







汉语拼音:sān nóng






  1. 古谓居住在平地、山区、水泽三类地区的农民。后泛称农民。

    《周礼·天官·大宰》:“一曰三农,生九穀。” 郑玄 注引 郑司农 云:“三农,平地、山、泽也。” 唐 白居易 《贺雨》诗:“宥死降五刑,己责宽三农。” 清 侯方域 《代三省督府张公祈雨文》:“兹土而五月不雨,三农之失其业者,号呼之声日彻於耳,某心窃忧焉。”

  2. 指春、夏、秋三个农时。

    汉 张衡 《东京赋》:“三农之隙,曜威中原。”《北史·薛辩传》:“命立庠序,教以诗书,三农之暇,悉令受业。”



  1. "Three rural" issue is still a heavy talking topic in the eyes of scholars with a sense of social responsibility.


  2. Some Analysis About The Question of County Town Economy And "Three Agriculture"


  3. "The latter agricultural tax time" three agriculture do not ford the tax by no means.


  4. Speeding up Urbanization Process Is the Basic Way Out for Solving the Problems of "Villages, Farmers and Agriculture"


  5. At that time, the government did not even admit that the three rural problems existed, but two years later it was on the agenda of the NPC.


  6. Agriculture, rural development and farmers are among the top concerns and priorities of the Chinese Government.


  7. Enquiring Into the Relations Between Expanding "Domestic Require" and "Farmers - Agriculture- Countryside"


  8. The core of the issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers is to lighten the farmers' load and increase their income.


  9. agriculture includes agricultural producer, agro-related industrial and commercial operator and countryside, farmers.


  1. 三农气象服务

    meteorological service for Three Rural Issues.

  2. 三农问题农业,农村,农民问题

    Problems with Three Rs Rural economy, rural development and rural demography.

  3. 三农问题归根结底是土地问题。

    The three problems of agricultural are the land question after all.

  4. 为国家的三农建设添砖加瓦!

    Contributes labor and materials for the national three agricultural construction!

  5. 我们一定要把三农政策落实下去。

    We must carry out the"Policy about the agriculture, country and farmers."

  6. 用人口学理论才探析三农问题

    Analyses on the question of three agriculture from the demography theory

  7. 第一部分, 新世纪三农报告文学得兴起。

    The first part of the new century Reportage Agriculture rise.

  8. 第一部分,新世纪三农报告文学的兴起。

    The first part of the new century Reportage Agriculture rise.

  9. 小城镇担负解决三农问题的主要角色。

    Townlet plays a main role in solving three agricultural problems.

  10. 论改革户籍制度是解决三农问题的关键

    Discussion on the Key Problem in the Reform of Census Register

  11. 发展生态农业是解决三农问题的重要手段之一。

    And the development of the ecological agriculture is one of the key ways.

  12. 论劳动力流动背景下人力资本对三农的反哺

    Feed of Human Capital on Three Agricultural Problems in Background of Labor Flow

  13. 论劳动力流动背景下人力资本对三农得反哺

    Feed of Human Capital on Three Agricultural Problems in Background of Labor Flow.

  14. 金融是农村经济发展的支柱,是解决三农问题的关键。

    Finance is the supporting mainstay of the development of rural economy and the key to resolve San Nongproblems.

  15. 入世为我国三农引进外资提供了难得的机遇。

    Entering the WTO has offered the rare opportunity for Sannong bringing in foreign capital in our country.

  16. 农以土为本, 土地问题成为解决三农问题的根本。

    Land is the lifeblood of farmers, solving the problem of land become the way that can solve three rural questions completely.

  17. 在此基础上,提出了解决我国三农问题的政策理念。

    Based on this conclusion, we put forward a solution of the agriculture issue in the policy concept.

  18. 以此促进农村资金互助社的发展,从而更好的服务三农。

    So as to promote the development of rural fund cooperatives, in order to better service three rural.

  19. 用三化解决三农问题农牧养殖户制沼气的成套装置

    On solving the problems of agriculture, farmers and countryside Complete Sets for Producing Biogas by Cropping and Husbandry Farmers

  20. 三大农畜产品流通圈

    circle third class

  21. 三分之二的人口为仅能维生的农人。

    Two in three people are subsistence farmers.

  22. 奶农和奶贩子在原奶中加入三聚氰胺, 在质量检查中混过关。

    Farmers and traders had added it to raw milk to fool quality tests.

  23. 三是增强蕉农的现代商品生产意识, 加强科技培训。

    The third is to improve farmer's consciousness in modern commercial production and enhance technology training.

  24. 三是以中森木业,仙童葡萄酒为骨干的农副产品加工业。

    Wood is three Nakamori, Fairchild wine as the backbone of the and sideline products processing industry.

  25. 奶农与中间商在次品奶中添加三聚氰胺,以通过蛋白质检测。

    Farmers and middlemen added melamine to substandard milk to pass protein tests.

  26. 华盛顿在他心爱的芒特弗农的退隐之梦只延续了三年。

    Washington's dream of retirement at his beloved Mount Vernon lasted only three years.

  27. 不是的。农民中有富农, 中农, 贫农三种。

    No. There are three kinds of peasants, the rich, the middle and the poor peasants.

  28. 第三章研究农地外部效益的评估。

    The third chapter studies the assessment of rural land external benefit.

  29. 第三章研究农地外部效益得评估。

    The third chapter studies the assessment of rural land external benefit.

  30. 到了抗战的第三年和第四年, 轮到了中农。

    During the third and fourth years of the war the middle peasants began to go under.


  1. 问:三农拼音怎么拼?三农的读音是什么?三农翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三农的读音是sānnóng,三农翻译成英文是 The general name for agriculture, countryside, a...

  2. 问:三农问题拼音怎么拼?三农问题的读音是什么?三农问题翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三农问题的读音是,三农问题翻译成英文是 Three Rural Issues



“三农”是个多义词,它可以指三农(山农、泽农、平地农), 三农(农村、农业、农民)。