


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……









汉语拼音:shuō gǔ dào jīn







  • 【解释】:从今到古无所不谈,无不评论。形容话题广泛。同“说古谈今”。


  1. na.
  2. discourse at random of things past and present;talk over past and present

  1. 那人说从今以后他要努力工作了。

    The man said that he would work hard henceforth.

  2. 他们说他今早他刚在那儿杀了一个酒店的雇员。

    They say he killed a clerk at a liquor store down there earlier today.

  3. 男孩们对他妈妈说抱歉,并且保证说从今以后会好好表现。

    The boys said sorry to mother and promised henceforth to be better behaved.

  4. 男孩们对他妈妈说抱歉,并且保证说从今以后会好好表现。

    The boys said sorry to mother and promised henceforth to be better behaved.

  5. 一些地质学家说距今300万年以前,南极洲有着比较温和的气候,甚至被森林覆盖着。

    Some geologists say that as recently as 3 million years ago, Antarctica had a relatively mild climate and was even forested.

  6. 这位官员说,从今以后,它的贡献就是和谐。

    Its contribution henceforth, the official said, should be harmony.

  7. 我是说今晚

    I meant tonight.

  8. 报纸说今晚有流星雨

    The newspaper said there was gonna be a meteor shower tonight.

  9. 天气预报说今晚有霜冻。

    The weather forecast is for frost this evening.

  10. 是说今晚还是一直以来

    Tonight, or in general?

  11. 气象台说今晚有雷阵雨。

    The weatherman said that there was going to is a thunderstorm tonight.

  12. 天气预报说今晚天将转晴。

    The forecast said it is supposed to clear up tonight.

  13. 你说今晚会给我权杖。

    You said you would give me the oak tonight.

  14. 你说今晚会给我权杖。

    You said you would give me the oak tonight.

  15. 天气预报说今晚雨就会停。

    It is said it will clear up tonight.

  16. 这么说今晚还不错,很好。

    So this is going pretty good. Yeah. It's been great.

  17. 这么说今晚还不错,很好。

    So this is going pretty good. Yeah. It's been great.

  18. 那是说今次我们死定了。

    He was telling me we are dead.

  19. 气候预报说今晚雨就会停。

    It is said it will clear up tonight.

  20. 我听天气预报说今晚有龙卷风。

    I heard a forecast of a big tornado storm tonight.

  21. 她说今晚要待在家里洗头。

    She said she was staying in tonight to wash her hair.

  22. 我妹妹说今晚王叔要来吃晚饭。

    My sister said that Uncle Wang was coming to have supper tonight.

  23. 你本来说今晚要做我的私人护卫的。

    You were supposed to escort me this evening.

  24. 妈妈紧急状况天气预报说今晚将有暴风雪!

    The weatherman said theres going to be a blizzard tonight.

  25. 有人引述他的话说今秋将举行选举。

    He is quoted as having said that there will be an election this autumn.

  26. 我敢说今晚将有一场激烈得比赛。

    I bet they'll have another close match tonight.

  27. 我敢说今晚将有一场激烈的比赛。

    I bet they'll have another close match tonight.

  28. 辛克莱法官说今晚我们可以进入那殡仪馆。

    Judge Sinclair said we can go into the mortuary tonight.

  29. 记录说今夏是50年来雨量最多的季节。

    It is on record that the summer was the wettest for50 years.

  30. 不是你跟人家商量好了,说今晚就搬过去。

    We cannot even begin to fathom the depth of Gods love for us.