


1. 契 [qì]2. 契 [qiè]3. 契 [xiè]契 [qì]证券,证明买卖、抵押、租赁等关系的文书:~约。~据。房~。相合,相投:相~。~合。默~。~友。~分(fèn )(投合无间的情分)。~厚。用刀雕刻:~刻。~舟求剑。〔~机〕……


事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……



汉语拼音:qì jī







  1. 指事物转化的关键;机会。

    朱自清 《论朗诵诗》:“那诗稿以及朗诵者的声调和表情,固然都是重要的契机,但是更重要的是那氛围。” 张贤亮 《龙种》:“他早已计划好在什么时候,从什么地方去制伏对手。他在等待这样的契机。”



  1. The artist said the Shanghai government asked him to build the studio two years ago, hoping to create a new cultural district.


  2. Foreword: A frustration is a new premise. As long as you are willing to, any frustration will become a turning point to surpass oneself.


  3. Grasp the Moment when the Law on Administrative Punishments Is to Be Implemented and Raise the Legal Work of the Government to a New Level.


  4. I'll love you just like a swan cherish its feather . I seem to be expended all my fortune to change with you at the dawn.


  5. As originally conceived, at least by the U. S. , this G-20 gathering was a chance to push China to allow its currency to rise more quickly.


  6. I now see that what seem to be frustrations and setbacks in the real world are actually opportunities for me to improve spiritually.


  7. "This is alarming since the case, " he said, "I will take this opportunity to clean up the police agencies. "


  8. And this could be a good time for him to step away from microfinance, which appears to be at an inflection point.


  9. An obstacle, is a new known conditions, as long as you are willing to, any obstacle, will become a transcend the opportunity.


  1. 良好的契机

    excellent opportunity.

  2. 以此为契机

    taking this as an opportunity.

  3. 以此会议为契机

    take the opportunity of this seminar

  4. 即使出现过诸多契机。

    And though many opportunities presented themselves.

  5. 即使出现过诸多契机。

    And though many opportunities presented themselves.

  6. 想起这失去的契机

    To see this missed opportunity

  7. 为孩子指明方向的契机

    or the chance to show a child the right path.

  8. 它是一个转变的契机。

    Its an inflection point.

  9. 把非典危机变成革新契机

    To turn the crisis of SARS into the turning point if innovate

  10. 这世上有太多偶然的契机

    There are simply too, many random factors.

  11. 一个谈判的契机或者只是一个诡计?

    An offer to talk or just another ruse

  12. 抓住世博会契机 发展责任保险

    Developing Liability Insurance in the Chance of EXPO

  13. 每一场考试都是人生得契机。

    Every examination is a chance in life.

  14. 每一场考试都是人生的契机。

    Every examination is a chance in life.

  15. 他没有抓住人生历程中的重要契机。

    He missed the important juncture in his career.

  16. 把握农村剩余劳动力西移的契机

    Moving the Excessive Labors in the Rural Areas from the East to the West in Cood Season

  17. 行业门户会是互联网的新契机吗

    Will trade portal be a nem chance of Internet

  18. 他用不可避免的障碍作为革新的契机。

    He uses the inevitable roadblocks as an opportunity for innovation.

  19. 强化高等教育学风建设的契机及举措

    Strengthen the Building of Academic Atmosphere in Higher Colleges and Universities

  20. 以及尾随这个时刻而来的各种契机。

    this moment, with all the opportunity that it contains.

  21. 人间无常如何化人生的转机为契机。

    Life changes Look to the future with eager anticipation.

  22. 以专业化重组为契机实现以快达强

    Let the Company Develop Quickly to Become Strong by the Aid of Recombination

  23. 香港回归祖国,是香港发展的一个契机。

    Reunification with China opens up new opportunities for Hong Kong.

  24. 抓住主线把握契机有重点地开展工作

    Carry Out Our Work Aiming at Certain Focal Points

  25. 房产新政给工程管理带来的契机

    Opportunities that implementation of new policy about realty brings to engineering management

  26. 以医院重组为契机强化妇幼保健工作

    Take hospital reform as a chance to strengthen MCH function

  27. 以入世为契机加快黑龙江农业发展

    On speeding up agricultural development of Heilongjiang province after China becoming the membership of the World Trade Organization

  28. 以评估为契机促进图书馆的和谐发展

    The Opportunity to Assess the Promotion of the Development of the Library

  29. 下一代互联网与农业远程教育发展的契机

    The Potential of Agricultural Distance Education under the Next Generation Internet

  30. 这次的发现也许会成为他成功的契机。

    This discovery may yet be the making of him.


  1. 问:契机拼音怎么拼?契机的读音是什么?契机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:契机的读音是qìjī,契机翻译成英文是 opportunity; turning point


