











汉语拼音:quán héng lì bì







  • 【解释】:权:称砣。衡:称杆。权衡:比较,衡量。比较一下哪一个有利哪一个有害。


  1. For his part, Mr Seck is probably trying to weigh up his options with a view to maximizing his chances in the next presidential poll.


  2. Women were a little more complicated and likely to weigh up the pros and cons before settling on their choice.


  3. what was the last calculated risk you took at work?


  4. After weighing advantages and disadvantages, organizations typically choose a governance model somewhere between the two extremes.


  5. The teachers decided that it would be unsafe for the students to continue with the event so it was canceled.


  6. "In the past, I thought I still had plenty of time to weigh pros and cons; now I know time waits for no man, " he said.


  7. Besides, thinking about 1848 provides a useful sort of balance.


  8. Must take own benefit as the best starting point, weigh the advantages and disadvantages, not a momentary preferences!


  9. Still, the monthly heating bill is just one of several factors to consider when weighing a switch from heating oil to natural gas.


  1. 仔细权衡利弊。

    Weigh the pros and cons carefully.

  2. 必须权衡利弊。

    Advantages must be set against disadvantages.

  3. 做决定前要权衡利弊!

    Weighed up the pros and cons before making decisions!

  4. 使用该药, 患者必须权衡利弊。

    One must balance risk versus benefit.

  5. 做出决定前应当权衡利弊。

    One should balance the pros and cons before making a final decision.

  6. 在决定以前, 我们必须权衡利弊。

    Before we decide, we must weigh up the pros and cons.

  7. 他们权衡利弊之後才作出决定。

    They weigh the advantage and disadvantage before making the decision.

  8. 他们权衡利弊之后才作出决定。

    They weighed the advantages and disadvantages before making the decision.

  9. 在审查计划时,我们必须权衡利弊。

    In examining the plan, we must weigh the advantages and disadvantages.

  10. 在作出决定之前一定要权衡利弊。

    We should weigh between before making an decision.

  11. 在做决定之前, 我必需权衡利弊得失。

    I command to weigh the pros and cons ago making a decision.

  12. 在做决定之前, 偶必须权衡利弊得失。

    I need to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

  13. 在做决定之前,我必须权衡利弊得失。

    I need to weigh the pros and co before making a decision.

  14. 在做出决定之前,我们必须权衡利弊。

    We must weign the pros and cons before making the decision.

  15. 在这样做之前,我们要仔细的权衡利弊。

    Before doing it, we must weigh the pros and cons very carefully.

  16. 我很保护我的时候,权衡利弊得失一切,我做的。

    I am very protective of my time and weigh the pros and cons of everything I do.

  17. 他们愿意给我工作,权衡利弊,我想我还是接受。

    They've offered me a job, and taking one thing with another I think I'll accept it.

  18. 你必须懂得这个道理并在生活中权衡利弊。

    You must understand that and strive for balance in your life.

  19. 社会最终必须权衡利弊并且找到一个平衡点。

    Ultimately society must weigh the where the benefits balance lies.

  20. 希特勒权衡利弊,最终放弃了入侵瑞士的计划。

    Hitler weighed the advantages and disadvantages and gave up the plan of invasion the Switzerland finally.

  21. 选择好地点需要知道生物如何利用空间并权衡利弊。

    Selecting good bits requires understanding how critters use space and weighing competing claims for it.

  22. 那么权衡利弊,我相信第一种设计的负面影响超过正面影响。

    Youre less likely to accidentally omit some buttons.

  23. 然而,许多最小的最轻的电脑都是权衡利弊后的最佳组合。

    Yet many of the smallest, lightest computers are studded with tradeoffs.

  24. 你上一次在工作中进行的一个权衡利弊后冒的风险是什么?

    What was the last calculated risk you took at work ?

  25. 权衡利弊,似应切在高价房上,即停止对高价房的按揭贷款。

    Weighing the pros and cons, it may be appropriate in Gaojiafang, namely, the cessation of Gaojiefang mortgage loans.

  26. 沉默权价值目标与利弊权衡评述

    The Value Goal of the Right to Silence and Its Merits and Demerits

  27. 胸外科器械吻合与手工吻合的利弊权衡

    Stapling Anastomosis and Artificial Anastomosis in Thoracic Surgery

  28. 他权衡其利弊。

    He weighed its advantages against its disadvantages.

  29. 我们权衡了利弊得失。

    We weighed up the pros and cons.

  30. 亚历克斯权衡着利弊。

    Alex weighed choices.


  1. 问:权衡利弊拼音怎么拼?权衡利弊的读音是什么?权衡利弊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:权衡利弊的读音是quán héng lì bì,权衡利弊翻译成英文是 weigh the advantage and disadvantage