




1. 辟 [bì]2. 辟 [pì]辟 [bì]君主:复~。指君主招来,授予官职:~召。~引。~书。~除(征召推举授官)。~举。古同“避”,躲,设法躲开。古同“睥”,睥睨。辟 [pì]开发建设:开~。驳斥,排除:~邪。~谣。~蠹。透彻:精~……




居住的地方:故~。返~(回老家)。街坊(古代五家为邻,五邻为里):~弄(lòng )。中国市制长度单位:一~(等于五百米)。~程牌。衣物的内层:被~。内部,与“外”相对,并引申为一定范围以内:~外。心~。这~。那~。姓。……



汉语拼音:biān pì jìn lǐ







  • 【解释】:鞭辟:鞭策,激励;里:最里层。形容作学问切实。也形容分析透彻,切中要害。
  • 【出自】:《二程全书·遗书十一》:“学只要鞭辟近里,著己而已。”
  • 【示例】:~一言,实吾人顶门针、对症药。
  • 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、补语;形容分析透彻


  1. 网络
  2. bi

  1. 他们沿着河岸走了近一英里。

    They walked along the river's edge for a mile.

  2. 他们沿着河岸走了近一英里。

    They walked along the river's edge for a mile.

  3. 这篇评论对那部小说得分析鞭辟入里。

    The review made a penetrating analysis of that novel.

  4. 这篇评论对那部小说的分析鞭辟入里。

    The review made a penetrating analysis of that novel.

  5. 这一掉队伍拉拉攘攘拖了近一英里长。

    This scattering procession of travelers was perhaps a mile long.

  6. 深红近黑色里略带石榴色的红韵。

    Deep garnet to black with a garnet hue.

  7. 你知道, 近几年里生产成本增加了很多。

    You musk know that the cost of production has risen a great deal in recent years.

  8. 结果就是在近几年里我们的支出显著增长

    The result has been, over the years, the expenditure has increased with volumes.

  9. 老巴里近几周第一次参加了训练, 但确定不会上场打球。

    Brent Barry, who also practiced for the first time in weeks, almost certainly will not play.

  10. 近几年里,越来越多的美国学生开始学习中文。

    In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for Chinese language education among US students.

  11. 在近几年里,当学徒的人数已鲜明地下降了。

    The number of apprenticeships has declined sharply in recent years.

  12. 近几年里,许多家庭收入已提高了一两个档次。

    Over the past few years, many families have climbed a bracket or two.

  13. 近几年里,我也从未看到戈林如此生气勃勃、大胆泼辣。

    I too had not seen Goering so dynamic and bold in recent years.

  14. 一辆卡车倾覆而阻塞了向西行的交通近两英里。

    A truck turned over blocking westbound traffic for about two miles.

  15. 近几年里,许多家庭得收入已提高了一两个档次

    Over the past few years,many families have climbed a Bracket or two.

  16. 近几年里,许多家庭的收入已提高了一两个档次

    Over the past few years,many families have climbed a Bracket or two.

  17. 在军事方面, 我们欢迎近几天里各方所表现的普遍的克制。

    On the military side, we welcome the general restraint shown by all the parties in recent days.

  18. 一定要让内部装修 把联合广场的庭院布景拉近大楼里

    to make sure that the interior of this dragged the garden space of the court garden of the Union Square into the building itself.

  19. 这个旅行队每天行走近100英里。

    The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day.

  20. 甚至也不是近五十年里的人。

    Nor are they even from the last 50 years.

  21. 这座古堡在近100年里渐渐荒废了。

    The castle has fallen into decay in the last 100 years.

  22. 它将在今后近400年里继续生存下去。

    It would survive for nearly400 years.

  23. 按揭借款违约在近一年里呈上升趋势。

    Mortgage defaults have risen in the last year.

  24. 近20年里可能有三次反卫星武器试验。

    And in the last20 years, there have been perhaps three ASAT weapon tests.

  25. 近几年学校里电脑得数量增加得非常快。

    The number of computers in schools has mushroomed in recent years.

  26. 她在监狱里服刑近12年。

    She serves nearly a dozen years behind the bars.

  27. 近几年学校里电脑的数量增加得非常快。

    The number of computers in schools has mushroomed in recent years.

  28. 据猜测,毁灭通古斯得陨石得直径有近50英里。

    The meteorite which devastated Tunguska is now estimated to have been about 50 metres across.

  29. 据猜测,毁灭通古斯的陨石的直径有近50英里。

    The meteorite which devastated Tunguska is now estimated to have been about 50 metres across.

  30. 在选剧本时,我建议你挑选近25年里写的。

    In choosing your play, I recommend that you select one written during the last25 years.



释 义 鞭辟:鞭策,激励;里:最里层。古代洛阳方言,深入剖析,使靠近最里面。形容作学问切实。也形容分析透彻,切中要害。

也说鞭辟入里。出 处 《二程全书·遗书十一》:“学只要鞭辟近里,著己而已。”