







汉语拼音:shōu xiào









  1. 取得成效。

    宋 司马光 《翰林学士礼部侍郎除三司使制》:“何其设心之勤,而收效之寡也。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·赛会》:“﹝赛会﹞目前与日后均收效无穷。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第十一章:“兵团司令部考虑到徒步追击难以收效,遂下令停止追击。”



  1. Over the next 200 years scientists tried, without much success, to understand exactly how these transient sunspots might affect the climate.


  2. But our attempts to encourage her to talk independently have been less successful.


  3. It's clear. Innovation, advice and analysis will all mean little if nobody understands the point you're trying to make.


  4. Mr Obama's subsidies for green technology fattened the bottom line of a few chosen firms but did very little to spur jobs.


  5. Like the commanders of a disorderly retreat, central banks have to date staged a piecemeal response to the credit squeeze, to little effect.


  6. As you know in business people talk a lot but at the end of the day the results are poor.


  7. This is what India's central bank has been trying to do for a while and with very limited success.


  8. However Professor Jack Winkler a professor of nutrition policy said the tax would be 'ineffective'.


  9. But neither step will do much to constrain banks swimming in deposits and lending to an economy growing, in nominal terms, by 15% a year.


  1. 收效神速。疗效神速

    Yield marvelously quick results

  2. 投资少, 收效快

    require less investment while yielding quicker results

  3. 这些措施收效明显。

    These measures are having a noticeable impact.

  4. 收效既悲, 何以传扬?

    Given its sorrowful harvest, why did it keep spreading ?

  5. 收效既悲,何以传扬?

    Given its sorrowful harvest ,why did it keep spreading ?

  6. 持之以恒, 则会有收效。

    Perseverance, it will be effective.

  7. 这挺好的,收效颇丰。

    And that's fine.It works.

  8. 这挺好的,收效颇丰。

    And that's fine. It works.

  9. 用广告推销商品, 收效显著。

    Pushing the goods By advertisement will Bring notaBle results.

  10. 他的一切努力收效甚微。

    All his efforts proved of little avail.

  11. 二 1999年,严厉打击走私收效明显。

    Second,in 1999, heavy blow on smuggling resulted very positively.

  12. 收效与所付努力不相适应。

    The results are not in proportion to the efforts exerted.

  13. 许多节目, 如跟我学, 收效很好。

    Many of the programmes are well received, as Follow Me.

  14. 首脑会议一定不能费力大收效微。

    A summit must not labor and bring forth a mouse.

  15. 纠正很有助益,但鼓励收效更大。

    Correction does much, but encouragement does more.

  16. 政府为此投入了大量资金,但收效寥寥。

    Plenty of government money has been pumped in, but with slim results.

  17. 促使广告收效高的另一因素是定位。

    Another factor that contributes to effective advertising is positioning.

  18. 我国传统的英语教学历时长、收效少。

    The traditional English teaching of our country lasts long but is not effective.

  19. 但是, 你似乎认为反恐战争的收效甚微。

    But, you seem to think that the war on terror is not going very well.

  20. 我们一直鼓励她主动讲话, 可是收效不大。

    But our attempts to encourage her to talk independently have been less successful.

  21. 过去几年他们收效甚微原因就在于此。

    That's why they have accomplished so little in the past few years.

  22. 然而,文化教育领域收效最大的是年轻人。

    But the best results in the field of literacy were noted for the most part among young people.

  23. 这就意味着对毫无收效的立场进行重新考虑。

    It means reconsidering positions that yield no results.

  24. 该协定在长期稳定咖啡价格方面收效甚微。

    The agreement has had little success in stabilizing coffee prices over the long term.

  25. 美国官员放言力挺美元的战术收效甚微。

    In the US, the campaign of talking up the dollar has had little impact.

  26. 这些实体的影响和收效十分依赖其所在地点。

    The influence and effectiveness of these entities depends very much on their location.

  27. 他们为加快交付订货所做的努力收效甚微。

    All their efforts to expedite the filling of the order have proved of little.

  28. 总统的话在提高全国人民的信心方面收效甚大。

    The president's statement went a long way towards reassuring the nation.

  29. 商学院和法学院上的是大课, 但是收效更佳。

    Business and law schools achieve good results with big classes.

  30. 但经过一年多的努力, 明基发现收效不大。

    But the effort through a year many, bright base discover yield results is not big.


  1. 问:收效拼音怎么拼?收效的读音是什么?收效翻译成英文是什么?

    答:收效的读音是shōuxiào,收效翻译成英文是 yield results




拼音:shōu xìao基本解释[get (bring) results] 取得效果收效显著收效甚微