距成反比。

    A streamlined convertible. The velocity of the fluid is inversely proportional to the spacing of the streamlines.

  28. 这个特殊的概念车是一种新采取的最漂亮的汽车, 敞篷车的。

    This exceptional concept car is a new take on the most beautiful of vehicles, the cabriolet.

  29. 格利克夫人开着自己的车,女孩们上了南希的敞篷车。

    Mrs. Glick drove her own car and the girls went in Nancy's convertible.

  30. 他被安置在一辆满是其他伤员的敞篷车后部运走了。

    He was carted away in the back of a truck full of other wounded men.


  1. 问:敞篷车拼音怎么拼?敞篷车的读音是什么?敞篷车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敞篷车的读音是chǎngpéngchē,敞篷车翻译成英文是 convertible, a car with a removable top

  2. 问:敞篷车厢拼音怎么拼?敞篷车厢的读音是什么?敞篷车厢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敞篷车厢的读音是,敞篷车厢翻译成英文是 wagon

  3. 问:敞篷车篷布拼音怎么拼?敞篷车篷布的读音是什么?敞篷车篷布翻译成英文是什么?

    答:敞篷车篷布的读音是chǎng péng chē péng bù,敞篷车篷布翻译成英文是 top fabric


