


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……


1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……



汉语拼音:shuō he










  1. 从中介绍,促使事情成功,或使两方面能说到一块儿。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·识鉴》:“ 何晏 、 邓颺 、 夏侯玄 并求 傅嘏 交,而 嘏 终不许。诸人乃因 荀粲 説合之。”《清平山堂话本·刎颈鸳鸯会》:“一日, 张二官 过门,因见本妇,心甚悦之,俾人説合,求为继室。” 梁斌 《红旗谱》五三:“ 严知孝 说:‘不是我的事,是你们的事。我想当个中间人,说合说合,事情总得有个结局呀!’”

  2. 说和;说服。《资治通鉴·陈宣帝太建十三年》:“今宜远交而近攻,离强而合弱。通使 玷厥 ,説合 阿波 ,则 摄图 迴兵,自防右地。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二十:“ 巢大郎 又替他説合地方隣里,约费了百来两银子,尽皆无説。”



  1. A private secretary will never rise in the world if he couples great and small in that way.


  2. Once speak to Cheese Wei, we have to speak of He Wan Lao.


  3. Their parents have tried for years to pair the 2 young people off.


  1. 嗨, 你这么说才合我意呢。

    Now you are talking.

  2. 如果我们喜欢某种食物, 我们可以说它合我的胃口。

    If we enjoy certain foods, we can say It'suits our palate.

  3. 这跟你之前说的不合。

    You said you saw the Virgin Mary in your toothpaste.

  4. 他所说的正合我的意。

    What he said came pat to my opinion.

  5. 那么说你们俩又合好了?

    So you tow are back together?

  6. 简单地说, 它不合我的胃口。

    In a nutshell, it was not my cup of tea.

  7. 简单地说,它不合我得胃口。

    In a nutshell, it was not my cup of tea.

  8. 说着他就合上书走出房去。

    With these words he shut the book and left the room.

  9. 他并没有说过任何不合人情事理的话。

    He did not say anything beside the cushion of common sense.

  10. 林肯得话,与亚撒利雅对犹大王亚撒说得话不谋而合。

    Lincoln's words paraphrase the thoughts Azariah expressed to King Asa of Judah.

  11. 林肯的话,与亚撒利雅对犹大王亚撒说的话不谋而合。

    Lincoln's words paraphrase the thoughts Azariah expressed to King Asa of Judah.

  12. 你所说的与事实不合。

    What you say does not accord with the fact.

  13. 说完后, 和尚合起眼继续打坐。

    With that, the monk closed his eyes and continued his meditation.

  14. 虽然他喝醉了, 但他说话还是很合有逻辑。

    Although he was drunk, he spoke in a coherent manner.

  15. 可以毫不夸大地说,我几乎没有合过眼。

    Without exaggeration I can say that I hardly slept a wink.

  16. 虽然他喝醉了,但他说话还是很合有逻辑。

    Although he was drunk, he spoke in a coherent manner.

  17. 他跟我们讲了一件不合常理的事,说总统常徵询他的意见。

    He told us a farfetched story about the president asking for his advice.

  18. 他说的和做的同他所想象的不谋而合。

    What he said and did confirmed him in the impression he had formed.

  19. 人人尽说江南好,游人只合江南老。

    Everybody says JiangNan is an alluring land.

  20. 我跟他说这趟旅程听起来很合我意。

    I told him that this trip sounded right up my alley.

  21. 你和他合得很不坏, 不消说, 他也和你合得来。

    You are doubtless quite right to adhere to him, indubitably, he adhered to you.

  22. 你和她合得很不坏, 不消说, 他也和你合得来。

    You are doubtless quite right to adhere to him, indubitably, he adhered to you.

  23. 他们说胃液可能会泄漏如果胃壁没有完全闭合。

    They say stomach floozy fluids could leak if the stomach wall is not closed completely.

  24. 说结婚一个月,他有二十九天晚上没合过眼。

    Even Thrall and Tyrande Whisperwind have been difficult to convince of this double threat.

  25. 他一直叽叽喳喳说个不停,我怎么能合一下眼呢。

    He keeps jabbering on and on. How am I ever gonna be able to catch some Zs

  26. 导游一直叽叽喳喳说个不停,我怎么能合一下眼呢?

    The guide keeps jabbering on and on. How am I ever gonna be able to take a nap ?

  27. “你穿的真漂亮,”她说,但接着又不合逻辑地说道,“今晚可以留下来吗?”

    "You're so beautifully dressed," she said and added quite inconsequentially,"Can you stay the night?"

  28. 天人合一说

    Unity of people and nature.

  29. 大家说只是巧合。

    People said it was just a coincidence.

  30. 大家说只是巧合。

    People said it was just a coincidence.


  1. 问:说合拼音怎么拼?说合的读音是什么?说合翻译成英文是什么?

    答:说合的读音是shuōhe,说合翻译成英文是 bring … together; discuss