






1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……





汉语拼音:yǐ gǔ wéi jìng







  • 【解释】:借历史上的成败得失作为鉴戒。同“以古为鉴”。
  • 【出自】:《旧唐书·魏徵传》:“夫以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以古为镜,可以知兴替;以人为镜,可以明得失。”


  1. "Take ancient times as the mirror, we may know the prosperity and decline" which is a political motto in the Chinese traditional culture.


  1. 如将不尽,以古为新 试论诗品今译和英译的人称变换

    On shift of persons in the translation of The Poetic Realm

  2. 目得探讨以软性角膜接触镜矫正红绿色盲得可行性。

    Objective To explore the practicability of red green blindness correction with red soft contact lenses.

  3. 目的探讨以软性角膜接触镜矫正红绿色盲的可行性。

    Objective To explore the practicability of red green blindness correction with red soft contact lenses.

  4. 从鲸须以腹腔镜。

    From whalebone to laparoscope.

  5. 以湖南衡阳衡州大厦为镜鉴

    Take object lesson from Hengzhou Tower project of Hengyang Hunan

  6. 我常保此三镜, 以防己过。

    I often mirror the three security to prevent others too.

  7. 只是以更大胆的一面上镜做一些私人的在线互动。

    Just private onscreen interactions Of a. racier nature.

  8. 一个原则,以达到这个目标,是避免镜像对称。

    One principle to achieve this is to avoid mirror symmetry.

  9. 以鳞癌为主的青年人肺癌纤支镜检查分析

    Fibrobronchoscopic observation of squamous cell carcinoma as the leading subtype in young patients with lung cancer

  10. 对于一般培训综合可靠性为0。95,以扫描电镜的0。23。

    For General Training the composite reliability was 0. 95 with a SEM of 0. 21.

  11. 推荐在手术中并用内镜控制以避免损伤黏膜。

    Endoscopic control with rendezvous technique during the operation is recommended to avoid mucosal injury.

  12. 数据库镜像可与复制一起使用以确保发布数据库可用。

    Defined by the application and used in conjunction with connector applications or message encryption.

  13. 这使辩论变得敌对。如同以偏振镜来看问题。

    It makes it adversarial. It's polarizing.

  14. 高倍镜下,可见以嗜中性粒细胞渗出为主得肺泡。

    At high magnification,the alveolar exudate of mainly neutrophils is seen.

  15. 高倍镜下,可见以嗜中性粒细胞渗出为主的肺泡。

    At high magnification, the alveolar exudate of mainly neutrophils is seen.

  16. 点击以选定你想要运行或者是压缩的光盘镜像。

    Click Select Iso to select the game image you want to runcompress.

  17. 有条件可作腹腔镜及剖腹探查,以进一步明确诊断。

    Conditional can be used for laparoscopy and laparotomy in order to further clarify the diagnosis.

  18. 以十二指肠镜为主治疗高龄结石性急性胆管炎

    Management of calculous acute cholangitis predominantly under duodenoscope in senile patients

  19. 同时, 这些人还戴着护目镜, 以阻挡来自外界的光线。

    They wore goggles to block outside light.

  20. 方法50例55岁以上行结肠镜检查的患者,随机分为两组。

    Method 50 patients above 55 years of age undergoing colonoscopy were randomly allocated to 2 groups.

  21. 方法50例55岁以上行结肠镜检查得患者,随机分为两组。

    Method 50 patients above 55 years of age undergoing colonoscopy were randomly allocated to 0 groups.

  22. 腹腔镜手术辅以补肾化痰中药治疗多囊卵巢综合征

    Effect of Operation Under Celioscopy Combined with Kidney Tonifying and Phlegm Removing Herbal Medicine for Polycystic Ovarian Disease Syndrome

  23. 以直达式喉镜发现声门狭窄与广泛性溃疡坏死组识。

    Direct laryngoscopy revealed narrowing of the glottis with diffuse ulcerative necrotic tissue.

  24. 为了计算出射光瞳, 可将孔径除以目镜的放大倍数。

    To calculate exit pupil, divide the aperture by the power of the eyepiece being used.

  25. 激光转镜以扫描方式将激光束聚焦扫描成线状光斑。

    Laser rotating mirror scans the focused laser beam into lineation facula.

  26. 本文就此叙述了变形镜面形的设计,以得到指定形状的光斑。

    This paper discusses the design of deformable mirror in order to obtain special facula.

  27. 改进技术和控制,以减少光栅和反射镜的斜率误差和粗糙度。

    Technical amelioration and control improvement to reduce grating and mirror slope error and roughness.

  28. 因此由检偏振镜透射出来的光将以红光为主,吐粉红色。

    The light transmitted the analyzer will therefore predominate in red and will have a pinkish hue.

  29. 内镜下形态以纵行条状粗大皱襞多见,弧形,类圆形次之。

    The frequent HGF morphology was longitudinal institia shaped, halfmoon and unrepresentative round.

  30. 本文将以具体产品为例。分析光学常数对折射物镜的影响。

    The influence of optical constants on catadioptric objective is analysed by taking an product for example.

