


1. 吵 [chǎo]2. 吵 [chāo]吵 [chǎo]声音杂乱搅扰人:~人。~扰(a.吵闹使人不得安静;b.争吵)。打嘴架、口角:~嘴。争~。吵 [chāo]〔~~〕吵闹(后一个“吵”读轻声)。……








  1. And for that moment, at least, it seemed as if he could feel the plush grass underfoot and hear the buzz of the crowd.


  2. The noise in vision, as if add on with the light music to the ears, then messy is a language, a tempo.


  3. The last time we went out, Tyler said the loud music made him constipated.


  4. Imagine for a moment that you're a dad sitting at home watching a basketball game on TV. Suddenly you hear a racket outside.


  5. At the time of our visit there was a lot of construction and noisy machinery.


  6. My legs were not yet numb and I had not heard any noise outside , while inside I felt wide awake !


  7. No, I said, "really? And what do most women lead lives of noisy fulfillment? "


  8. Walking into the crowded and noisy streets of New York, "Stand straight, and stand tall, " he would tell himself.


  9. Why, obviously not the lack of a noisy, but it will feel bored, feel lonely, you understand!


  1. 极度吵杂的家庭生活

    a home life that has been extraordinarily squally.

  2. 世上的一切吵杂,一切忧虑

    All the world's noise, all the worry that it brings.

  3. 吵杂狂乱的喧闹或吵闹

    Wild uproar or noise.

  4. 间房得隔壁太吵杂了。

    The room next door is too noisy.

  5. 间房的隔壁太吵杂了。

    The room next door is too noisy.

  6. 产生一种突然吵杂的破裂。

    the act of making a sudden noisy break.

  7. 一切都显得很吵杂和陌生。

    Everything seems very loud and strange.

  8. 吵杂的情歌还在拼命播放

    The noisy love song is still desperately broadcasting

  9. 老人听见了来自谷仓吵杂的声音。

    The old man hears the noise and comes to the barn.

  10. 我想去一家不会吵杂的餐厅。

    I would like a quiet restaurant.

  11. 吵杂的白色也从她的头上飞过。

    Noisy white were flying over her head as well.

  12. 一辆马车沿著街道吵杂作响地跑。

    A cart clattered along the street.

  13. 我周围十分吵杂, 所以无法集中精力做工作。

    I cant concentrate on my work with hustle around me.

  14. 但是你近距离的拥抱淹没了吵杂的人群。

    But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd.

  15. 人走入吵杂的群众, 以淹没自己沉默的喧嚣。

    Man goes into the noisy crowd to drown his own clamour of slience.

  16. 他们可能是有他们的呼叫吵杂的鸟发声的粗糙和刺耳的。

    They can be noisy birds with their calls sounding harsh and raspy.

  17. 吵杂狂乱的喧闹或吵闹对热闹喧嚣的世界比较冷漠的人。

    Wild uproar or noise. someone indifferent to the busy world.

  18. 我一鲇也不能忍受那种音乐。对我来说太吵杂了。

    I can't stand it. It's too noisy for me.

  19. 吵杂狂乱的喧闹或吵闹我不想再和你吵嘴或者打闹。

    I don't want to quarrel with you any more or to make a scene.


  1. 问:吵杂的拼音怎么拼?吵杂的的读音是什么?吵杂的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吵杂的的读音是,吵杂的翻译成英文是 rude