


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng jiè






  1. As soon as he took office, Mr Abe reinstated the regulatory reform council, which had been disbanded by the previous government.


  2. The Delegation of Uruguay pointed out that there had not been consensus on the text of the basic proposal at the last SCCR session.


  3. Their silent endorsement was a marked change from the zeal with which many councillors defended the payments during the last council term.


  4. I found myself thinking that those words would worry me, if I were Alistair Darling, the last Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer.


  5. But not anymore. (Previous) governments have failed to overhaul the system, he said, his would not.


  6. Progress had been made since the last session of the IGC, but substantive progress had not been particularly tangible.


  7. We played against Zico in the last Confederations Cup, and that was already a difficult experience. It was an extremely difficult game.


  8. Egyptian voters came out in force Saturday for the first ballot since popular protests swept away the previous government.


  9. It is paraded during the opening ceremony of each Game. At the end of the Games, the Olympic Flag is presented to the next host city.


  1. 上届拳击锦标赛

    a onetime boxing champion.

  2. 因袭上届政府的政策

    policies inherited from the previous administration

  3. 上届政府没有多少政绩。

    Not much was done by the last Administration.

  4. 上届政府的政绩不多。

    Not much was done by the last administration.

  5. 上届政府什么事也没干。

    Nothing was done by the last administration.

  6. 他在上届竞选中遭惨败。

    He was beaten to a frazzle during the last election campaign.

  7. 他是上届政府留任下来的。

    He had been held over from the previous administration.

  8. 上届冠军阿尔比卫冕成功。

    The defending champion Arbi succeeded in retaining the trophy.

  9. 上届政府采取的行动不合法。

    The previous government had acted illegally.

  10. 上届的国会未能解决这个问题。

    Our last Congress was unable to decide this question.

  11. 上届冠军表现十分出色, 卫冕成功。

    The champion turned in a superb performance to retain her title.

  12. 他是上届冠军,预期会赢得比赛。

    He's a former champion and is expected to win the bout.

  13. 上届政府遗留给本届政府很多问题。

    This government has inherited many problems from the previous one.

  14. 上届奥运会冠军意外失手, 卫冕失败。

    The previous Olympic champion let the contest slip through his fingers and lost the title.

  15. 上届奥运会冠军意外失手,卫冕失败。

    The previous Olympic champion let the contest slip through his fingers and lost the title.

  16. 在上届奥林匹克运动会上世界纪录大幅下滑。

    World records tumbled at the last Olympics.

  17. 上届冠军在第三回合被击败了。

    The exchampion was counted out in the third round.

  18. 在上届国会中社会党人占优势。

    The Socialists were predominant in the last Parliament.

  19. 史密斯是上届政府留任下来的。

    Smith had been held over from the previous administration.

  20. 在上届竞选中, 执政党大胜反对党。

    The government party wiped the floor with the floor with the opposition in the last elections.

  21. 他获得了上届奥运会撑竿跳高的金牌。

    He was the winner of the Pole Vault in the previous Olympic Games.

  22. 他获得了上届奥运会撑竿跳高的金牌。

    He was the winner of the Pole Vault in the previous Olympic Games.

  23. 同上届政府的策略截然相反的一种策略。

    A strategy which is diametrically opposed to that of the previous government.

  24. 上届政府做了大量工作以抑制通货膨胀。

    The last administration did a lot to curb inflation.

  25. 首席受益人是上届总统雅克希拉克。

    A prime beneficiary was Jacques Chirac, the last president.

  26. 这个小姑娘是上届奥运会的平衡木冠军。

    The girl was the champion on the balance beam in the previous Olympic games.

  27. 这个小姑娘是上届奥运会的平衡木冠军。

    The girl was the champion on the balance beam in the previous Olympic games.

  28. 我也感激他的前任主持了上届大会。

    I also offer gratitude to his predecessor for presiding over the last session.

  29. 社会结构已遭到上届政府极大的破坏。

    The fabric of society has been deeply damaged by the previous regime.

  30. 委员会上届会议已核准工作组的政策决定。

    The Commission had approved the Working Group's policy decision at its last session.