


1. 背 [bèi]2. 背 [bēi]背 [bèi]人体后面从肩到腰的部分:~脊。~包。~影。物体的后面或反面:~面。刀~。~后。~景。用背部对着,与“向”相对:~光。人心向~。向相反的方向:~地性(植物向上生长的性质)。~道而驰。避开,……





汉语拼音:bèi yǐng






  1. 人的背面形象。

    朱自清 《背影》:“我与父亲不相见已有二年馀了,我最不能忘记的是他的背影。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部九:“ 汤阿英 望着 陶阿毛 的宽厚的背影迅速消逝在门外的弄堂里。”

  2. 指文学作品中塑造的人物形象的原型或依据。

    胡适 《<西游记>考证》四:“在 印度 最古的纪事诗《拉麻传》里寻得一个 哈奴曼 ,大概可以称为 齐天大圣 的背影了。”

  3. 犹背景。

    宋还吾 《为<辱孔问题>答<大公报>记者》:“而且我们演剧的背影是什么? 曲阜 的社会状况何若?一般民众的要求怎样?记者先生也许‘更属不知’吧?”参见“ 背景 ”。



  1. Sink to the seabed some background on the accident at the end of the moment the announcement of his eternal immortal.


  2. I stood there still, glanced at his stooping back and a warm feeling called respect came into being from the bottom of my heart.


  3. You had better get your stick and go out to the others, Stephen said as he followed towards the door the boy's graceless form.


  4. She likes steel a glance at him from behind, thinking he is a man full of stories and there are many treasures uncovered in him.


  5. Moonlight outline of your figure in flying in the wind, like a distant and Elisha son.


  6. it is as well to have made this step , " said roger chillingworth to himself , looking after the minister , with a grave smile" .


  7. In those days, go up the place is the flow of the station, the most is the tears, said most is to see, see of is what most of the figure.


  8. Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him, for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way.


  9. We do not think about it, behind it will hit the cold cold rain, since the goal is to the horizon, leaving only the back of the world.


  1. 背影的辩证艺术

    Dialectical Art of Figure

  2. 背影则无比丑陋。

    and the back view of him is really horrible.

  3. 满是伤痕的背影

    Full is the figure of scar

  4. 你的背影没有残缺

    Your back is not imperfect

  5. 我只看到个背影。

    All I see is back.

  6. 圣旨,封建王朝的背影

    The Imperial Edict An Epitome of Feudal Dynasties

  7. 有一种背影叫凄凉

    There is a view of her back call dreariness

  8. 为神马总是给我背影?

    Why always the back?

  9. 你应该把背影留给过去!

    You gotta put your behind in your past.

  10. 凝望着他逐渐消失的背影

    gazing at his receding figure

  11. 只为了一束玫瑰的背影。

    To a bouquet of roses only provides some background.

  12. 我只能看到他的背影。

    I could only see his back.

  13. 他们盯着溜走同伴的背影。

    They stared after their escaped companion.

  14. 他们盯着溜走同伴的背影。

    They stared after their escaped companion.

  15. 时间,带走了曾经,模糊了背影。

    Time, took one time, blurring the back of.

  16. 而我却在寻找她的背影。

    And I find her in the background.

  17. 我注视着他远去的背影。

    I gazed at his distant receding figure.

  18. 我注视着他远去的背影。

    I gazed at his distant receding figure.

  19. 沵的背影,在硪脑海里卟停的徘徊。

    Multitudinous of the back, in stop porphyrin Wo mind wandering.

  20. 莪看谁的背影里挂满哀愁。

    I looked whose back hangs sorrowfully.

  21. 莪看谁得背影里挂满哀愁。

    I looked whose back hangs sorrowfully.

  22. 她目送着他的背影远去。

    She gazed affectionately after his receding figure.

  23. 只能将你的背影深情的凝望

    I can do nothing but gaze your back affectionately

  24. 我仍记得你消瘦美丽的背影。

    I still remember your thin but beautiful back view.

  25. 她转过身,盯着他的背影。

    She turned around to stare after him.

  26. 她转过身,盯着他的背影。

    She turned around to stare after him.

  27. 人家有的是背景, 而我有的是背影。

    The others have their background, while what I have is the sight of my back.

  28. 你会紧跟着与我相似的背影。

    You would be close behind and I the figure of the likeness.

  29. 在我背后有你们熟习的背影吗?

    Can you see anyone you know standing behind me?

  30. 她目不转睛地望着他离去的背影。

    She was left staring after him.


  1. 问:背影拼音怎么拼?背影的读音是什么?背影翻译成英文是什么?

    答:背影的读音是bèiyǐng,背影翻译成英文是 a view of somebody's back



“背影”是个多义词,它可以指背影(梁海洋演唱歌曲), 背影(涵佑莹演唱的歌曲), 背影(汉语词语), 背影(朱自清散文), 背影(陈咏歌执导电视剧背影), 背影(寒冰创作小诗), 背影(K One组合演唱歌曲), 背影(谭剑飞创作诗歌), 背影(程晖编剧电影), 背影(赵雷演唱歌曲), 背影(背影汪国真诗歌), 背影(黄灿演唱歌曲), 背影(黄磊演唱歌曲), 背影(读库出品绘本《背影》), 背影(苏忆安创作散文), 背影(夏雨演唱歌曲), 背影(詹曼铃个人专辑), 背影(觉小墨的诗歌), 背影(群星演唱歌曲)。