如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
排成的行:罗~。行(háng )~。队~。~岛。众多,各:~位。~强。~传(zhuàn )。摆出:~举。安排到某类事务之中:~席。量词,用于成行列的事物:一~火车。类:不在此~。姓。古同“烈”,强烈,猛然。古同“裂”,分裂。……
汉语拼音:liè dì
《史记·田敬仲完世家》:“自如 騶衍 、 淳于髠 、 田駢 、 接予 、 慎到 、 环渊 之徒七十六人,皆赐列第,为上大夫,不治而议论。”
宋 李格非 《书<洛阳名园记>后》:“ 唐 贞观 、 开元 之间公卿贵戚开馆列第於东都者,号千有餘邸。”
RSS racked up quite a bit of support from the executives, coming in third after blogs and video sharing sites.
RSS得到了高管们的强力支持,受欢迎程度屈居博客和视频分享网站之后位列第三。In the Banker's top 1000 ranking in July 2004, the Bank was No. 344 among the 500 largest banks around the globe.
在英国《银行家》(2004)全球前1000家大银行的排名中,上海银行跻身500强,列第344位Pakistan was one of the lowest scorers for personal safety, with Karachi and Islamabad ranked 213th and 203rd respectively.
巴基斯坦是人身安全方面得分最低的地方之一,卡拉奇和伊斯兰堡分别位列第213位和第203位。Betty Kwan Chinn was one of 13 recipients of the 2010 Presidential Citizens Medal, the nation's second highest civilian award.
关慧群是2010年度13位总统国民勋章的获得者之一。这一奖项在美国公民荣誉中位列第二。According to a report released last week, China ranks the first in terms of female suicide; however, it is not the first in pure suicide.
根据一份上周发行的报告,中国在女性自杀方面排名第一,可是对于纯粹自杀没列第一。The joint statement is billed as the fourth important document to be signed since the two countries restored diplomatic relations in 1972 .
此次双方签署的联合声明,被称为自两国1972年恢复外交关系以来重要性位列第四的文件。With 22% of the votes, Mr Romney's second place in the CPAC poll put him far ahead of the rest of the field.
在这次民意测验中,MrRomney以22%的选票位列第二,远远领先于其他人。PGA Championship, the total prize money tournament in second place four, championship prize money after the U.
PGA锦标赛在四大赛中奖金总额第二位,冠军奖金额仅次于美国名人赛,列第二位。The United States gives more to Haiti than any other country. But it ranks 11th in per capita giving.