


1. 亟 [jí]2. 亟 [qì]亟 [jí]急切:~~。~待解决。~须纠正。亟 [qì]屡次:~请(屡次请求)。~来问讯。……





汉语拼音:jí xū







  1. But observers said the agreement was a face-saving compromise, providing the embattled Chinese negotiator with badly-needed support.


  2. But all that knowledge doesn't matter if there's no one to pass it along, as is often the case in rural hospitals in South Africa.


  3. After gorging themselves silly on cheap credit, about a year and a half ago US consumers began a much needed detox.


  4. In reality, incentives must change in American health care across the board, and tort reform is only part of that.


  5. Ukraine badly needs a united government and a constructive opposition if it is finally to deal with its daunting economic problems.


  6. When the Spanish took Naples in 1503, they found it "a very rundown city whose whole infrastructure badly needed making over" .


  7. Capitalism needs to be modernised to serve the long-term interests of society rather than the short-term greed of a privileged few.


  8. He might be a comfort to her later when she needed someone around to lean on.


  9. Anything less threatens to leave Mr Rajoy without a mandate for the reforms Spain badly needs.


  1. 这亟需改变

    And we have to change this.

  2. 亟需新设备。

    New equipment is urgently needed.

  3. 地板亟需擦洗。

    The floor is crying out to be scrubbed.

  4. 他们亟需这些收入

    They really needed the money.

  5. 这个公司亟需新人。

    This company is badly in need of new blood.

  6. 这个任务亟需增加人员。

    The task cries for more personnel.

  7. 我们亟需增加工作人员。

    Our immediate requirement is extra staff.

  8. 而后者是该领域亟需的。

    This is something the field sorely needs.

  9. 但整个司法系统也亟需改革。

    But the whole judicial system also needs reform.

  10. 这里的古建群亟需得到保护。

    This set of ancient architecture demands prompt protection.

  11. 这里得古建群亟需得到保护。

    This set of ancient architecture demands prompt protection.

  12. 这里的古建群亟需得到保护。

    This set of ancient architecture demands prompt protection.

  13. 逻辑学推理论亟需补充基本规则

    The Basic Rules Demanding Urgent Complement in Inferential Theory of Logic

  14. 因此当前亟需在政改中取得突破。

    and China is in dire need of political reform.

  15. 凯瑟琳无法给她最亟需的建议。

    Catherine could not give her the advice she most needed.

  16. 特种设备焊接工艺评定标准亟需整合

    Urgent integration of standards of welding procedure qualification for the special kind of equipments

  17. 反映出看守所的物质生活条件亟需改善。

    From the paper, the material living condition should be improved.

  18. 为此, 亟需制定相应的对策促进教育公平。

    There is a need to formulate corresponding measures to promote educational equity.

  19. 人类发明语言,是因为亟需宣不满之情。

    Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.

  20. 亟需未来修法中对这些问题进行修改。

    Urgent need to amend the law in the future on these issues to be modified.

  21. 她还旅行和探视了那些亟需帮助的孩子。

    She also traveled, and saw children in great need.

  22. 亟需成功的外交政策以挫败激进分子的计划。

    A foreign policy success was needed to take the wind out of the sails of the radicals.

  23. 瑙鲁曾经盛产磷酸盐,并且亟需澳大利亚得资金。

    Once rich in phosphates, Nauru desperately needs Australian cash.

  24. 瑙鲁曾经盛产磷酸盐,并且亟需澳大利亚的资金。

    Once rich in phosphates, Nauru desperately needs Australian cash.

  25. 反观内地的律师惩戒制度,亟需改进和完善。

    The lawyer punitive system in the interior of China needs improving and perfecting particularly.

  26. 罗马尼亚亟需援助以使其落后的工业现代化。

    Romania badly needs aid to modernise its outmoded industries.

  27. 希特勒之亟需结束西欧的战事,是显而易见的。

    Hitler's need to finish the war in the west was obvious.

  28. 实际上,现在亟需的是另一剂财政刺激方案。

    Indeed, what is needed now is another dose of fiscal stimulus.

  29. 而且流域得土著人愚蛮不化, 亟需施舍文明。

    The natives were crying out for a civilising hand.

  30. 而且流域的土著人愚蛮不化,亟需施舍文明。

    The natives were crying out for a civilising hand.


