




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:chǎn zi






  1. 铁制的或其他金属制的工具或用具。



  1. "It took a couple of whacks with the shovel to realize that this was an impossible task with hand tools, " Cushman says.


  2. A stampede of men with picks and shovels duly streams out of Heaven and an impressed St Peter waves the speculator through.


  3. But tossing is also a useful technique for cooking vegetables, as a toss is often less bruising than a turn.


  4. Going to the garage, he fetched a spade and began digging in the garden. He had to finish before she got home.


  5. Instead she was holding a small spade and began to dig into the carpet, pushing it away to each side as if making a furrow to sow seeds.


  6. 'Rou won't believe what I'm going to tell you, " she said as she threw ashes over his excrement in order to pick it up with the shovel. "


  7. I, said the Owl, With my pick and shovel, I'll dig his grave.


  8. Anthony saw the black steel edge of the snowplow blade hit the young child under the chin, driving his head back and scraping over his face.


  9. Charlie sprung up, grabbed the shovel from the boy, and whacked him with it several times shouting "you not to Tommy, you not to Tommy. "


  1. 一把铲子。

    A shovel.

  2. 准备好铲子。

    Get the shovels.

  3. 掘地用铲子挖

    Archaic To dig with a spade.

  4. 一种原始的铲子

    digging stick

  5. 用我得凿子铲子,

    With my pick and shovel

  6. 用我的凿子铲子,

    With my pick and shovel

  7. 带着铲子与铁锹

    With picks and with spades

  8. 不需要桶或铲子。

    No pail and shovel required.

  9. 用我得凿子铲子,。

    With my pick and shovel.

  10. 用我的凿子铲子,。

    With my pick and shovel.

  11. 我只是提供了铲子。

    I just provided the shovel.

  12. 再用铲子取电池。

    Use the scoop on flour sack again to get battery.

  13. 用一把小铲子挖

    scoop with a small shovel

  14. 开始躲避锄头和铲子。

    Began dodging hoes and shovels.

  15. 用铲子将土铲平

    to even out the soil with a spade

  16. 他在用铲子干活。

    He was working with a shovel.

  17. 他用铲子来吃冰激凌。

    he used a scoop to serve the ice cream.

  18. 这把铲子售价五元。

    This spade is five yuan.

  19. 特里你要铲子干吗

    Terri Why do you need a shovel

  20. 用铲子把石头移开

    dislodge the rock with a shovel

  21. 你用铲子干什么呢?

    What are you doing with the spatula?

  22. 汤姆正在用铲子干活。

    Tom is working with a shovel.

  23. 他把铲子插进沙土。

    He jammed his shovel into the sandy soil

  24. 我负责用铲子去挖。

    Well, I'm the guy who scoops out all the.

  25. 挖掘挖地, 例如用铲子

    To dig the ground, as with a spade.

  26. 挖掘挖地,例如用铲子

    To dig the ground, as with a spade.

  27. 锄头和铲子, 一天一美元。

    Pick and shovel, a dollar a day.

  28. 顺便问一下,铲子在哪里?

    By the way, where is the shovel

  29. 用来是表面平滑的铲子。

    a trowel used to make a surface slick.

  30. 用铲子的背面平整土地。

    press the soil flat with the back of a spade


  1. 问:铲子拼音怎么拼?铲子的读音是什么?铲子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铲子的读音是chǎnzi,铲子翻译成英文是 shovel; spade; trowel




拼音: chǎn zǐ

注音:ㄔㄢˇ ㄗㄧˇ

解释: 由宽铲斗或中间略凹的铲身装上手柄组成的手用工具,用于挖掘或抛掷物料(如土、煤、谷粒)。