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汉语拼音:kù tuǐ
Impression, as if went a day's journey, the white snow stepped into mud, pull out the feet, legs are full of mud.
印象里,仿佛是走了一天的路程,把白色的雪地踏成了泥浆,拔出脚,裤腿上全是稀泥。There was a soppy stain on his trousers and through it you could see just how bony his knees were. Like the rest of him.
他的裤腿上有一块湿的污渍,透过空空的裤管,你可以看到他的膝盖,以及身体的其它部分是如何骨瘦如柴。Her unmoving eyes, heavy as if cast from lead, watched suspiciously for a live badger my jacket or a weasel up my pant leg.
她的眼睛呆板无神仿佛是铅铸的一般,满腹狐疑地张望查找我的夹克里面的活獾或裤腿里面的黄鼠狼。Austria demands Serbia buy it a complete new suit because there are splashes on its trouser leg.
奥地利要塞尔维亚为自己买身新衣服,因为现在衣服的裤腿洒上了酒渍。He put the box on the ground at the foot of the stone steps and idled by it while he shook out his pants legs.
他把纸盒放在石阶底部的地上,自己在旁边走来走去,抖了抖裤腿。Sakuragi waited patiently as his mother adjusted the leg of his pants .
樱木耐心地等着母亲调整着他的裤腿。Later the trouser legs were provided with button holes at the side and were fastened with a clasp over the stockings.
罗可可后期裤腿两侧带有扣眼,裤口可以在长统袜外用扣子系住。If you think so, we'll shorten the legs a bit. It'll take about twenty minutes.
你如果你认为长了,我们将把裤腿改短一点,大约要20分钟。While waiting for a bus, the blind man's dog decided to go to the bathroom all over the blind man's legs.