






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 通 [tōng]通 [tōng]没有阻碍,可以穿过,能够达到:~风。~天。~气。~宵。~行。~过。~衢。贯~。四~八达。曲径~幽。懂得,彻底明了:~晓。~彻。~今博古。~情达理。传达:~令。~讯。~报。~告。~知。~缉。~谍。往来交接……



汉语拼音:cǐ lù bù tōng






此路不通 [cǐ lù bù tōng]
  1. 周作人《我的复古的经验》




  1. Icarus : Go back! Go back, warrior! There is no passage here. You will never make it across! You think you can but you cannot!


  2. On one occasion a man and a woman both cross their index fingers into an X to tell me not to go.


  3. We thought we could get through to Main St, by going up a side street but there was a sign that said "Not a through street" .


  4. The light at the end of the tunnel is usually a "No Exit" sign.


  5. That kind of proof that " the road is blocked" , all the dirty work, let me do it.


  6. I wrote a sign called "dead line" in front of myself, but love crossed it with a smile and said: "I can enter any where. "


  7. Blind alley, he begins the effort of a few colleges to Henan again, want to become a teacher.


  8. See to road closed, I have to and think don't of way, suddenly thought of, account-open isn't free charge? Luckily took ID card.


  9. We tramped miles and miles and then saw at the roadside a board, which read: Idiot, no thoroughfare.


  1. 说实话, 我对此一窍不通。

    To tell the truth, this is all Greek to me.

  2. 正安雅好音乐, 是琵琶高手, 他得母亲也颇通此道。

    Shoun of music and was a master of the harp, which his mother also played.

  3. 正安雅好音乐,是琵琶高手,他的母亲也颇通此道。

    Shoun of music and was a master of the harp, which his mother also played.

  4. 我儿子正研究物理化学, 但我对此一窍不通。

    My son is studying physical chemistry but it's all Greek to me.

  5. 他坐在那儿发表他对法制的高论,虽然他对此一窍不通。

    He sat there pontificating about the legal system although it was clear that he knew very little.

  6. 我朋友是货代公司的,当然我对此是一窍不通。

    My friend a freight forwarding company, of course, I know nothing about.

  7. 所有绿宝石变为通配符,此回合结束。

    Turns all Green gems into random Wildcards. After gems are transformed, the turn end.

  8. 收到此讯息的同学请尽量通佑其他同学。

    Those who receive this message, please notify other classmates.

  9. 以此算法编制并调通了优化程序。

    Program of this method is given out.

  10. 在此之前,类似的宣布,高通公司上个月。

    This follows a similar announcement by Qualcomm last month.

  11. 在此基础上导出径向矩阵元的通项公式。

    The general formulas of matrix elements of operator rs are presented.

  12. 我们断言通过此面的总通量与通过球面的总通量相同。

    We claim that the total flux through this surface is the same as that through the sphere.

  13. 此词通常指先天性或后天获得得腹部疝气。

    The term usually refers to an abdominal hernia, which may be a congenital disorder or acquired after Birth.

  14. 此词通常指先天性或后天获得的腹部疝气。

    The term usually refers to an abdominal hernia, which may be a congenital disorder or acquired after Birth.

  15. 理解质量方针并积极宣,为此提高组织内信息勾通。

    Apprehend the quality guideline and actively perform promoting campaign to improve the efficiency of communication within the organization.

  16. 约翰斯通希望这会改变, 但是他对此持怀疑态度。

    Johnstone, an American, hopes that will change, but he is skeptical.

  17. 对此, 在申通的升级计划中就有短信服务一项。

    To this, in explain connect upgrade there is a short message to serve in the plan.

  18. 此穴上承眉心明堂, 下通九霄, 是极关键得穴道。

    It is vital acupoint abutsthe central point between brows and down to Jiuxiao acupoint.

  19. 此穴上承眉心明堂,下通九霄,是极关键的穴道。

    It is vital acupoint abutsthe central point between brows and down to Jiuxiao acupoint.

  20. 即时通服务似乎是微软对此举动作出回应的一部分。

    The instantmessaging feature appears to be one part of Microsoft's response.

  21. 想了解更多关于光影通识系列的资料?请按此下载资料。

    To know more about the Liberal Studies Documentary, please click here to download the related information.

  22. 据费孝通先生记, 一说, 发明此菜者乃一帮要饭的乞丐。

    According to Fei Xiaotong, it was created by a group of beggars.

  23. 据费孝通先生记,一说,发明此菜者乃一帮要饭得乞丐。

    According to Fei Xiaotong, it was created by a group of beggars.

  24. 为此,阿尔斯通在火箭训练营开始前去了一趟明尼苏达。

    Therefore, Alston started in rocket training battalion to go Minnesota.

  25. 摩根大通说,此次收购将使其2009年每股收益增加50美分。

    The Morgan argument, this purchase will make its in 2009 each income to increase 50 cents.

  26. 公司的一份新闻通稿对此津津乐道:'这种新型计算机以令人垂涎的水果色彩喜气洋洋地出现在人们面前,包括越橘色、草莓色、蜜橘色、葡萄色、酸橙色。

    The new computers come in a fiesta of mouth-watering colours: blueberry, strawberry, tangerine, grape and lime, ' gushes a company press release.

  27. 说到悄悄地做好事,倘若你想知道,这故事我是听那位较贫困的室友讲的,他当时对此已有怀疑,十年后他通那位富裕的学生招认了事情的经过。

    Talk about doing good by stealth: and in case you wonder, I heard the story from the poorer roommate, who had got suspicious and, ten years later, forced the richer one to confess.


  1. 问:此路不通拼音怎么拼?此路不通的读音是什么?此路不通翻译成英文是什么?

    答:此路不通的读音是cǐ lù bùtōng,此路不通翻译成英文是 no through road/ traffic