




比:~量(liàng )。~劲(亦作“叫劲”)。比~。计~。对比着显得更进一层的:成绩~佳。明显:~然(显明)。彰明~著。大旨,大概:~略。……







汉语拼音:yī jiào gāo xià



  1. Jack Dorsey, creator of the microblogging service, suggests that you can't make a call on a contender unless you give it a fighting chance.


  2. Until yesterday he had never been far from home, except for one trip to Aberdeen. Mr.


  3. Li -Ning is simply not confident that its current brand can stand up to its big Western competitors .


  4. When it was created, the corporation's power in some respects equalled or exceeded that of the state.


  5. But wherever he goes, there is always some tough kid who wants to try to beat him to the draw.


  6. For proving that the peoples of Arabia are perfectly capable of competing with Americans when it comes to foolish real estate speculation.


  7. So if I had been able to do the third lap then perhaps I was able to fight with them.


  8. Russia's tightly controlled political system will not allow any credible challenger to stand against him next March.


  9. The desire to compete with Apple is widespread among many companies in the tech sector.


  1. 约翰将在决赛时与汤姆一较高下。

    John will be matched against Tom in the semifinal.

  2. 她几乎能和任何一名选手一较高下。

    She can hold her own against almost any player.

  3. 我迫不及待地要下周和对手一较高下。

    I can't wait to fence against our rivals next week.

  4. 我迫不及待地要下周和对手一较高下。

    I can't wait to fence against our rivals next week.

  5. 他说他准备在高尔夫方面跟你一较高下?

    He said hes giving you a run for your money at golf

  6. 奥德托我们希望能在赛季中期同米德兰一较高下。

    DA We hope to be competing with Midland by midseason.

  7. 火狼有感飞鹰处处阻挠计划,遂下战书约飞鹰一较高下。

    The fire wolf has the feeling hawk everywhere to obstruct the plan, then under war declaration approximately hawk one high under.

  8. 我们在工作中竞争, 运动中一较高下, 甚至和朋友也会有比较。

    We compete at work and often in sport and even with our friends.

  9. 我必须和他一较长短。

    I have to play him off against each other.

  10. 英国人将全力以赴,一较高低。

    The British will be out to see how they stack up to the competition.

  11. 提高提升到一较高水平上升

    To raise to a higher levelupgrade.

  12. 工会正与雇主商订一较好的合约。

    The trade union is negotiating with the employers to get a better contract.

  13. 这种一较高低得念头就使你原形毕露了。

    The very idea of keeping up betrays you.

  14. 这种一较高低的念头就使你原形毕露了。

    The very idea of keeping up betrays you.

  15. 为适应这一较长的印刷过程, 新闻截稿提前了。

    To accommodate the longer press runs, deadlines for news have been pushed earlier.

  16. 但它在政府采购这一较具争议的领域正面临竞争。

    But GE is competing for business in some of the more controversial areas of public procurement.

  17. 二腹肌的有二个多内端,靠一较薄的腱状部分相连的。

    Having two fleshy ends connected by a thinner tendinous portion. Used of certain muscles.

  18. 这是长骨的骨肉瘤。骨皮质有一较大肿块并向外延伸。

    Here is an osteosarcoma of bone. The large, bulky mass arises in the cortex of the bone and extends outward.

  19. 另一种较常见的手势是招手。

    Another common gesture is that for beckoning.

  20. 目前本公司之维持费用已较一年前提高四成。

    Today our overheads are 40 per cent higher than a year ago.

  21. 保时捷当月的销量较一年前下降了一半,只有1,427辆。

    Porsche AGs sales fell by half last month from a year earlier, to 1, 425 vehicles.

  22. 他们生了双胞胎,不得不寻找一套较大的住房。

    The birth of twins put pressure on them to find a bigger flat.

  23. 我们用了一辆较车把汽车从沟里拽出来。

    We used a winch to hawl the car from the ditch.

  24. 这个孩子曾在一所较好的学校里受过教育。

    The child was trained up in a good school.

  25. 一星较大, 其外接圆直径为旗高310, 居左

    One star is bigger, it circumscribe a diameter as ensign Gao 310, reside left

  26. 若与其一争高下,却往往吃亏的是君子,得意的是小人。

    If its to compete against, but often lose the gentleman, proud of is the villain.

  27. 一词较文, 还可指不一定有固定收入的工作。

    Occupationbis more formal and is used additionally of work which may not provide a regular income.

  28. 茉莉本来选了一所较大的房子, 却被他婉言谢绝了。

    Molly chose a better house for him at first but he declined it with thanks.

  29. 押花需要一套较专业的工具模板, 干燥板, 海绵, 塑胶膜和白纸。

    Detain flower needs a more professional tool Pattern plate, dry board, sponge, plastic film and white paper.

  30. 哪一类炼钢法较常用呢

    Which process is more often used

